Source code for gdsfactory.components.nxn

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.component import Component
from gdsfactory.typings import LayerSpec

[docs] @gf.cell def nxn( west: int = 1, east: int = 4, north: int = 0, south: int = 0, xsize: float | None = None, ysize: float | None = None, wg_width: float = 0.5, layer: LayerSpec = "WG", wg_margin: float = 1.0, **kwargs, ) -> Component: """Returns a nxn component with nxn ports (west, east, north, south). Args: west: number of west ports. east: number of east ports. north: number of north ports. south: number of south ports. xsize: size in X. ysize: size in Y. wg_width: width of the straight ports. wg_margin: margin from straight to component edge. kwargs: port_settings. .. code:: 3 4 |___|_ 2 -| |- 5 | | 1 -|______|- 6 | | 8 7 """ wg_pitch = wg_margin + wg_width if ysize is None: ysize = wg_pitch * max([west, east, 1]) if xsize is None: xsize = wg_pitch * max([north, south, 1]) c = gf.Component() c << gf.components.rectangle(size=(xsize, ysize), layer=layer) if west > 0: x = 0 y = ( [ysize / 2] if west == 1 else np.linspace( wg_margin + wg_width / 2, ysize - wg_margin - wg_width / 2, west ) ) orientation = 180 y = gf.snap.snap_to_grid(y) for i, yi in enumerate(y): c.add_port( f"W{i}", center=(x, yi), width=wg_width, orientation=orientation, layer=layer, **kwargs, ) if east > 0: x = xsize y = ( [ysize / 2] if east == 1 else np.linspace( wg_margin + wg_width / 2, ysize - wg_margin - wg_width / 2, east ) ) orientation = 0 y = gf.snap.snap_to_grid(y) for i, yi in enumerate(y): c.add_port( f"E{i}", center=(x, yi), width=wg_width, orientation=orientation, layer=layer, **kwargs, ) if north > 0: y = ysize x = ( [xsize / 2] if north == 1 else np.linspace( wg_margin + wg_width / 2, xsize - wg_margin - wg_width / 2, north ) ) orientation = 90 x = gf.snap.snap_to_grid(x) for i, xi in enumerate(x): c.add_port( f"N{i}", center=(xi, y), width=wg_width, orientation=orientation, layer=layer, **kwargs, ) if south > 0: y = 0 x = ( [xsize / 2] if south == 1 else np.linspace( wg_margin + wg_width / 2, xsize - wg_margin - wg_width / 2, south ) ) orientation = 270 x = gf.snap.snap_to_grid(x) for i, xi in enumerate(x): c.add_port( f"S{i}", center=(xi, y), width=wg_width, orientation=orientation, layer=layer, **kwargs, ) c.auto_rename_ports() return c
if __name__ == "__main__": # c = nxn(north=1.3, south=3) c = nxn() c.pprint_ports() # c = gf.components.extension.extend_ports(component=c)