Source code for gdsfactory.components.crossing_waveguide

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from numpy import float64

import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.cell import cell
from gdsfactory.component import Component
from gdsfactory.components.bezier import (
from gdsfactory.components.ellipse import ellipse
from gdsfactory.components.taper import taper
from gdsfactory.geometry.functions import path_length
from gdsfactory.typings import ComponentSpec, CrossSectionSpec, LayerSpec

def snap_to_grid(p: float, grid_per_unit: int = 1000) -> float64:
    return np.round(p * grid_per_unit) / grid_per_unit

[docs] @cell def crossing_arm( r1: float = 3.0, r2: float = 1.1, w: float = 1.2, L: float = 3.4, layer_slab: LayerSpec = "SLAB150", cross_section: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc", ) -> Component: """Returns crossing arm. Args: r1: ellipse radius1. r2: ellipse radius2. w: width in um. L: length in um. layer_slab: for the shallow etch. cross_section: spec. """ c = Component() layer_slab = gf.get_layer(layer_slab) c << ellipse(radii=(r1, r2), layer=layer_slab) xs = gf.get_cross_section(cross_section) width = xs.width layer_wg = gf.get_layer(xs.layer) a = np.round(L + w / 2, 3) h = width / 2 taper_pts = [ (-a, h), (-w / 2, w / 2), (w / 2, w / 2), (a, h), (a, -h), (w / 2, -w / 2), (-w / 2, -w / 2), (-a, -h), ] c.add_polygon(taper_pts, layer=layer_wg) c.add_port( name="o1", center=(-a, 0), orientation=180, width=width, layer=layer_wg, cross_section=xs, ) c.add_port( name="o2", center=(a, 0), orientation=0, width=width, layer=layer_wg, cross_section=xs, ) return c
[docs] @cell def crossing( arm: ComponentSpec = crossing_arm, cross_section: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc", ) -> Component: """Waveguide crossing. Args: arm: arm spec. cross_section: spec. """ c = Component() arm = gf.get_component(arm) arm_h = arm.ref() arm_v = arm.ref(rotation=90) port_id = 0 for i in [arm_h, arm_v]: c.add(i) c.absorb(i) for p in i.ports.values(): c.add_port(name=port_id, port=p) port_id += 1 c.auto_rename_ports() return c
_taper = partial(taper, width2=2.5, length=3)
[docs] @cell def crossing_from_taper(taper=_taper) -> Component: """Returns Crossing based on a taper. The default is a dummy taper. Args: taper: taper function. """ taper = gf.get_component(taper) c = Component() for i, a in enumerate([0, 90, 180, 270]): _taper = taper.ref(position=(0, 0), port_id="o2", rotation=a) c.add(_taper) c.add_port(name=i, port=_taper.ports["o1"]) c.absorb(_taper) c.auto_rename_ports() return c
[docs] @cell def crossing_etched( width: float = 0.5, r1: float = 3.0, r2: float = 1.1, w: float = 1.2, L: float = 3.4, layer_wg: LayerSpec = "WG", layer_slab: LayerSpec = "SLAB150", ) -> Component: """Waveguide crossing. Full crossing has to be on WG layer (to start with a 220nm slab). Then we etch the ellipses down to 150nm slabs and we keep linear taper at 220nm. Args: width: input waveguides width. r1: radii. r2: radii. w: wide width. L: length. layer_wg: waveguide layer. layer_slab: shallow etch layer. """ layer_wg = gf.get_layer(layer_wg) layer_slab = gf.get_layer(layer_slab) # Draw the ellipses c = Component() ellipse1 = c << ellipse(radii=(r1, r2), layer=layer_wg) ellipse2 = c << ellipse(radii=(r2, r1), layer=layer_wg) c.absorb(ellipse1) c.absorb(ellipse2) a = L + w / 2 h = width / 2 taper_cross_pts = [ (-a, h), (-w / 2, w / 2), (-h, a), (h, a), (w / 2, w / 2), (a, h), (a, -h), (w / 2, -w / 2), (h, -a), (-h, -a), (-w / 2, -w / 2), (-a, -h), ] c.add_polygon(taper_cross_pts, layer=layer_wg) # tapers_poly = c.add_polygon(taper_cross_pts, layer=layer_wg) # b = a - 0.1 # To make sure we get 4 distinct polygons when doing bool ops # tmp_polygon = [(-b, b), (b, b), (b, -b), (-b, -b)] # polys_etch = gdstk.fast_boolean([tmp_polygon], tapers_poly, "not", layer=layer_slab) # c.add(polys_etch) positions = [(a, 0), (0, a), (-a, 0), (0, -a)] angles = [0, 90, 180, 270] for i, (p, angle) in enumerate(zip(positions, angles)): c.add_port( name=str(i), center=p, orientation=angle, width=width, layer=layer_wg, ) c.auto_rename_ports() return c
[docs] @cell def crossing45( crossing: ComponentSpec = crossing, port_spacing: float = 40.0, dx: float | None = None, alpha: float = 0.08, npoints: int = 101, cross_section: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc", cross_section_bends: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc", ) -> Component: r"""Returns 45deg crossing with bends. Args: crossing: crossing function. port_spacing: target I/O port spacing. dx: target length. alpha: optimization parameter. diminish it for tight bends, increase it if raises assertion angle errors npoints: number of points. cross_section: waveguide cross_section. cross_section_bends: waveguide cross_section for the bends. The 45 Degree crossing CANNOT be kept as an SRef since we only allow for multiples of 90Deg rotations in SRef. .. code:: ---- ---- \ / X / \ --- ---- """ crossing = gf.get_component( crossing, cross_section=cross_section_bends or cross_section ) c = Component() x = c << crossing x.rotate(45) # Add bends p_e = x.ports["o3"].center p_w = x.ports["o1"].center p_n = x.ports["o2"].center p_s = x.ports["o4"].center # Flatten the crossing - not an SRef anymore dx = dx or port_spacing dy = port_spacing / 2 start_angle = 45 end_angle = 0 cpts = find_min_curv_bezier_control_points( start_point=p_e, end_point=(dx, dy), start_angle=start_angle, end_angle=end_angle, npoints=npoints, alpha=alpha, ) bend = bezier( control_points=cpts, start_angle=start_angle, end_angle=end_angle, npoints=npoints, cross_section=cross_section_bends, ) tol = 1e-2 assert abs(["start_angle"] - start_angle) < tol, print( f"{['start_angle']} differs from {start_angle}" ) assert abs(["end_angle"] - end_angle) < tol,["end_angle"] b_tr = bend.ref(position=p_e, port_id="o1") b_tl = bend.ref(position=p_n, port_id="o1", h_mirror=True) b_bl = bend.ref(position=p_w, port_id="o1", rotation=180) b_br = bend.ref(position=p_s, port_id="o1", v_mirror=True) for cmp_ref in [b_tr, b_br, b_tl, b_bl]: # cmp_ref = _cmp.ref() c.add(cmp_ref) c.absorb(cmp_ref) c.absorb(x)["bezier_length"] =["length"]["min_bend_radius"] =["min_bend_radius"] c.bezier = bend c.crossing = crossing c.add_port("o1", port=b_bl.ports["o2"]) c.add_port("o2", port=b_tl.ports["o2"]) c.add_port("o3", port=b_tr.ports["o2"]) c.add_port("o4", port=b_br.ports["o2"]) c.snap_ports_to_grid() return c
crossing45_pins = partial(crossing45, cross_section="xs_sc")
[docs] @cell def compensation_path( crossing45: ComponentSpec = crossing45_pins, crossing: ComponentSpec = crossing, direction: str = "top", cross_section: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc", ) -> Component: r"""Returns Component Path with same path length as the crossing. with input and output ports having same y coordinates Args: crossing45: component that we want to match in path length. needs to have .info["components"] with bends and crossing. direction: the direction in which the bend should go "top" / "bottom". .. code:: ---- ---- \ / \ / \ / X / \ / \ / \ ---- ---- Compensation path: .. code:: --+-- _/ \_ --/ \-- """ import scipy.optimize as so # Get total path length taken by the bends crossing45 = gf.get_component(crossing45) bezier_length =["bezier_length"] length = 2 * bezier_length # Find a bezier S-bend with half this length, but with a fixed length # governed by the crossing45 X-distance (west to east ports) and # the crossing x_distance target_bend_length = length / 2 def get_x_span(cmp): return cmp.ports["o3"].x - cmp.ports["o1"].x x_span_crossing45 = get_x_span(crossing45) x_span_crossing = get_x_span(crossing45.crossing) # x span allowed for the bend x0 = (x_span_crossing45 - x_span_crossing) / 2 def get_control_pts(x, y): return [(0, 0), (x0 / 2, 0), (x0 / 2, y), (x0, y)] def f(y): control_points = get_control_pts(x0, y) t = np.linspace(0, 1, 51) path_points = bezier_curve(t, control_points) return path_length(path_points) - target_bend_length # the path length of the s-bend between two ports p0 and p1 is : # - larger than the euclidean distance L2(p0, p1) # - smaller than the manhattan distance DL(p0, p1) # # This gives the bounds for the brentq root finding ya = target_bend_length - x0 yb = np.sqrt(target_bend_length**2 - x0**2) solution = so.root_scalar(f, bracket=[ya, yb], method="brentq") y_bend = solution.root y_bend = snap_to_grid(y_bend) v_mirror = direction != "top" sbend = bezier(control_points=get_control_pts(x0, y_bend)) c = Component() crossing0 = c << gf.get_component(crossing) sbend_left = sbend.ref( position=crossing0.ports["o1"], port_id="o2", v_mirror=v_mirror ) sbend_right = sbend.ref( position=crossing0.ports["o3"], port_id="o2", h_mirror=True, v_mirror=v_mirror ) c.add(sbend_left) c.add(sbend_right) c.add_port("o1", port=sbend_left.ports["o1"]) c.add_port("o2", port=sbend_right.ports["o1"])["min_bend_radius"] =["min_bend_radius"] return c
def _demo() -> None: """Plot curvature of bends.""" from matplotlib import pyplot as plt c = crossing45(port_spacing=20.0, dx=15) c2 = compensation_path(crossing45=c) print(["min_bend_radius"]) print(["min_bend_radius"]) component = Component(name="top_lvl") component.add(c.ref(port_id="o1")) component.add(c2.ref(port_id="o1", position=(0, 10))) bend_info1 =["components"]["bezier_bend"].info bend_info2 =["components"]["sbend"].info DL = bend_info1["length"] L2 = bend_info1["length"] plt.plot(bend_info1["t"][1:-1] * DL, abs(bend_info1["curvature"])) plt.plot(bend_info2["t"][1:-1] * L2, abs(bend_info2["curvature"])) plt.xlabel("bend length (um)") plt.ylabel("curvature (um^-1)") if __name__ == "__main__": # c = crossing45() c = compensation_path() # c = crossing( # cross_section=dict( # cross_section="xs_sc", # settings=dict(cladding_offsets=[0], cladding_layers=[(3, 0)]), # ) # ) # print(c.ports["E1"].y - c.ports['o2'].y) # print(c.get_ports_array()) # _demo() # c = crossing_from_taper() # c.pprint() # c = crossing_etched() # c = compensation_path() # c = crossing45(port_spacing=40)