Source code for gdsfactory.components.die

"""based on phidl.geometry."""

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.components.text import text
from gdsfactory.typings import ComponentFactory, Float2, LayerSpec, LayerSpecs

[docs] @gf.cell def die( size: tuple[float, float] = (10000.0, 10000.0), street_width: float = 100.0, street_length: float = 1000.0, die_name: str | None = "chip99", text_size: float = 100.0, text_location: str | Float2 = "SW", layer: LayerSpec = "FLOORPLAN", layers: LayerSpecs | None = None, bbox_layer: LayerSpec | None = "FLOORPLAN", text: ComponentFactory = text, draw_corners: bool = False, ) -> gf.Component: """Returns die with optional markers marking the boundary of the die. Args: size: x, y dimensions of the die. street_width: Width of the corner marks for die-sawing. street_length: Length of the corner marks for die-sawing. die_name: Label text. If None, no label is added. text_size: Label text size. text_location: {'NW', 'N', 'NE', 'SW', 'S', 'SE'} or (x, y) coordinate. layer: For street widths. None to not draw the street widths. layers: optional layers for the street widths. bbox_layer: optional bbox layer drawn bounding box around the die. text: function use for generating text. Needs to accept text, size, layer. draw_corners: True draws only corners. False draws a square die. """ c = gf.Component() sx, sy = size[0] / 2, size[1] / 2 layers = layers or [layer] for layer in layers: if not draw_corners: street_length = sx xpts = np.array( [ sx, sx, sx - street_width, sx - street_width, sx - street_length, sx - street_length, ] ) if not draw_corners: street_length = sy ypts = np.array( [ sy, sy - street_length, sy - street_length, sy - street_width, sy - street_width, sy, ] ) c.add_polygon([xpts, ypts], layer=layer) c.add_polygon([-xpts, ypts], layer=layer) c.add_polygon([xpts, -ypts], layer=layer) c.add_polygon([-xpts, -ypts], layer=layer) if bbox_layer: c.add_polygon( [[sx, sy], [sx, -sy], [-sx, -sy], [-sx, sy]], layer=bbox_layer ) if die_name: t = c.add_ref(text(text=die_name, size=text_size)) d = street_width + 20 if isinstance(text_location, str): text_location = text_location.upper() if text_location == "N": t.x, t.ymax = [0, sy - d] elif text_location == "NE": t.xmax, t.ymax = [sx - d, sy - d] elif text_location == "NW": t.xmin, t.ymax = [-sx + d, sy - d] elif text_location == "S": t.x, t.ymin = [0, -sy + d] elif text_location == "SE": t.xmax, t.ymin = [sx - d, -sy + d] elif text_location == "SW": t.xmin, t.ymin = [-sx + d, -sy + d] else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid text_location: {text_location} not in N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW" ) else: t.x, t.y = text_location return c
if __name__ == "__main__": # c = die(size=(3000, 5000), draw_dicing_lane=True) # c = die() c = die( size=(13000, 3000), # Size of die street_width=100, # Width of corner marks for die-sawing street_length=1000, # Length of corner marks for die-sawing die_name="chip99", # Label text text_size=500, # Label text size text_location="SW", # Label text compass location e.g. 'S', 'SE', 'SW' # layer=(2, 0), layers=[(1, 0), (2, 0)], # bbox_layer=(3, 0), # bbox_layer=None, ) # # c.plot()