Source code for gdsfactory.components.disk

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory import Component
from gdsfactory.typings import ComponentSpec, CrossSectionSpec, LayerSpec

def _compute_parameters(xs_bend, wrap_angle_deg, radius):
    r_bend = xs_bend.radius
    theta = wrap_angle_deg / 2.0
    size_x, dy = (
        r_bend * np.sin(theta * np.pi / 180),
        r_bend - r_bend * np.cos(theta * np.pi / 180),
    bus_length = max(4 * size_x, 2 * radius)
    return (r_bend, size_x, dy, bus_length)

def _generate_bends(c, r_bend, wrap_angle_deg, cross_section):
    if wrap_angle_deg != 0:
        input_arc = gf.path.arc(radius=r_bend, angle=-wrap_angle_deg / 2.0)
        bend_middle_arc = gf.path.arc(radius=r_bend, angle=-wrap_angle_deg)

        bend_input_output = input_arc.extrude(cross_section=cross_section)

        bend_input = c << bend_input_output
        bend_middle = c << bend_middle_arc.extrude(cross_section=cross_section)
        bend_middle.rotate(180 + wrap_angle_deg / 2.0,

        bend_input.connect("o2", bend_middle.ports["o2"])

        bend_output = c << bend_input_output
        bend_output.connect("o2", bend_middle.ports["o1"])

        return (c, bend_input, bend_middle, bend_output)
        return (c, None, None, None)

def _generate_straights(c, bus_length, size_x, bend_input, bend_output, cross_section):
    straight_left = c << gf.components.straight(
        length=(bus_length - 4 * size_x) / 2.0, cross_section=cross_section

    straight_right = c << gf.components.straight(
        length=(bus_length - 4 * size_x) / 2.0, cross_section=cross_section

    if None not in (bend_input, bend_output):
        straight_left.connect("o2", bend_input.ports["o1"])

        straight_right.connect("o1", bend_output.ports["o1"])
        straight_left.connect("o2", straight_right.ports["o1"])

    return (c, straight_left, straight_right)

def _generate_circles(
    c, radius: float, xs, bend_middle, straight_left, r_bend, dy: float
    """Returns Component, circle and circle_cladding.

        c: component.
        radius: in um.
        xs: cross_section:
        bend_middle: bend spec.
        straight_left: spec.
        r_bend: spec.
        dy: in um.

    circle = c <<, layer=xs.layer)

    circle_cladding = None
    if bend_middle is not None:
                (bend_middle.ports["o1"].x + bend_middle.ports["o2"].x) / 2.0,
                straight_left.ports["o2"].y - 2 * dy + r_bend,
            destination=(straight_left.ports["o2"].center + (0, r_bend)),

    if circle_cladding:

    return (c, circle, circle_cladding)

def _absorb(c, *refs):
    for ref in list(refs):
        if ref is not None:
    return c

[docs] @gf.cell def disk( radius: float = 10.0, gap: float = 0.2, wrap_angle_deg: float = 180.0, parity: int = 1, cross_section: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc", ) -> Component: """Disk Resonator. Args: radius: disk resonator radius. gap: Distance between the bus straight and resonator. wrap_angle_deg: Angle in degrees between 0 and 180. determines how much the bus straight wraps along the resonator. 0 corresponds to a straight bus straight. 180 corresponds to a bus straight wrapped around half of the resonator. parity (1 or -1): 1, resonator left from bus straight, -1 resonator to the right. cross_section: cross_section spec. """ if parity not in (1, -1): raise ValueError("parity must be 1 or -1") if wrap_angle_deg < 0.0 or wrap_angle_deg > 180.0: raise ValueError("wrap_angle_deg must be between 0.0 and 180.0") c = gf.Component() xs = gf.get_cross_section(cross_section=cross_section) radius_disk = radius radius = radius + xs.width / 2.0 + gap xs_bend = xs.copy(radius=radius) r_bend, size_x, dy, bus_length = _compute_parameters( xs_bend, wrap_angle_deg, radius ) c, bend_input, bend_middle, bend_output = _generate_bends( c, r_bend, wrap_angle_deg, xs_bend ) c, straight_left, straight_right = _generate_straights( c, bus_length, size_x, bend_input, bend_output, xs_bend ) c, circle, circle_cladding = _generate_circles( c, radius_disk, xs, bend_middle, straight_left, r_bend, dy ) c = _absorb( c, circle, circle_cladding, straight_left, straight_right, bend_input, bend_middle, bend_output, ) c.add_port("o1", port=straight_left.ports["o1"], layer="PORT") c.add_port("o2", port=straight_right.ports["o2"]) xs.add_bbox(c) if parity == -1: c = c.rotate(180) return c
[docs] @gf.cell def disk_heater( radius: float = 10.0, gap: float = 0.2, wrap_angle_deg: float = 180.0, parity: int = 1, cross_section: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc", heater_layer: LayerSpec = "HEATER", via_stack: ComponentSpec = "via_stack_heater_mtop", heater_width: float = 5.0, heater_extent: float = 2.0, via_width: float = 10.0, port_orientation: float | None = 90, ) -> Component: """Disk Resonator with top metal heater. Args: radius: disk resonator radius. gap: Distance between the bus straight and resonator. wrap_angle_deg: Angle in degrees between 0 and 180. determines how much the bus straight wraps along the resonator. 0 corresponds to a straight bus straight. 180 corresponds to a bus straight wrapped around half of the resonator. parity (1 or -1): 1, resonator left from bus straight, -1 resonator to the right. cross_section: cross_section spec. heater_layer: layer of the heater. heater_width: width of the heater. heater_extent: length of heater beyond disk. via_width: size of the square via at the end of the heater. port_orientation: in degrees. """ c = gf.Component() xs = gf.get_cross_section(cross_section=cross_section) disk_instance = c << disk( radius=radius, gap=gap, wrap_angle_deg=wrap_angle_deg, parity=parity, cross_section=cross_section, ) dx = disk_instance.xmax - disk_instance.xmin dy = disk_instance.ymax - disk_instance.ymin heater = c << gf.get_component( gf.components.rectangle, size=(dx + 2 * heater_extent, heater_width), layer=heater_layer, ) heater.x = disk_instance.x heater.y = dy / 2 + disk_instance.ymin + (xs.width + gap) / 2 via = gf.get_component(via_stack, size=(via_width, via_width)) c1 = c << via c2 = c << via c1.xmax = heater.xmin c1.y = heater.y c2.xmin = heater.xmax c2.y = heater.y c.add_ports(disk_instance.get_ports_list()) c.add_ports(c1.get_ports_list(orientation=port_orientation), prefix="e1") c.add_ports(c2.get_ports_list(orientation=port_orientation), prefix="e2") c.auto_rename_ports() return c
if __name__ == "__main__": # c = disk_heater(wrap_angle_deg=75) c = disk(wrap_angle_deg=000000000)