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Troubleshooting klive

If klive stays in the red state, it can help to either open klayout from a terminal to receive stdout and stderror message or the same can be done bey opening the macro editor under Macros -> Macro Development (or by pressing [F5]).

In the editor, go to the python section on the left and look for the "Package klive" folder and open the klive script. Run it with the "Run scrip from current tab" (or [Shift + F5]). Make sure to switch the Console on the bottom to python. If you don't get an error message or don't see a "klive 0.3.3 is running", klive is not running. If you cannot debug your problem, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub.

It can be useful to inspect the network connections to find whether klive is running. For example with netstat you can check whether klayout has a port open that is listening


$ netstat -tupna | grep 8082
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      543559/klayout 



netstat -na | find "8082"


netstat -na | Select-String "8082"