Data types#
data types
DUTInfo stores the part number, the serial number, and any additional information relevant to the DUT. |
A class which classes that perform file read and writes inherit from. |
A base class to inherit from if the class you're building inside AutoSweep needs to perform disk or disk-like IO. |
A MetaNum is any alphanumeric string or int that is used to represent a specific value with fixed formatting |
The representation of a part number with a revision. |
The representation of a serial number. |
Contains the details of the station configuration, including where to save data and which instruments are present and how to connect to them. |
A TimeStamp is a simple object based on python's datetime which is used to represent dates and times in a convenient way for AutoSweep. |
Classes and functions for construction and manipulation of geometric objects.
The base class for every instrument that is managed by the instrument manager. |
The instrument manager is used by the TestExec to initialize instruments before passing them onto each test step. |
A class used to manipulate test data, usually taken as a sweep (IV, laser power meter, etc.). |
A class which wraps some matplotlib functionality in order to speed-up plotting within tests. |
With raw data saved in JSON form, this function parses the data |
Converts a set of raw data to JSON format. |