Generates a ring resonator based on a series of given cross sections.
This is useful to generate interleaved junction rings or rings with relatively
complex junction profiles
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.cell import cell
from gdsfactory.components.bend_circular import bend_circular
from gdsfactory.components.straight import straight
from gdsfactory.typings import CrossSectionSpec, Floats
def_dict = {"A": "xs_rc", "B": "xs_sc"}
def_ang_dict = {"A": 6.0, "B": 6.0}
def ring_section_based(
gap: float | Floats = 0.3,
radius: float = 5.0,
add_drop: bool = False,
cross_sections: dict[str, str] = def_dict,
cross_sections_sequence: str | list[str] | tuple[str, ...] = "AB",
cross_sections_angles: dict[str, float] | None = def_ang_dict,
start_cross_section: CrossSectionSpec | None = None,
start_angle: float | None = 10.0,
drop_cross_section: CrossSectionSpec | None = None,
bus_cross_section: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc",
ang_res: float | None = 0.1,
) -> gf.Component:
"""Returns a ring made of the specified cross sections.
We start with start_cross section if indicated, then repeat the sequence in
cross_section_sequence until the whole ring is filled.
gap: bus waveguide - ring gap.
radius: ring radius.
add_drop: if True, we draw an add-drop ring
cross_sections: dictionary of cross sections to add consecutively
to the ring until the ring is filled. Keys should be single character.
cross_sections_sequence: sequence to follow filling the ring.
Ex: "AB" means we will put first section A, then section B,
then section A again... until the ring is filled
If we have a drop, then this can be a list of two strings,
where the first sequence is for one side of the ring
and the second for the other side of the ring
cross_sections_angles: angular extent of each cross section in the
cross_sections dictionary (deg). If not indicated, then we assume that
the sequence is only repeated once and calculate the necessary angular
start_cross_section: it is likely that the cross section at the ring-bus junction
is different than the sequence we want to repeat. If that's the case, then
here you indicate the initial cross section.
start_angle: angular extent of the initial cross section (deg)
drop_cross_section: cross section for the drop port. If not indicated, we assume
it is the same as init_cross_section.
bus_cross_section: cross section for the bus waveguide.
ang_res: angular resolution to draw the bends for each section.
c = gf.Component()
# First of all we need to do a bunch of checks
angular_extent_sequence = 360
if not isinstance(gap, list | tuple):
gap = [gap] * 2
# See if we need to add initial cross sections
if start_cross_section is not None:
start_xs = gf.get_cross_section(start_cross_section)
angular_extent_sequence -= start_angle
if add_drop:
if start_cross_section is not None or drop_cross_section is not None:
angular_extent_sequence -= start_angle
if not isinstance(cross_sections_sequence, list | tuple):
cross_sections_sequence = [cross_sections_sequence] * 2
if cross_sections_angles is None:
if add_drop:
n_sections_0 = len(cross_sections_sequence[0])
sing_sec_ang_1 = angular_extent_sequence / (2 * n_sections_0)
n_sections_1 = len(cross_sections_sequence[1])
sing_sec_ang_2 = angular_extent_sequence / (2 * n_sections_1)
cross_sections_angles = {
elem: sing_sec_ang_1 for elem in cross_sections_sequence[0]
for elem in cross_sections_sequence[1]:
cross_sections_angles[elem] = sing_sec_ang_2
n_sections = len(cross_sections_sequence)
sing_sec_ang = angular_extent_sequence / n_sections
cross_sections_angles = {
elem: sing_sec_ang for elem in cross_sections_sequence
# Now make sure that the specified angular extents of the sections
# are compatible with the ring extent (360 degree)
if not add_drop:
sing_seq_angular_extent = np.sum(
[cross_sections_angles[sec] for sec in cross_sections_sequence]
if not (angular_extent_sequence / sing_seq_angular_extent).is_integer():
raise ValueError(
"The specified sequence angles do not result in an integer number "
"of sequences fitting in the ring."
n_repeats_seq = int(angular_extent_sequence / sing_seq_angular_extent)
sing_seq_angular_extent_0 = np.sum(
[cross_sections_angles[sec] for sec in cross_sections_sequence[0]]
sing_seq_angular_extent_1 = np.sum(
[cross_sections_angles[sec] for sec in cross_sections_sequence[1]]
if np.round(
angular_extent_sequence / (sing_seq_angular_extent_0 * 2), 5
n_repeats_seq_0 = int(
angular_extent_sequence / (sing_seq_angular_extent_0 * 2)
raise ValueError(
"The specified sequence 1 angles do not result in an integer "
"number of sequences fitting in the ring."
if np.round(
angular_extent_sequence / (sing_seq_angular_extent_1 * 2)
n_repeats_seq_1 = int(
angular_extent_sequence / (sing_seq_angular_extent_1 * 2)
raise ValueError(
"The specified sequence 2 angles do not result in an integer "
"number of sequences fitting in the ring."
# Now we are ready to construct the ring
# We need to create a circular bend for each section
sections_dict = {}
for key, xsec in cross_sections.items():
ang = cross_sections_angles[key]
b = bend_circular(
npoints=np.round(ang / ang_res) + 1 if ang_res is not None else None,
sections_dict[key] = (b, "o1", "o2")
if start_cross_section is not None:
b = bend_circular(
npoints=np.round(ang / ang_res) + 1 if ang_res is not None else None,
if "0" in sections_dict:
raise ValueError(
"Please do not have '0' as a key for the cross_sections dict"
sections_dict["0"] = (b, "o1", "o2")
if drop_cross_section is not None:
b = bend_circular(
npoints=np.round(ang / ang_res) + 1 if ang_res is not None else None,
if "1" in sections_dict:
raise ValueError(
"Please do not have '1' as a key for the cross_sections dict"
sections_dict["1"] = (b, "o1", "o2")
sequence = ""
if start_cross_section is not None:
sequence += "0"
if not add_drop:
sequence += cross_sections_sequence * n_repeats_seq
sequence += cross_sections_sequence[0] * n_repeats_seq_0
if drop_cross_section is None and start_cross_section is not None:
sequence += "0"
elif drop_cross_section is not None:
sequence += "1"
seq_2 = cross_sections_sequence[1] * n_repeats_seq_1
sequence += seq_2
ring = gf.components.component_sequence(
sequence=sequence, symbol_to_component=sections_dict
r = c << ring
# Rotate so that the first section is centered at the add bus
if start_cross_section is not None:
ring = ring.rotate(
-start_angle / 2
) # also change the component for later bound extraction
r.rotate(-start_angle / 2)
ring = ring.rotate(-cross_sections_angles[sequence[0]] / 2)
r.rotate(-cross_sections_angles[sequence[0]] / 2)
c.info["ring_radius"] = radius
# Add bus waveguides
# Figure out main waveguiding layer of the ring at the ring-bus interface
input_xs_layer = (
if start_cross_section
else gf.get_cross_section(
if add_drop
else cross_sections[cross_sections_sequence[0]]
ring_guide_add = ring.extract([input_xs_layer])
if drop_cross_section:
drop_xs_layer = gf.get_cross_section(drop_cross_section).layer
elif start_cross_section:
drop_xs_layer = input_xs_layer
drop_xs_layer = gf.get_cross_section(
ring_guide_add = ring.extract([input_xs_layer])
ring_guide_drop = ring.extract([drop_xs_layer])
# Add bus waveguides
s = straight(length=ring.xsize, cross_section=bus_cross_section)
# Figure out main waveguiding layer of the bus at the ring-bus interface
input_xs_width = gf.get_cross_section(bus_cross_section).width
s_add = c << s
s_add.x = r.x
s_add.ymax = ring_guide_add.ymin - gap[0] + s.ysize / 2 - input_xs_width / 2
if add_drop:
# s.mirror((0, 1))
s_drop = c << s
s_drop.x = r.x
s_drop.ymin = ring_guide_drop.ymax + gap[1] - s.ysize / 2 + input_xs_width / 2
c.add_port("o1", port=s_add.ports["o1"], orientation=180)
c.add_port("o2", port=s_add.ports["o2"], orientation=0)
if add_drop:
c.add_port("o3", port=s_drop.ports["o1"], orientation=180)
c.add_port("o4", port=s_drop.ports["o2"], orientation=0)
return c
if __name__ == "__main__":
from gdsfactory.cross_section import rib
c = ring_section_based(
cross_sections={"A": "xs_rc", "B": "xs_slot"},
cross_sections_sequence=["AB", "BA"],
cross_sections_angles={"A": 17, "B": 17},
start_cross_section=partial(rib, width=0.65),
drop_cross_section=partial(rib, width=0.55),
c = c.flatten_offgrid_references()