Cells Si SOI 220nm


Cells Si SOI 220nm#


cspdk.si220.cells.add_fiber_array_sc(component: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'straight_sc', grating_coupler='grating_coupler_elliptical_sc', gc_port_name: str = 'o1', component_name: str | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc', gc_rotation: float = -90, **kwargs) Component[source]#

Returns component with south routes and grating_couplers.

You can also use pads or other terminations instead of grating couplers.

  • component – component spec to connect to grating couplers.

  • grating_coupler – spec for route terminations.

  • gc_port_name – grating coupler input port name.

  • component_name – optional for the label.

  • cross_section – cross_section function.

  • gc_rotation – fiber coupler rotation in degrees. Defaults to -90.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

Keyword Arguments:
  • bend – bend spec.

  • straight – straight spec.

  • fanout_length – if None, automatic calculation of fanout length.

  • max_y0_optical – in um.

  • with_loopback – True, adds loopback structures.

  • with_loopback_inside – True, adds loopback structures inside the component.

  • straight_separation – from edge to edge.

  • list_port_labels – None, adds TM labels to port indices in this list.

  • connected_port_list_ids – names of ports only for type 0 optical routing.

  • nb_optical_ports_lines – number of grating coupler lines.

  • force_manhattan – False

  • excluded_ports – list of port names to exclude when adding gratings.

  • grating_indices – list of grating coupler indices.

  • routing_straight – function to route.

  • routing_method – route_single.

  • optical_routing_type – None: auto, 0: no extension, 1: standard, 2: check.

  • input_port_indexes – to connect.

  • fiber_spacing – in um.

  • radius – optional radius of the bend. Defaults to the cross_section.

  • radius_loopback – optional radius of the loopback bend. Defaults to the cross_section.

  • route_backwards – route from component to grating coupler or vice-versa.

import gdsfactory as gf

c = gf.components.crossing()
cc = gf.routing.add_fiber_array(

(Source code)

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.add_fiber_array_sc(component='straight_sc', grating_coupler='grating_coupler_elliptical_sc', gc_port_name='o1', cross_section='xs_sc', gc_rotation=-90)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.add_fiber_array_so(*, component: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'straight_so', grating_coupler='grating_coupler_elliptical_so', gc_port_name: str = 'o1', component_name: str | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so', gc_rotation: float = -90, **kwargs) Component#

Returns component with south routes and grating_couplers.

You can also use pads or other terminations instead of grating couplers.

  • component – component spec to connect to grating couplers.

  • grating_coupler – spec for route terminations.

  • gc_port_name – grating coupler input port name.

  • component_name – optional for the label.

  • cross_section – cross_section function.

  • gc_rotation – fiber coupler rotation in degrees. Defaults to -90.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

Keyword Arguments:
  • bend – bend spec.

  • straight – straight spec.

  • fanout_length – if None, automatic calculation of fanout length.

  • max_y0_optical – in um.

  • with_loopback – True, adds loopback structures.

  • with_loopback_inside – True, adds loopback structures inside the component.

  • straight_separation – from edge to edge.

  • list_port_labels – None, adds TM labels to port indices in this list.

  • connected_port_list_ids – names of ports only for type 0 optical routing.

  • nb_optical_ports_lines – number of grating coupler lines.

  • force_manhattan – False

  • excluded_ports – list of port names to exclude when adding gratings.

  • grating_indices – list of grating coupler indices.

  • routing_straight – function to route.

  • routing_method – route_single.

  • optical_routing_type – None: auto, 0: no extension, 1: standard, 2: check.

  • input_port_indexes – to connect.

  • fiber_spacing – in um.

  • radius – optional radius of the bend. Defaults to the cross_section.

  • radius_loopback – optional radius of the loopback bend. Defaults to the cross_section.

  • route_backwards – route from component to grating coupler or vice-versa.

import gdsfactory as gf

c = gf.components.crossing()
cc = gf.routing.add_fiber_array(

(Source code)

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.add_fiber_array_so(component='straight_so', grating_coupler='grating_coupler_elliptical_so', gc_port_name='o1', cross_section='xs_so', gc_rotation=-90)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.add_fiber_single_sc(component: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'straight_sc', grating_coupler='grating_coupler_elliptical_sc', gc_port_name: str = 'o1', component_name: str | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc', taper: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell | None = None, input_port_names: list[str] | tuple[str, ...] | None = None, fiber_spacing: float = 70, with_loopback: bool = True, loopback_spacing: float = 100.0, **kwargs) Component[source]#

Returns component with south routes and grating_couplers.

You can also use pads or other terminations instead of grating couplers.

  • component – component spec to connect to grating couplers.

  • grating_coupler – spec for route terminations.

  • gc_port_name – grating coupler input port name.

  • component_name – optional for the label.

  • cross_section – cross_section function.

  • taper – taper spec.

  • input_port_names – list of input port names to connect to grating couplers.

  • fiber_spacing – spacing between fibers.

  • with_loopback – adds loopback structures.

  • loopback_spacing – spacing between loopback and test structure.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

Keyword Arguments:
  • bend – bend spec.

  • straight – straight spec.

  • fanout_length – if None, automatic calculation of fanout length.

  • max_y0_optical – in um.

  • with_loopback – True, adds loopback structures.

  • straight_separation – from edge to edge.

  • list_port_labels – None, adds TM labels to port indices in this list.

  • connected_port_list_ids – names of ports only for type 0 optical routing.

  • nb_optical_ports_lines – number of grating coupler lines.

  • force_manhattan – False

  • excluded_ports – list of port names to exclude when adding gratings.

  • grating_indices – list of grating coupler indices.

  • routing_straight – function to route.

  • routing_method – route_single.

  • optical_routing_type – None: auto, 0: no extension, 1: standard, 2: check.

  • gc_rotation – fiber coupler rotation in degrees. Defaults to -90.

  • input_port_indexes – to connect.

import gdsfactory as gf

c = gf.components.crossing()
cc = gf.routing.add_fiber_array(

(Source code)

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.add_fiber_single_sc(component='straight_sc', grating_coupler='grating_coupler_elliptical_sc', gc_port_name='o1', cross_section='xs_sc', fiber_spacing=70, with_loopback=True, loopback_spacing=100.0)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.add_fiber_single_so(*, component: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'straight_so', grating_coupler='grating_coupler_elliptical_so', gc_port_name: str = 'o1', component_name: str | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so', taper: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell | None = None, input_port_names: list[str] | tuple[str, ...] | None = None, fiber_spacing: float = 70, with_loopback: bool = True, loopback_spacing: float = 100.0, **kwargs) Component#

Returns component with south routes and grating_couplers.

You can also use pads or other terminations instead of grating couplers.

  • component – component spec to connect to grating couplers.

  • grating_coupler – spec for route terminations.

  • gc_port_name – grating coupler input port name.

  • component_name – optional for the label.

  • cross_section – cross_section function.

  • taper – taper spec.

  • input_port_names – list of input port names to connect to grating couplers.

  • fiber_spacing – spacing between fibers.

  • with_loopback – adds loopback structures.

  • loopback_spacing – spacing between loopback and test structure.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

Keyword Arguments:
  • bend – bend spec.

  • straight – straight spec.

  • fanout_length – if None, automatic calculation of fanout length.

  • max_y0_optical – in um.

  • with_loopback – True, adds loopback structures.

  • straight_separation – from edge to edge.

  • list_port_labels – None, adds TM labels to port indices in this list.

  • connected_port_list_ids – names of ports only for type 0 optical routing.

  • nb_optical_ports_lines – number of grating coupler lines.

  • force_manhattan – False

  • excluded_ports – list of port names to exclude when adding gratings.

  • grating_indices – list of grating coupler indices.

  • routing_straight – function to route.

  • routing_method – route_single.

  • optical_routing_type – None: auto, 0: no extension, 1: standard, 2: check.

  • gc_rotation – fiber coupler rotation in degrees. Defaults to -90.

  • input_port_indexes – to connect.

import gdsfactory as gf

c = gf.components.crossing()
cc = gf.routing.add_fiber_array(

(Source code)

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.add_fiber_single_so(component='straight_so', grating_coupler='grating_coupler_elliptical_so', gc_port_name='o1', cross_section='xs_so', fiber_spacing=70, with_loopback=True, loopback_spacing=100.0)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.add_pads_top(component: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'straight_heater_metal_sc', port_names: tuple[str, ...] | None = None, component_name: str | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'metal_routing', pad_port_name: str = 'e1', pad: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'pad', bend: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'wire_corner', straight_separation: float = 15.0, pad_spacing: float | str = 'pad_spacing', taper: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell | None = None, port_type: str = 'electrical', allow_width_mismatch: bool = True, fanout_length: float | None = 80, route_width: float | list[float] | None = 0, **kwargs) Component[source]#

Returns new component with ports connected top pads.

  • component – component spec to connect to.

  • port_names – list of port names to connect to pads.

  • component_name – optional for the label.

  • cross_section – cross_section function.

  • pad_port_name – pad port name.

  • pad – pad function.

  • bend – bend function.

  • straight_separation – from edge to edge.

  • pad_spacing – spacing between pads.

  • taper – taper function.

  • port_type – port type.

  • allow_width_mismatch – if True, allows width mismatch.

  • fanout_length – length of the fanout.

  • route_width – width of the route.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

import gdsfactory as gf
c = gf.c.nxn(
cc = gf.routing.add_pads_top(component=c, port_names=("e1", "e4"), fanout_length=50)

(Source code)

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.add_pads_top(component='straight_heater_metal_sc', cross_section='metal_routing', pad_port_name='e1', pad='pad', bend='wire_corner', straight_separation=15.0, pad_spacing='pad_spacing', port_type='electrical', allow_width_mismatch=True, fanout_length=80, route_width=0)

(Source code)


cspdk.si220.cells.array(component='pad', spacing: tuple[float, float] = (150.0, 150.0), columns: int = 6, rows: int = 1, add_ports: bool = True, size=None, centered: bool = False) Component[source]#

An array of components.

  • component – the component of which to create an array

  • spacing – the x and y spacing by which to place the component

  • columns – the number of components to place in the x-direction

  • rows – the number of components to place in the y-direction

  • add_ports – add ports to the component

  • size – Optional x, y size. Overrides columns and rows.

  • centered – center the array around the origin.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.array(component='pad', spacing=(150.0, 150.0), columns=6, rows=1, add_ports=True, centered=False)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.bend_euler_rc(radius: float | None = None, angle: float = 90.0, p: float = 0.5, width: float | None = None, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_rc') Component#

An euler bend.

  • radius – the effective radius of the bend.

  • angle – the angle of the bend (usually 90 degrees).

  • p – the fraction of the bend that’s represented by a polar bend.

  • width – the width of the waveguide forming the bend.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.bend_euler_rc(angle=90.0, p=0.5, cross_section='xs_rc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.bend_euler_ro(radius: float | None = None, angle: float = 90.0, p: float = 0.5, width: float | None = None, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_ro') Component#

An euler bend.

  • radius – the effective radius of the bend.

  • angle – the angle of the bend (usually 90 degrees).

  • p – the fraction of the bend that’s represented by a polar bend.

  • width – the width of the waveguide forming the bend.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.bend_euler_ro(angle=90.0, p=0.5, cross_section='xs_ro')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.bend_euler_sc(radius: float | None = None, angle: float = 90.0, p: float = 0.5, width: float | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component[source]#

An euler bend.

  • radius – the effective radius of the bend.

  • angle – the angle of the bend (usually 90 degrees).

  • p – the fraction of the bend that’s represented by a polar bend.

  • width – the width of the waveguide forming the bend.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.bend_euler_sc(angle=90.0, p=0.5, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.bend_euler_so(radius: float | None = None, angle: float = 90.0, p: float = 0.5, width: float | None = None, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so') Component#

An euler bend.

  • radius – the effective radius of the bend.

  • angle – the angle of the bend (usually 90 degrees).

  • p – the fraction of the bend that’s represented by a polar bend.

  • width – the width of the waveguide forming the bend.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.bend_euler_so(angle=90.0, p=0.5, cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.bend_metal(radius: float | None = None, angle: float = 90.0, p: float = 0.5, width: float | None = None, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'metal_routing') Component#

An euler bend.

  • radius – the effective radius of the bend.

  • angle – the angle of the bend (usually 90 degrees).

  • p – the fraction of the bend that’s represented by a polar bend.

  • width – the width of the waveguide forming the bend.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.bend_metal(angle=90.0, p=0.5, cross_section='metal_routing')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.bend_s(size: tuple[float, float] = (11.0, 1.8), cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc', **kwargs) Component[source]#

An S-bend.

  • size – the width and height of the s-bend

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the bend_s function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.bend_s(size=(11.0, 1.8), cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.coupler(gap: float = 0.234, length: float = 20.0, dy: float = 4.0, dx: float = 10.0, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component[source]#

A coupler.

a coupler is a 2x2 splitter

  • gap – the gap between the waveguides forming the straight part of the coupler

  • length – the length of the coupler

  • dy – the height of the s-bend

  • dx – the length of the s-bend

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.coupler(gap=0.234, length=20.0, dy=4.0, dx=10.0, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_rc(gap: float = 0.234, length: float = 20.0, *, dy: float = 4.0, dx: float = 15, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_rc') Component#

A coupler.

a coupler is a 2x2 splitter

  • gap – the gap between the waveguides forming the straight part of the coupler

  • length – the length of the coupler

  • dy – the height of the s-bend

  • dx – the length of the s-bend

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_rc(gap=0.234, length=20.0, dy=4.0, dx=15, cross_section='xs_rc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_ring_sc(gap: float = 0.2, radius: float = 5.0, length_x: float = 4.0, bend: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'bend_euler_sc', straight: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'straight_sc', cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc', cross_section_bend: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition | None = None, length_extension: float = 3) Component[source]#

Coupler for ring.

  • gap – spacing between parallel coupled straight waveguides.

  • radius – of the bends.

  • length_x – length of the parallel coupled straight waveguides.

  • bend – 90 degrees bend spec.

  • straight – straight spec.

  • cross_section – cross_section spec.

  • cross_section_bend – optional bend cross_section spec.

  • length_extension – for the ports.

  o2            o3
   |             |
    \           /
     \         /
o1    length_x   o4
import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_ring_sc(gap=0.2, radius=5.0, length_x=4.0, bend='bend_euler_sc', straight='straight_sc', cross_section='xs_sc', length_extension=3)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_ring_so(gap: float = 0.2, radius: float = 5.0, length_x: float = 4.0, *, bend: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'bend_euler_so', straight: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'straight_so', cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so', cross_section_bend: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition | None = None, length_extension: float = 3) Component#

Coupler for ring.

  • gap – spacing between parallel coupled straight waveguides.

  • radius – of the bends.

  • length_x – length of the parallel coupled straight waveguides.

  • bend – 90 degrees bend spec.

  • straight – straight spec.

  • cross_section – cross_section spec.

  • cross_section_bend – optional bend cross_section spec.

  • length_extension – for the ports.

  o2            o3
   |             |
    \           /
     \         /
o1    length_x   o4
import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_ring_so(gap=0.2, radius=5.0, length_x=4.0, bend='bend_euler_so', straight='straight_so', cross_section='xs_so', length_extension=3)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_ro(gap: float = 0.234, length: float = 20.0, *, dy: float = 4.0, dx: float = 15, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_ro') Component#

A coupler.

a coupler is a 2x2 splitter

  • gap – the gap between the waveguides forming the straight part of the coupler

  • length – the length of the coupler

  • dy – the height of the s-bend

  • dx – the length of the s-bend

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_ro(gap=0.234, length=20.0, dy=4.0, dx=15, cross_section='xs_ro')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_sc(gap: float = 0.234, length: float = 20.0, dy: float = 4.0, dx: float = 10.0, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component#

A coupler.

a coupler is a 2x2 splitter

  • gap – the gap between the waveguides forming the straight part of the coupler

  • length – the length of the coupler

  • dy – the height of the s-bend

  • dx – the length of the s-bend

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_sc(gap=0.234, length=20.0, dy=4.0, dx=10.0, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_so(gap: float = 0.234, length: float = 20.0, dy: float = 4.0, dx: float = 10.0, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so') Component#

A coupler.

a coupler is a 2x2 splitter

  • gap – the gap between the waveguides forming the straight part of the coupler

  • length – the length of the coupler

  • dy – the height of the s-bend

  • dx – the length of the s-bend

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_so(gap=0.234, length=20.0, dy=4.0, dx=10.0, cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_straight(length: float = 20.0, gap: float = 0.27, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component[source]#

The straight part of a coupler.

  • length – the length of the straight part of the coupler

  • gap – the gap between the waveguides forming the straight part of the coupler

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_straight(length=20.0, gap=0.27, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_symmetric(gap: float = 0.234, dy: float = 4.0, dx: float = 10.0, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component[source]#

The part of the coupler that diverges away from each other with s-bends.

  • gap – the gap between the s-bends when closest together

  • dy – the height of the s-bend

  • dx – the length of the s-bend

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.coupler_symmetric(gap=0.234, dy=4.0, dx=10.0, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.crossing_rc() Component[source]#

SOI220nm_1550nm_TE_RIB_Waveguide_Crossing fixed cell.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.crossing_rc()

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.crossing_sc() Component[source]#

SOI220nm_1550nm_TE_STRIP_Waveguide_Crossing fixed cell.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.crossing_sc()

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.crossing_so() Component[source]#

SOI220nm_1310nm_TE_STRIP_Waveguide_Crossing fixed cell.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.crossing_so()

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.die(cross_section='xs_sc') Component[source]#

A die template.


cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.die(cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.die_rc(*, cross_section='xs_rc') Component#

A die template.


cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.die_rc(cross_section='xs_rc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.die_ro(*, cross_section='xs_ro') Component#

A die template.


cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.die_ro(cross_section='xs_ro')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.die_sc(*, cross_section='xs_sc') Component#

A die template.


cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.die_sc(cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.die_so(*, cross_section='xs_so') Component#

A die template.


cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.die_so(cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_array(pitch: float = 127.0, n: int = 6, centered=True, grating_coupler=None, port_name='o1', with_loopback=False, rotation=-90, straight_to_grating_spacing=10.0, cross_section='xs_sc') Component[source]#

An array of grating couplers.

  • pitch – the pitch of the grating couplers

  • n – the number of grating couplers

  • centered – if True, centers the array around the origin.

  • grating_coupler – the name of the grating coupler to use in the array.

  • port_name – port name

  • with_loopback – if True, adds a loopback between edge GCs. Only works for rotation = 90 for now.

  • rotation – rotation angle for each reference.

  • straight_to_grating_spacing – spacing between the last grating coupler and the loopback.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_array(pitch=127.0, n=6, centered=True, port_name='o1', with_loopback=False, rotation=-90, straight_to_grating_spacing=10.0, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_elliptical(wavelength: float = 1.55, grating_line_width=0.315, cross_section='xs_sc') Component[source]#

A grating coupler with curved but parallel teeth.

  • wavelength – the center wavelength for which the grating is designed

  • grating_line_width – the line width of the grating

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_elliptical(wavelength=1.55, grating_line_width=0.315, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_elliptical_sc(*, wavelength: float = 1.55, grating_line_width=0.315, cross_section='xs_sc') Component#

A grating coupler with curved but parallel teeth.

  • wavelength – the center wavelength for which the grating is designed

  • grating_line_width – the line width of the grating

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_elliptical_sc(wavelength=1.55, grating_line_width=0.315, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_elliptical_so(*, wavelength: float = 1.31, grating_line_width=0.25, cross_section='xs_so') Component#

A grating coupler with curved but parallel teeth.

  • wavelength – the center wavelength for which the grating is designed

  • grating_line_width – the line width of the grating

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_elliptical_so(wavelength=1.31, grating_line_width=0.25, cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_rectangular(period=0.63, n_periods: int = 30, length_taper: float = 350.0, wavelength: float = 1.55, cross_section='xs_sc') Component[source]#

A grating coupler with straight and parallel teeth.

  • period – the period of the grating

  • n_periods – the number of grating teeth

  • length_taper – the length of the taper tapering up to the grating

  • wavelength – the center wavelength for which the grating is designed

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_rectangular(period=0.63, n_periods=30, length_taper=350.0, wavelength=1.55, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_rectangular_rc(*, period=0.5, n_periods: int = 60, length_taper: float = 350.0, wavelength: float = 1.55, cross_section='xs_rc') Component#

A grating coupler with straight and parallel teeth.

  • period – the period of the grating

  • n_periods – the number of grating teeth

  • length_taper – the length of the taper tapering up to the grating

  • wavelength – the center wavelength for which the grating is designed

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_rectangular_rc(period=0.5, n_periods=60, length_taper=350.0, wavelength=1.55, cross_section='xs_rc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_rectangular_ro(*, period=0.5, n_periods: int = 80, length_taper: float = 350.0, wavelength: float = 1.55, cross_section='xs_ro') Component#

A grating coupler with straight and parallel teeth.

  • period – the period of the grating

  • n_periods – the number of grating teeth

  • length_taper – the length of the taper tapering up to the grating

  • wavelength – the center wavelength for which the grating is designed

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_rectangular_ro(period=0.5, n_periods=80, length_taper=350.0, wavelength=1.55, cross_section='xs_ro')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_rectangular_sc(period=0.63, *, n_periods: int = 60, length_taper: float = 350.0, wavelength: float = 1.55, cross_section='xs_sc') Component#

A grating coupler with straight and parallel teeth.

  • period – the period of the grating

  • n_periods – the number of grating teeth

  • length_taper – the length of the taper tapering up to the grating

  • wavelength – the center wavelength for which the grating is designed

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_rectangular_sc(period=0.63, n_periods=60, length_taper=350.0, wavelength=1.55, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_rectangular_so(*, period=0.5, n_periods: int = 80, length_taper: float = 350.0, wavelength: float = 1.31, cross_section='xs_so') Component#

A grating coupler with straight and parallel teeth.

  • period – the period of the grating

  • n_periods – the number of grating teeth

  • length_taper – the length of the taper tapering up to the grating

  • wavelength – the center wavelength for which the grating is designed

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.grating_coupler_rectangular_so(period=0.5, n_periods=80, length_taper=350.0, wavelength=1.31, cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.heater() Component[source]#

Heater fixed cell.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.heater()

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mmi1x2(width: float | None = None, width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi: float = 5.5, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi: float = 0.25, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component[source]#

An mmi1x2.

An mmi1x2 is a splitter that splits a single input to two outputs

  • width – the width of the waveguides connecting at the mmi ports.

  • width_taper – the width at the base of the mmi body.

  • length_taper – the length of the tapers going towards the mmi body.

  • length_mmi – the length of the mmi body.

  • width_mmi – the width of the mmi body.

  • gap_mmi – the gap between the tapers at the mmi body.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mmi1x2(width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi=5.5, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi=0.25, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mmi1x2_rc(width: float | None = None, width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, *, length_mmi: float = 32.7, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi: float = 1.64, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_rc') Component#

An mmi1x2.

An mmi1x2 is a splitter that splits a single input to two outputs

  • width – the width of the waveguides connecting at the mmi ports.

  • width_taper – the width at the base of the mmi body.

  • length_taper – the length of the tapers going towards the mmi body.

  • length_mmi – the length of the mmi body.

  • width_mmi – the width of the mmi body.

  • gap_mmi – the gap between the tapers at the mmi body.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mmi1x2_rc(width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi=32.7, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi=1.64, cross_section='xs_rc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mmi1x2_ro(width: float | None = None, width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, *, length_mmi: float = 40.8, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi: float = 1.55, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_ro') Component#

An mmi1x2.

An mmi1x2 is a splitter that splits a single input to two outputs

  • width – the width of the waveguides connecting at the mmi ports.

  • width_taper – the width at the base of the mmi body.

  • length_taper – the length of the tapers going towards the mmi body.

  • length_mmi – the length of the mmi body.

  • width_mmi – the width of the mmi body.

  • gap_mmi – the gap between the tapers at the mmi body.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mmi1x2_ro(width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi=40.8, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi=1.55, cross_section='xs_ro')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mmi1x2_sc(width: float | None = None, width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, *, length_mmi: float = 31.8, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi: float = 1.64, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component#

An mmi1x2.

An mmi1x2 is a splitter that splits a single input to two outputs

  • width – the width of the waveguides connecting at the mmi ports.

  • width_taper – the width at the base of the mmi body.

  • length_taper – the length of the tapers going towards the mmi body.

  • length_mmi – the length of the mmi body.

  • width_mmi – the width of the mmi body.

  • gap_mmi – the gap between the tapers at the mmi body.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mmi1x2_sc(width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi=31.8, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi=1.64, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mmi1x2_so(width: float | None = None, width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, *, length_mmi: float = 40.1, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi: float = 1.55, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so') Component#

An mmi1x2.

An mmi1x2 is a splitter that splits a single input to two outputs

  • width – the width of the waveguides connecting at the mmi ports.

  • width_taper – the width at the base of the mmi body.

  • length_taper – the length of the tapers going towards the mmi body.

  • length_mmi – the length of the mmi body.

  • width_mmi – the width of the mmi body.

  • gap_mmi – the gap between the tapers at the mmi body.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mmi1x2_so(width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi=40.1, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi=1.55, cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mmi2x2(width: float | None = None, width_taper: float = 1.5, length_taper: float = 20.0, length_mmi: float = 5.5, width_mmi: float = 6.0, gap_mmi: float = 0.25, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component[source]#

An mmi2x2.

An mmi2x2 is a 2x2 splitter

  • width – the width of the waveguides connecting at the mmi ports

  • width_taper – the width at the base of the mmi body

  • length_taper – the length of the tapers going towards the mmi body

  • length_mmi – the length of the mmi body

  • width_mmi – the width of the mmi body

  • gap_mmi – the gap between the tapers at the mmi body

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mmi2x2(width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi=5.5, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi=0.25, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mmi2x2_rc(width: float | None = None, width_taper: float = 1.5, length_taper: float = 20.0, *, length_mmi: float = 44.8, width_mmi: float = 6.0, gap_mmi: float = 0.53, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_rc') Component#

An mmi2x2.

An mmi2x2 is a 2x2 splitter

  • width – the width of the waveguides connecting at the mmi ports

  • width_taper – the width at the base of the mmi body

  • length_taper – the length of the tapers going towards the mmi body

  • length_mmi – the length of the mmi body

  • width_mmi – the width of the mmi body

  • gap_mmi – the gap between the tapers at the mmi body

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mmi2x2_rc(width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi=44.8, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi=0.53, cross_section='xs_rc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mmi2x2_ro(width: float | None = None, width_taper: float = 1.5, length_taper: float = 20.0, *, length_mmi: float = 55.0, width_mmi: float = 6.0, gap_mmi: float = 0.53, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_ro') Component#

An mmi2x2.

An mmi2x2 is a 2x2 splitter

  • width – the width of the waveguides connecting at the mmi ports

  • width_taper – the width at the base of the mmi body

  • length_taper – the length of the tapers going towards the mmi body

  • length_mmi – the length of the mmi body

  • width_mmi – the width of the mmi body

  • gap_mmi – the gap between the tapers at the mmi body

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mmi2x2_ro(width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi=55.0, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi=0.53, cross_section='xs_ro')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mmi2x2_sc(width: float | None = None, width_taper: float = 1.5, length_taper: float = 20.0, *, length_mmi: float = 42.5, width_mmi: float = 6.0, gap_mmi: float = 0.5, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component#

An mmi2x2.

An mmi2x2 is a 2x2 splitter

  • width – the width of the waveguides connecting at the mmi ports

  • width_taper – the width at the base of the mmi body

  • length_taper – the length of the tapers going towards the mmi body

  • length_mmi – the length of the mmi body

  • width_mmi – the width of the mmi body

  • gap_mmi – the gap between the tapers at the mmi body

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mmi2x2_sc(width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi=42.5, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi=0.5, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mmi2x2_so(width: float | None = None, width_taper: float = 1.5, length_taper: float = 20.0, *, length_mmi: float = 53.5, width_mmi: float = 6.0, gap_mmi: float = 0.53, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so') Component#

An mmi2x2.

An mmi2x2 is a 2x2 splitter

  • width – the width of the waveguides connecting at the mmi ports

  • width_taper – the width at the base of the mmi body

  • length_taper – the length of the tapers going towards the mmi body

  • length_mmi – the length of the mmi body

  • width_mmi – the width of the mmi body

  • gap_mmi – the gap between the tapers at the mmi body

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mmi2x2_so(width_taper=1.5, length_taper=20.0, length_mmi=53.5, width_mmi=6.0, gap_mmi=0.53, cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mzi(delta_length: float = 10.0, bend='bend_euler_sc', straight='straight_sc', splitter='mmi1x2_sc', combiner='mmi2x2_sc', cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component[source]#

A Mach-Zehnder Interferometer.

  • delta_length – the difference in length between the upper and lower arms of the mzi

  • bend – the name of the default bend of the mzi

  • straight – the name of the default straight of the mzi

  • splitter – the name of the default splitter of the mzi

  • combiner – the name of the default combiner of the mzi

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mzi(delta_length=10.0, bend='bend_euler_sc', straight='straight_sc', splitter='mmi1x2_sc', combiner='mmi2x2_sc', cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mzi_rc(delta_length: float = 10.0, *, bend='bend_euler_rc', straight='straight_rc', splitter='mmi1x2_rc', combiner='mmi2x2_rc', cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_rc') Component#

A Mach-Zehnder Interferometer.

  • delta_length – the difference in length between the upper and lower arms of the mzi

  • bend – the name of the default bend of the mzi

  • straight – the name of the default straight of the mzi

  • splitter – the name of the default splitter of the mzi

  • combiner – the name of the default combiner of the mzi

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mzi_rc(delta_length=10.0, bend='bend_euler_rc', straight='straight_rc', splitter='mmi1x2_rc', combiner='mmi2x2_rc', cross_section='xs_rc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mzi_ro(delta_length: float = 10.0, *, bend='bend_euler_ro', straight='straight_ro', splitter='mmi1x2_ro', combiner='mmi2x2_ro', cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_ro') Component#

A Mach-Zehnder Interferometer.

  • delta_length – the difference in length between the upper and lower arms of the mzi

  • bend – the name of the default bend of the mzi

  • straight – the name of the default straight of the mzi

  • splitter – the name of the default splitter of the mzi

  • combiner – the name of the default combiner of the mzi

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mzi_ro(delta_length=10.0, bend='bend_euler_ro', straight='straight_ro', splitter='mmi1x2_ro', combiner='mmi2x2_ro', cross_section='xs_ro')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mzi_sc(delta_length: float = 10.0, *, bend='bend_euler_sc', straight='straight_sc', splitter='mmi1x2_sc', combiner='mmi2x2_sc', cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component#

A Mach-Zehnder Interferometer.

  • delta_length – the difference in length between the upper and lower arms of the mzi

  • bend – the name of the default bend of the mzi

  • straight – the name of the default straight of the mzi

  • splitter – the name of the default splitter of the mzi

  • combiner – the name of the default combiner of the mzi

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mzi_sc(delta_length=10.0, bend='bend_euler_sc', straight='straight_sc', splitter='mmi1x2_sc', combiner='mmi2x2_sc', cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.mzi_so(delta_length: float = 10.0, *, bend='bend_euler_so', straight='straight_so', splitter='mmi1x2_so', combiner='mmi2x2_so', cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so') Component#

A Mach-Zehnder Interferometer.

  • delta_length – the difference in length between the upper and lower arms of the mzi

  • bend – the name of the default bend of the mzi

  • straight – the name of the default straight of the mzi

  • splitter – the name of the default splitter of the mzi

  • combiner – the name of the default combiner of the mzi

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.mzi_so(delta_length=10.0, bend='bend_euler_so', straight='straight_so', splitter='mmi1x2_so', combiner='mmi2x2_so', cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.pack_doe(doe: ComponentSpec, settings: dict[str, tuple[Any, ...]], do_permutations: bool = False, function: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs) Component[source]#

Packs a component DOE (Design of Experiment) using pack.

  • doe – function to return Components.

  • settings – component settings.

  • do_permutations – for each setting.

  • function – to apply (add padding, grating couplers).

  • kwargs – for pack.

Keyword Arguments:
  • spacing – Minimum distance between adjacent shapes.

  • aspect_ratio – (width, height) ratio of the rectangular bin.

  • max_size – Limits the size into which the shapes will be packed.

  • sort_by_area – Pre-sorts the shapes by area.

  • density – Values closer to 1 pack tighter but require more computation.

  • precision – Desired precision for rounding vertex coordinates.

  • text – Optional function to add text labels.

  • text_prefix – for labels. For example. ‘A’ for ‘A1’, ‘A2’…

  • text_offsets – relative to component size info anchor. Defaults to center.

  • text_anchors – relative to component (ce cw nc ne nw sc se sw center cc).

  • name_prefix – for each packed component (avoids the Unnamed cells warning). Note that the suffix contains a uuid so the name will not be deterministic.

  • rotation – for each component in degrees.

  • h_mirror – horizontal mirror in y axis (x, 1) (1, 0). This is the most common.

  • v_mirror – vertical mirror using x axis (1, y) (0, y).

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.pack_doe(do_permutations=False)

(Source code)


cspdk.si220.cells.pack_doe_grid(doe: ComponentSpec, settings: dict[str, tuple[Any, ...]], do_permutations: bool = False, function: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | None = None, with_text: bool = False, **kwargs) Component[source]#

Packs a component DOE (Design of Experiment) using grid.

  • doe – function to return Components.

  • settings – component settings.

  • do_permutations – for each setting.

  • function – to apply to component (add padding, grating couplers).

  • with_text – includes text label.

  • kwargs – for grid.

Keyword Arguments:
  • spacing – between adjacent elements on the grid, can be a tuple for different distances in height and width.

  • separation – If True, guarantees elements are separated with fixed spacing if False, elements are spaced evenly along a grid.

  • shape – x, y shape of the grid (see np.reshape). If no shape and the list is 1D, if np.reshape were run with (1, -1).

  • align_x – {‘x’, ‘xmin’, ‘xmax’} for x (column) alignment along.

  • align_y – {‘y’, ‘ymin’, ‘ymax’} for y (row) alignment along.

  • edge_x – {‘x’, ‘xmin’, ‘xmax’} for x (column) (ignored if separation = True).

  • edge_y – {‘y’, ‘ymin’, ‘ymax’} for y (row) (ignored if separation = True).

  • rotation – for each component in degrees.

  • h_mirror – horizontal mirror y axis (x, 1) (1, 0). most common mirror.

  • v_mirror – vertical mirror using x axis (1, y) (0, y).

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.pack_doe_grid(do_permutations=False, with_text=False)

(Source code)


cspdk.si220.cells.pad() Component[source]#

An electrical pad.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.pad()

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.rectangle(**kwargs) Component[source]#

A rectangle.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.rectangle()

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.ring_single_sc(gap: float = 0.2, radius: float = 10.0, length_x: float = 4.0, length_y: float = 0.6, bend: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'bend_euler_sc', straight: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'straight_sc', coupler_ring: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'coupler_ring_sc', cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component[source]#

Returns a single ring.

ring coupler (cb: bottom) connects to two vertical straights (sl: left, sr: right), two bends (bl, br) and horizontal straight (wg: top)

  • gap – gap between for coupler.

  • radius – for the bend and coupler.

  • length_x – ring coupler length.

  • length_y – vertical straight length.

  • coupler_ring – ring coupler spec.

  • bend – 90 degrees bend spec.

  • straight – straight spec.

  • coupler_ring – ring coupler spec.

  • cross_section – cross_section spec.

      xxxxx           xxxx
    xxx                   xxx
  xxx                       xxx
 xx                           xxx
 x                             xxx
xx                              xx▲
xx                              xx│length_y
xx                              xx▼
xx                             xx
 xx          length_x          x
  xx     ◄───────────────►    x
   xx                       xxx
     xx                   xxx
import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.ring_single_sc(gap=0.2, radius=10.0, length_x=4.0, length_y=0.6, bend='bend_euler_sc', straight='straight_sc', coupler_ring='coupler_ring_sc', cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.ring_single_so(gap: float = 0.2, radius: float = 10.0, length_x: float = 4.0, length_y: float = 0.6, *, bend: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'bend_euler_so', straight: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'straight_so', coupler_ring: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell = 'coupler_ring_so', cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so') Component#

Returns a single ring.

ring coupler (cb: bottom) connects to two vertical straights (sl: left, sr: right), two bends (bl, br) and horizontal straight (wg: top)

  • gap – gap between for coupler.

  • radius – for the bend and coupler.

  • length_x – ring coupler length.

  • length_y – vertical straight length.

  • coupler_ring – ring coupler spec.

  • bend – 90 degrees bend spec.

  • straight – straight spec.

  • coupler_ring – ring coupler spec.

  • cross_section – cross_section spec.

      xxxxx           xxxx
    xxx                   xxx
  xxx                       xxx
 xx                           xxx
 x                             xxx
xx                              xx▲
xx                              xx│length_y
xx                              xx▼
xx                             xx
 xx          length_x          x
  xx     ◄───────────────►    x
   xx                       xxx
     xx                   xxx
import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.ring_single_so(gap=0.2, radius=10.0, length_x=4.0, length_y=0.6, bend='bend_euler_so', straight='straight_so', coupler_ring='coupler_ring_so', cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.straight(length: float = 10.0, width: float | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc', **kwargs) Component[source]#

A straight waveguide.

  • length – the length of the waveguide.

  • width – the width of the waveguide.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the straight function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.straight(length=10.0, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.straight_heater_metal_sc(length: float = 320.0, length_undercut_spacing: float = 6.0, length_undercut: float = 30.0, length_straight: float = 0.1, length_straight_input: float = 15.0, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc', cross_section_heater: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'heater_metal', cross_section_waveguide_heater: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc_heater', cross_section_heater_undercut: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc_heater', with_undercut: bool = True, via_stack: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell | None = 'via_stack_heater_mtop', port_orientation1: int | None = 180, port_orientation2: int | None = 0, heater_taper_length: float | None = 5.0, ohms_per_square: float | None = None) Component[source]#

Returns a thermal phase shifter.

dimensions from https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.010456

  • length – of the waveguide.

  • length_undercut_spacing – from undercut regions.

  • length_undercut – length of each undercut section.

  • length_straight – length of the straight waveguide.

  • length_straight_input – from input port to where trenches start.

  • cross_section – for waveguide ports.

  • cross_section_heater – for heated sections. heater metal only.

  • cross_section_waveguide_heater – for heated sections.

  • cross_section_heater_undercut – for heated sections with undercut.

  • with_undercut – isolation trenches for higher efficiency.

  • via_stack – via stack.

  • port_orientation1 – left via stack port orientation.

  • port_orientation2 – right via stack port orientation.

  • heater_taper_length – minimizes current concentrations from heater to via_stack.

  • ohms_per_square – to calculate resistance.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.straight_heater_metal_sc(length=320.0, length_undercut_spacing=6.0, length_undercut=30.0, length_straight=0.1, length_straight_input=15.0, cross_section='xs_sc', cross_section_heater='heater_metal', cross_section_waveguide_heater='xs_sc_heater', cross_section_heater_undercut='xs_sc_heater', with_undercut=True, via_stack='via_stack_heater_mtop', port_orientation1=180, port_orientation2=0, heater_taper_length=5.0)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.straight_heater_metal_so(length: float = 320.0, length_undercut_spacing: float = 6.0, length_undercut: float = 30.0, length_straight: float = 0.1, length_straight_input: float = 15.0, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so', cross_section_heater: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'heater_metal', cross_section_waveguide_heater: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so_heater', cross_section_heater_undercut: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so_heater', with_undercut: bool = True, via_stack: str | Callable[[...], Component] | dict[str, Any] | KCell | None = 'via_stack_heater_mtop', port_orientation1: int | None = 180, port_orientation2: int | None = 0, heater_taper_length: float | None = 5.0, ohms_per_square: float | None = None) Component#

Returns a thermal phase shifter.

dimensions from https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.010456

  • length – of the waveguide.

  • length_undercut_spacing – from undercut regions.

  • length_undercut – length of each undercut section.

  • length_straight – length of the straight waveguide.

  • length_straight_input – from input port to where trenches start.

  • cross_section – for waveguide ports.

  • cross_section_heater – for heated sections. heater metal only.

  • cross_section_waveguide_heater – for heated sections.

  • cross_section_heater_undercut – for heated sections with undercut.

  • with_undercut – isolation trenches for higher efficiency.

  • via_stack – via stack.

  • port_orientation1 – left via stack port orientation.

  • port_orientation2 – right via stack port orientation.

  • heater_taper_length – minimizes current concentrations from heater to via_stack.

  • ohms_per_square – to calculate resistance.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.straight_heater_metal_so(length=320.0, length_undercut_spacing=6.0, length_undercut=30.0, length_straight=0.1, length_straight_input=15.0, cross_section='xs_so', cross_section_heater='heater_metal', cross_section_waveguide_heater='xs_so_heater', cross_section_heater_undercut='xs_so_heater', with_undercut=True, via_stack='via_stack_heater_mtop', port_orientation1=180, port_orientation2=0, heater_taper_length=5.0)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.straight_metal(length: float = 10.0, width: float | None = None, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'metal_routing', **kwargs) Component#

A straight waveguide.

  • length – the length of the waveguide.

  • width – the width of the waveguide.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the straight function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.straight_metal(length=10.0, cross_section='metal_routing')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.straight_rc(length: float = 10.0, width: float | None = None, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_rc', **kwargs) Component#

A straight waveguide.

  • length – the length of the waveguide.

  • width – the width of the waveguide.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the straight function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.straight_rc(length=10.0, cross_section='xs_rc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.straight_ro(length: float = 10.0, width: float | None = None, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_ro', **kwargs) Component#

A straight waveguide.

  • length – the length of the waveguide.

  • width – the width of the waveguide.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the straight function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.straight_ro(length=10.0, cross_section='xs_ro')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.straight_sc(length: float = 10.0, width: float | None = None, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc', **kwargs) Component#

A straight waveguide.

  • length – the length of the waveguide.

  • width – the width of the waveguide.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the straight function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.straight_sc(length=10.0, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.straight_so(length: float = 10.0, width: float | None = None, *, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so', **kwargs) Component#

A straight waveguide.

  • length – the length of the waveguide.

  • width – the width of the waveguide.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the straight function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.straight_so(length=10.0, cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.taper(length: float = 10.0, width1: float = 0.45, width2: float | None = None, port: Port | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc', **kwargs) Component[source]#

A taper.

A taper is a transition between two waveguide widths

  • length – the length of the taper.

  • width1 – the input width of the taper.

  • width2 – the output width of the taper (if not given, use port).

  • port – the port (with certain width) to taper towards (if not given, use width2).

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the taper function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.taper(length=10.0, width1=0.45, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.taper_rc(*, length: float = 10.0, width1: float = 0.45, width2: float | None = None, port: Port | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_rc', **kwargs) Component#

A taper.

A taper is a transition between two waveguide widths

  • length – the length of the taper.

  • width1 – the input width of the taper.

  • width2 – the output width of the taper (if not given, use port).

  • port – the port (with certain width) to taper towards (if not given, use width2).

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the taper function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.taper_rc(length=10.0, width1=0.45, cross_section='xs_rc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.taper_ro(*, length: float = 10.0, width1: float = 0.4, width2: float | None = None, port: Port | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_ro', **kwargs) Component#

A taper.

A taper is a transition between two waveguide widths

  • length – the length of the taper.

  • width1 – the input width of the taper.

  • width2 – the output width of the taper (if not given, use port).

  • port – the port (with certain width) to taper towards (if not given, use width2).

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the taper function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.taper_ro(length=10.0, width1=0.4, cross_section='xs_ro')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.taper_sc(*, length: float = 10.0, width1: float = 0.45, width2: float | None = None, port: Port | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc', **kwargs) Component#

A taper.

A taper is a transition between two waveguide widths

  • length – the length of the taper.

  • width1 – the input width of the taper.

  • width2 – the output width of the taper (if not given, use port).

  • port – the port (with certain width) to taper towards (if not given, use width2).

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the taper function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.taper_sc(length=10.0, width1=0.45, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.taper_so(*, length: float = 10.0, width1: float = 0.4, width2: float | None = None, port: Port | None = None, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_so', **kwargs) Component#

A taper.

A taper is a transition between two waveguide widths

  • length – the length of the taper.

  • width1 – the input width of the taper.

  • width2 – the output width of the taper (if not given, use port).

  • port – the port (with certain width) to taper towards (if not given, use width2).

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

  • kwargs – additional arguments to pass to the taper function.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.taper_so(length=10.0, width1=0.4, cross_section='xs_so')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.taper_strip_to_ridge(length: float = 10.0, width1: float = 0.5, width2: float = 0.5, w_slab1: float = 0.2, w_slab2: float = 10.45, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component[source]#

A taper between strip and ridge.

This is a transition between two distinct cross sections

  • length – the length of the taper.

  • width1 – the input width of the taper.

  • width2 – the output width of the taper.

  • w_slab1 – the input slab width of the taper.

  • w_slab2 – the output slab width of the taper.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.taper_strip_to_ridge(length=10.0, width1=0.5, width2=0.5, w_slab1=0.2, w_slab2=10.45, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.trans_sc_rc10(*, length: float = 10, width1: float = 0.5, width2: float = 0.5, w_slab1: float = 0.2, w_slab2: float = 10.45, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component#

A taper between strip and ridge.

This is a transition between two distinct cross sections

  • length – the length of the taper.

  • width1 – the input width of the taper.

  • width2 – the output width of the taper.

  • w_slab1 – the input slab width of the taper.

  • w_slab2 – the output slab width of the taper.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.trans_sc_rc10(length=10, width1=0.5, width2=0.5, w_slab1=0.2, w_slab2=10.45, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.trans_sc_rc20(*, length: float = 20, width1: float = 0.5, width2: float = 0.5, w_slab1: float = 0.2, w_slab2: float = 10.45, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component#

A taper between strip and ridge.

This is a transition between two distinct cross sections

  • length – the length of the taper.

  • width1 – the input width of the taper.

  • width2 – the output width of the taper.

  • w_slab1 – the input slab width of the taper.

  • w_slab2 – the output slab width of the taper.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.trans_sc_rc20(length=20, width1=0.5, width2=0.5, w_slab1=0.2, w_slab2=10.45, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.trans_sc_rc50(*, length: float = 50, width1: float = 0.5, width2: float = 0.5, w_slab1: float = 0.2, w_slab2: float = 10.45, cross_section: Callable[[...], CrossSection] | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition = 'xs_sc') Component#

A taper between strip and ridge.

This is a transition between two distinct cross sections

  • length – the length of the taper.

  • width1 – the input width of the taper.

  • width2 – the output width of the taper.

  • w_slab1 – the input slab width of the taper.

  • w_slab2 – the output slab width of the taper.

  • cross_section – a cross section or its name or a function generating a cross section.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.trans_sc_rc50(length=50, width1=0.5, width2=0.5, w_slab1=0.2, w_slab2=10.45, cross_section='xs_sc')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.via_stack_heater_mtop(size=(10, 10)) Component[source]#

Returns a via stack for the heater.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.via_stack_heater_mtop(size=(10, 10))

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



cspdk.si220.cells.wire_corner() Component[source]#

A wire corner.

A wire corner is a bend for electrical routes.

import cspdk

c = cspdk.si220.cells.wire_corner()

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
