Source code for gdsfactory.component_layout

"""Helper functions for layout.

Adapted from PHIDL by Adam McCaughan

from __future__ import annotations

import numbers
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable, Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import numpy as np
from gdstk import Label as _Label
from gdstk import Polygon
from numpy import cos, pi, sin
from numpy.linalg import norm
from pydantic import BaseModel, model_validator
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table

from gdsfactory.serialization import clean_value_json
from gdsfactory.snap import snap_to_grid

    from gdsfactory.port import Port

class CellSettings(BaseModel, extra="allow", validate_assignment=True, frozen=True):
    def restrict_types(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, int | float | str]:
        for name, value in data.items():
            data[name] = clean_value_json(value)
        return data

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        return getattr(self, key)

    def get(self, __key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
        return getattr(self, __key) if hasattr(self, __key) else default

class ComponentSpec(BaseModel, extra="allow", validate_assignment=True, frozen=True):
    """ComponentSpec stores the settings used to create a component."""

    settings: CellSettings = CellSettings()
    function: str
    module: str

    def restrict_types(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, int | float | str]:
        for name, value in data.items():
            data[name] = clean_value_json(value)
        return data

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        return getattr(self, key)

    def get(self, __key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
        return getattr(self, __key) if hasattr(self, __key) else default

class Info(BaseModel, extra="allow", validate_assignment=True):
    def restrict_types(
        cls, data: dict[str, int | float | Sequence | str]
    ) -> dict[str, int | float | Sequence | str]:
        for name, value in data.items():
            if name == "schematic":
                continue  # prevent validation of schematic sub-dictionary
            if not isinstance(value, str | int | float | Sequence):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Values of the info dict only support int, float, string or tuple."
                    f"{name}: {value}, {type(value)}"

        return data

    def __getitem__(self, __key: str) -> Any:
        return getattr(self, __key)

    def __setitem__(
        self, __key: str, __val: str | int | float | Sequence | None
    ) -> None:
        if __val is not None:
            setattr(self, __key, __val)

    def __contains__(self, __key: str) -> bool:
        return hasattr(self, __key)

    def get(self, __key: str, default: Any | None = None) -> Any:
        return getattr(self, __key) if hasattr(self, __key) else default

    def update(self, data: Info | dict | Iterable[tuple[str, Any]]) -> None:
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            for key, value in data.items():
                self.__setitem__(key, value)
        elif isinstance(data, Info):
            for key, value in data.model_dump().items():
                self.__setitem__(key, value)
        elif isinstance(data, Iterable):
            for key, value in data:
                self.__setitem__(key, value)
            raise TypeError("Unsupported data type for update")

def pprint_ports(ports: dict[str, Port] or list[Port]) -> None:
    """Prints ports in a rich table."""
    console = Console()
    table = Table(show_header=True, header_style="bold")
    ports_list = ports if isinstance(ports, list) else list(ports.values())
    if not ports_list:
    p0 = ports_list[0]
    filtered_dict = {
        key: value for key, value in p0.to_dict().items() if value is not None
    keys = filtered_dict.keys()

    for key in keys:

    for port in ports_list:
        port_dict = port.to_dict()
        row = [str(port_dict.get(key, "")) for key in keys]


[docs] class Label(_Label): def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Label(text={self.text!r}, origin={self.origin}, layer=({self.layer}, {self.texttype}))"
def get_polygons( instance, by_spec: bool | tuple[int, int] = False, depth: int | None = None, include_paths: bool = True, as_array: bool = True, as_shapely: bool = False, as_shapely_merged: bool = False, ) -> list[Polygon] | dict[tuple[int, int], list[Polygon]]: """Return a list of polygons in this cell. Args: by_spec: bool or layer If True, the return value is a dictionary with the polygons of each individual pair (layer, datatype), which are used as keys. If set to a tuple of (layer, datatype), only polygons with that specification are returned. depth: integer or None If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve polygons. References below this level will result in a bounding box. If `by_spec` is True the key will be the name of this cell. include_paths: If True, polygonal representation of paths are also included in the result. as_array: when as_array=false, return the Polygon objects instead. polygon objects have more information (especially when by_spec=False) and are faster to retrieve. as_shapely: returns shapely polygons. Returns out: list of array-like[N][2] or dictionary List containing the coordinates of the vertices of each polygon, or dictionary with with the list of polygons (if `by_spec` is True). Note: Instances of `FlexPath` and `RobustPath` are also included in the result by computing their polygonal boundary. """ import gdsfactory as gf if hasattr(instance, "_cell"): layers = instance.get_layers() gdstk_instance = instance._cell else: layers = instance.parent.get_layers() gdstk_instance = instance._reference if not by_spec: polygons = gdstk_instance.get_polygons(depth=depth, include_paths=include_paths) elif by_spec is True: polygons = { layer: gdstk_instance.get_polygons( depth=depth, layer=layer[0], datatype=layer[1], include_paths=include_paths, ) for layer in layers } else: by_spec = gf.get_layer(by_spec) polygons = gdstk_instance.get_polygons( depth=depth, layer=by_spec[0], datatype=by_spec[1], include_paths=include_paths, ) if not as_array: return polygons elif as_shapely_merged: import shapely as sp polygons = [sp.Polygon(polygon.points) for polygon in polygons] p = sp.Polygon() for polygon in polygons: p = p | polygon return p elif as_shapely: import shapely as sp return [sp.Polygon(polygon.points) for polygon in polygons] elif by_spec is not True: return [polygon.points for polygon in polygons] layer_to_polygons = defaultdict(list) for layer, polygons_list in polygons.items(): for polygon in polygons_list: layer_to_polygons[layer].append(polygon.points) return layer_to_polygons def _parse_layer(layer): """Check if the variable layer is a Layer object, a 2-element list like \ [0, 1] representing layer = 0 and datatype = 1, or just a layer number. Args: layer: int, array-like[2], or set Variable to check. Returns: (gds_layer, gds_datatype) : array-like[2] The layer number and datatype of the input. """ if hasattr(layer, "gds_layer"): gds_layer, gds_datatype = layer.gds_layer, layer.gds_datatype elif np.shape(layer) == (2,): # In form [3,0] gds_layer, gds_datatype = layer[0], layer[1] elif np.shape(layer) == (1,): # In form [3] gds_layer, gds_datatype = layer[0], 0 elif layer is None: gds_layer, gds_datatype = 0, 0 elif isinstance(layer, numbers.Number): gds_layer, gds_datatype = layer, 0 else: raise ValueError( f"""_parse_layer() was passed something that could not be interpreted as a layer: {layer=}""" ) if not isinstance(gds_layer, int): raise ValueError(f"invalid layer {layer}") if not isinstance(gds_datatype, int): raise ValueError(f"invalid layer {layer}") return (gds_layer, gds_datatype) class _GeometryHelper: """Helper class for a class with functions move() and the property bbox. It uses that function+property to enable you to do things like check what the center of the bounding box is (, and also to do things like move the bounding box such that its maximum x value is 5.2 (self.xmax = 5.2). """ @property def center(self): """Returns the center of the bounding box.""" return np.sum(self.bbox, 0) / 2 @center.setter def center(self, destination) -> None: """Sets the center of the bounding box. Args: destination : array-like[2] Coordinates of the new bounding box center. """ self.move(destination=destination, @property def x(self): """Returns the x-coordinate of the center of the bounding box.""" return np.sum(self.bbox, 0)[0] / 2 @x.setter def x(self, destination) -> None: """Sets the x-coordinate of the center of the bounding box. Args: destination : int or float x-coordinate of the bbox center. """ destination = (destination,[1]) self.move(destination=destination,, axis="x") @property def y(self): """Returns the y-coordinate of the center of the bounding box.""" return np.sum(self.bbox, 0)[1] / 2 @y.setter def y(self, destination) -> None: """Sets the y-coordinate of the center of the bounding box. Args: destination : int or float y-coordinate of the bbox center. """ destination = ([0], destination) self.move(destination=destination,, axis="y") @property def xmax(self): """Returns the maximum x-value of the bounding box.""" return self.bbox[1][0] @xmax.setter def xmax(self, destination) -> None: """Sets the x-coordinate of the maximum edge of the bounding box. Args: destination : int or float x-coordinate of the maximum edge of the bbox. """ self.move(destination=(destination, 0), origin=self.bbox[1], axis="x") @property def ymax(self): """Returns the maximum y-value of the bounding box.""" return self.bbox[1][1] @ymax.setter def ymax(self, destination) -> None: """Sets the y-coordinate of the maximum edge of the bounding box. Args: destination : int or float y-coordinate of the maximum edge of the bbox. """ self.move(destination=(0, destination), origin=self.bbox[1], axis="y") @property def xmin(self): """Returns the minimum x-value of the bounding box.""" return self.bbox[0][0] @xmin.setter def xmin(self, destination) -> None: """Sets the x-coordinate of the minimum edge of the bounding box. Args: destination : int or float x-coordinate of the minimum edge of the bbox. """ self.move(destination=(destination, 0), origin=self.bbox[0], axis="x") @property def ymin(self): """Returns the minimum y-value of the bounding box.""" return self.bbox[0][1] @ymin.setter def ymin(self, destination) -> None: """Sets the y-coordinate of the minimum edge of the bounding box. Args: destination : int or float y-coordinate of the minimum edge of the bbox. """ self.move(destination=(0, destination), origin=self.bbox[0], axis="y") @property def size(self): """Returns the (x, y) size of the bounding box.""" bbox = self.bbox return bbox[1] - bbox[0] @property def xsize(self): """Returns the horizontal size of the bounding box.""" bbox = self.bbox return bbox[1][0] - bbox[0][0] @property def ysize(self): """Returns the vertical size of the bounding box.""" bbox = self.bbox return bbox[1][1] - bbox[0][1] def movex(self, origin=0, destination=None): """Moves an object by a specified x-distance. Args: origin: array-like[2], Port, or key Origin point of the move. destination: array-like[2], Port, key, or None Destination point of the move. """ if destination is None: destination = origin origin = 0 return self.move(origin=(origin, 0), destination=(destination, 0)) def movey(self, origin=0, destination=None): """Moves an object by a specified y-distance. Args: origin : array-like[2], Port, or key Origin point of the move. destination : array-like[2], Port, or key Destination point of the move. """ if destination is None: destination = origin origin = 0 return self.move(origin=(0, origin), destination=(0, destination)) def __add__(self, element) -> Group: """Adds an element to a Group. Args: element: Component, ComponentReference, Port, Polygon, Label, or Group to add. """ if isinstance(self, Group): G = Group() G.add(self.elements) G.add(element) else: G = Group([self, element]) return G class Group(_GeometryHelper): """Group objects together so you can manipulate them as a single object \ (move/rotate/mirror).""" def __init__(self, *args) -> None: """Initialize Group.""" self.elements = [] self.add(args) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Prints the number of elements in the Group.""" return f"Group ({len(self.elements)} elements total)" def __len__(self) -> float: """Returns the number of elements in the Group.""" return len(self.elements) def __iadd__(self, element) -> Group: """Adds an element to the Group. Args: element: Component, ComponentReference, Port, Polygon, Label, or Group to add. """ return self.add(element) @property def bbox(self): """Returns the bounding boxes of the Group.""" if len(self.elements) == 0: raise ValueError("Group is empty, no bbox is available") bboxes = np.empty([len(self.elements), 4]) for n, e in enumerate(self.elements): bboxes[n] = e.bbox.flatten() bbox = ( (bboxes[:, 0].min(), bboxes[:, 1].min()), (bboxes[:, 2].max(), bboxes[:, 3].max()), ) return np.array(bbox) def add(self, element) -> Group: """Adds an element to the Group. Args: element: Component, ComponentReference, Port, Polygon, Label, or Group to add. """ from gdsfactory.component import Component from gdsfactory.component_reference import ComponentReference if _is_iterable(element): [self.add(e) for e in element] elif element is None: return self elif isinstance( element, Component | ComponentReference | Polygon | Label | Group ): self.elements.append(element) else: raise ValueError( "add() Could not add element to Group, the only " "allowed element types are " "(Component, ComponentReference, Polygon, Label, Group)" ) # Remove non-unique entries used = set() self.elements = [ x for x in self.elements if x not in used and (used.add(x) or True) ] return self def rotate(self, angle: float = 45, center=(0, 0)) -> Group: """Rotates all elements in a Group around the specified centerpoint. Args: angle : int or float Angle to rotate the Group in degrees. center : array-like[2] or None center of the Group. """ for e in self.elements: e.rotate(angle=angle, center=center) return self def move(self, origin=(0, 0), destination=None, axis=None) -> Group: """Moves the Group from the origin point to the destination. Both origin and destination can be 1x2 array-like, Port, or a key corresponding to one of the Ports in this Group. Args: origin : array-like[2], Port, or key Origin point of the move. destination : array-like[2], Port, or key Destination point of the move. axis : {'x', 'y'} Direction of the move. """ destination = snap_to_grid(destination) for e in self.elements: e.move(origin=origin, destination=destination, axis=axis) return self def mirror(self, p1=(0, 1), p2=(0, 0)) -> Group: """Mirrors a Group across the line formed between the two specified points. ``points`` may be input as either single points [1,2] or array-like[N][2], and will return in kind. Args: p1 : array-like[N][2] First point of the line. p2 : array-like[N][2] Second point of the line. """ for e in self.elements: e.mirror(p1=p1, p2=p2) return self def distribute( self, direction="x", spacing=100, separation=True, edge="center" ) -> Group: """Distributes the elements in the Group. Args: direction : {'x', 'y'} Direction of distribution; either a line in the x-direction or y-direction. spacing : int or float Distance between elements. separation : bool If True, guarantees elements are separated with a fixed spacing between; if False, elements are spaced evenly along a grid. edge : {'x', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'y', 'ymin', 'ymax'} Which edge to perform the distribution along (unused if separation == True) """ _distribute( elements=self.elements, direction=direction, spacing=spacing, separation=separation, edge=edge, ) return self def align(self, alignment="ymax") -> Group: """Aligns the elements in the Group. Args: alignment : {'x', 'y', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax'} Which edge to align along (e.g. 'ymax' will align move the elements such that all of their topmost points are aligned) """ _align(elements=self.elements, alignment=alignment) return self def _rotate_points(points, angle: float = 45, center=(0, 0)): """Rotates points around a centerpoint defined by ``center``. ``points`` may be input as either single points [1,2] or array-like[N][2], and will return in kind. Args: points : array-like[N][2] Coordinates of the element to be rotated. angle : int or float Angle to rotate the points. center : array-like[2] Centerpoint of rotation. Returns: A new set of points that are rotated around ``center``. """ if angle == 0: return points angle = angle * pi / 180 ca = cos(angle) sa = sin(angle) sa = np.array((-sa, sa)) c0 = np.array(center) if np.asarray(points).ndim == 2: return (points - c0) * ca + (points - c0)[:, ::-1] * sa + c0 if np.asarray(points).ndim == 1: return (points - c0) * ca + (points - c0)[::-1] * sa + c0 def _reflect_points(points, p1=(0, 0), p2=(1, 0)): """Reflects points across the line formed by p1 and p2. from ``points`` may be input as either single points [1,2] or array-like[N][2], and will return in kind. Args: points : array-like[N][2] Coordinates of the element to be reflected. p1 : array-like[2] Coordinates of the start of the reflecting line. p2 : array-like[2] Coordinates of the end of the reflecting line. Returns: A new set of points that are reflected across ``p1`` and ``p2``. """ original_shape = np.shape(points) points = np.atleast_2d(points) p1 = np.asarray(p1) p2 = np.asarray(p2) line_vec = p2 - p1 line_vec_norm = norm(line_vec) ** 2 # Compute reflection proj = np.sum(line_vec * (points - p1), axis=-1, keepdims=True) reflected_points = 2 * (p1 + (p2 - p1) * proj / line_vec_norm) - points return reflected_points if original_shape[0] > 1 else reflected_points[0] def _is_iterable(items): """Checks if the passed variable is iterable. Args: items: any Item to check for iterability. """ return isinstance(items, list | tuple | set | np.ndarray) def _parse_coordinate(c): """Translates various inputs (lists, tuples, Ports) to an (x,y) coordinate. Args: c: array-like[N] or Port Input to translate into a coordinate. Returns: c : array-like[2] Parsed coordinate. """ if hasattr(c, "center"): return elif np.array(c).size == 2: return np.round(c, 3) else: raise ValueError( "Could not parse coordinate, input should be array-like (e.g. [1.5,2.3] or a Port" ) def _parse_move(origin, destination, axis): """Translates input coordinates to changes in position in the x and y directions. Args: origin : array-like[2] of int or float, Port, or key Origin point of the move. destination : array-like[2] of int or float, Port, key, or None Destination point of the move. axis : {'x', 'y'} Direction of move. Returns: dx : int or float Change in position in the x-direction. dy : int or float Change in position in the y-direction. """ # If only one set of coordinates is defined, make sure it's used to move things if destination is None: destination = origin origin = [0, 0] d = _parse_coordinate(destination) o = _parse_coordinate(origin) if axis == "x": d = (d[0], o[1]) if axis == "y": d = (o[0], d[1]) dx, dy = np.array(d) - o return dx, dy def _distribute(elements, direction="x", spacing=100, separation=True, edge=None): """Takes a list of elements and distributes them either equally along a \ grid or with a fixed spacing between them. Args: elements: array-like of gdsfactory objects Elements to distribute. direction: {'x', 'y'} Direction of distribution; either a line in the x-direction or y-direction. spacing: int or float Distance between elements. separation: bool If True, guarantees elements are separated with a fixed spacing between; if False, elements are spaced evenly along a grid. edge: {'x', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'y', 'ymin', 'ymax'} Which edge to perform the distribution along (unused if separation == True) Returns: elements : Component, ComponentReference, Port, Polygon, Label, or Group Distributed elements. """ if len(elements) == 0: return elements if direction not in ({"x", "y"}): raise ValueError("distribute(): 'direction' argument must be either 'x' or'y'") if ( (direction == "x") and (edge not in ({"x", "xmin", "xmax"})) and (not separation) ): raise ValueError( "distribute(): When `separation` == False and direction == 'x'," " the `edge` argument must be one of {'x', 'xmin', 'xmax'}" ) if ( (direction == "y") and (edge not in ({"y", "ymin", "ymax"})) and (not separation) ): raise ValueError( "distribute(): When `separation` == False and direction == 'y'," " the `edge` argument must be one of {'y', 'ymin', 'ymax'}" ) if direction == "y": sizes = [e.ysize for e in elements] if direction == "x": sizes = [e.xsize for e in elements] spacing = np.array([spacing] * len(elements)) if separation: # Then `edge` doesn't apply if direction == "x": edge = "xmin" if direction == "y": edge = "ymin" else: sizes = np.zeros(len(spacing)) # Calculate new positions and move each element start = elements[0].__getattribute__(edge) positions = np.cumsum(np.concatenate(([start], (spacing + sizes)))) for n, e in enumerate(elements): e.__setattr__(edge, positions[n]) return elements def _align(elements, alignment="ymax"): """Aligns lists of gdsfactory elements. Args: elements : array-like of gdsfactory objects Elements to align. alignment : {'x', 'y', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax'} Which edge to align along (e.g. 'ymax' will align move the elements such that all of their topmost points are aligned) Returns elements : array-like of gdsfactory objects Aligned elements. """ if len(elements) == 0: return elements if alignment not in (["x", "y", "xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax"]): raise ValueError( "'alignment' argument must be one of 'x','y','xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin','ymax'" ) value = Group(elements).__getattribute__(alignment) for e in elements: e.__setattr__(alignment, value) return elements def _line_distances(points, start, end): if np.all(start == end): return np.linalg.norm(points - start, axis=1) vec = end - start cross = np.cross(vec, start - points) return np.divide(abs(cross), np.linalg.norm(vec)) def _simplify(points, tolerance=0): """Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm for line simplification. Takes an array of points of shape (N,2) and removes excess points in the line. The remaining points form a identical line to within `tolerance` from the original """ # From # originally written by Kirill Konevets M = np.asarray(points) start, end = M[0], M[-1] dists = _line_distances(M, start, end) index = np.argmax(dists) dmax = dists[index] if dmax <= tolerance: return np.array([start, end]) result1 = _simplify(M[: index + 1], tolerance) result2 = _simplify(M[index:], tolerance) return np.vstack((result1[:-1], result2)) if __name__ == "__main__": import gdsfactory as gf # c = gf.Component() # label = c.add_label("hi") # print(c.labels[0]) # _demo() # s = Step() c = gf.Component("bend") b = c << gf.components.bend_circular(angle=30) s = c << gf.components.straight(length=5) s.connect("o1", b.ports["o2"]) p = c.get_polygons(as_shapely_merged=True) c2 = gf.Component() c2.add_polygon(p, layer=(1, 0))["a"] = None