Source code for gdsfactory.components.straight_heater_metal

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial

import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.cell import cell
from gdsfactory.component import Component
from gdsfactory.components.straight import straight as straight_function
from gdsfactory.typings import ComponentSpec, CrossSectionSpec

[docs] @cell def straight_heater_metal_undercut( length: float = 320.0, length_undercut_spacing: float = 6.0, length_undercut: float = 30.0, length_straight: float = 0.1, length_straight_input: float = 15.0, cross_section: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc", cross_section_heater: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_heater_metal", cross_section_waveguide_heater: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc_heater_metal", cross_section_heater_undercut: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc_heater_metal_undercut", with_undercut: bool = True, via_stack: ComponentSpec | None = "via_stack_heater_mtop", port_orientation1: int | None = None, port_orientation2: int | None = None, heater_taper_length: float | None = 5.0, ohms_per_square: float | None = None, straight: ComponentSpec = straight_function, ) -> Component: """Returns a thermal phase shifter. dimensions from Args: length: of the waveguide. length_undercut_spacing: from undercut regions. length_undercut: length of each undercut section. length_straight: from where the trenches start to the via_stack. length_straight_input: from input port to where trenches start. cross_section: for waveguide ports. cross_section_heater: for heated sections. heater metal only. cross_section_waveguide_heater: for heated sections. cross_section_heater_undercut: for heated sections with undercut. with_undercut: isolation trenches for higher efficiency. via_stack: via stack. port_orientation1: left via stack port orientation. port_orientation2: right via stack port orientation. heater_taper_length: minimizes current concentrations from heater to via_stack. ohms_per_square: to calculate resistance. straight: straight component. """ period = length_undercut + length_undercut_spacing n = int((length - 2 * length_straight_input) // period) if n < 1: raise ValueError("length is too short") length_straight_input = (length - n * period) / 2 if length_straight > length_straight_input: raise ValueError("length_straight_ must be smaller than length_straight_input") length_straight_input -= length_straight s_ports = gf.get_component( straight, cross_section=cross_section, length=length_straight, ) s_si = gf.get_component( straight, cross_section=cross_section_waveguide_heater, length=length_straight_input, ) cross_section_undercut = ( cross_section_heater_undercut if with_undercut else cross_section_waveguide_heater ) s_uc = gf.get_component( straight, cross_section=cross_section_undercut, length=length_undercut, ) s_spacing = gf.get_component( straight, cross_section=cross_section_waveguide_heater, length=length_undercut_spacing, ) symbol_to_component = { "_": (s_ports, "o1", "o2"), "-": (s_si, "o1", "o2"), "U": (s_uc, "o1", "o2"), "H": (s_spacing, "o1", "o2"), } # Each character in the sequence represents a component sequence = "_-" + n * "UH" + "-_" c = Component() sequence = gf.components.component_sequence( sequence=sequence, symbol_to_component=symbol_to_component ) c.add_ref(sequence) c.add_ports(sequence.ports) x = gf.get_cross_section(cross_section_heater) heater_width = x.width if via_stack: via = via_stackw = via_stacke = gf.get_component(via_stack) dx = via_stackw.get_ports_xsize() / 2 + heater_taper_length or 0 dx -= length_straight via_stack_west = c << via_stackw via_stack_east = c << via_stacke via_stack_west.movex(-dx) via_stack_east.movex(+dx + length) valid_orientations = {p.orientation for p in via.ports.values()} p1 = via_stack_west.get_ports_list(orientation=port_orientation1) p2 = via_stack_east.get_ports_list(orientation=port_orientation2) if not p1: raise ValueError( f"No ports for port_orientation1 {port_orientation1} in {valid_orientations}" ) if not p2: raise ValueError( f"No ports for port_orientation2 {port_orientation2} in {valid_orientations}" ) c.add_ports(p1, prefix="l_") c.add_ports(p2, prefix="r_") if heater_taper_length: taper = gf.components.taper( width1=via_stackw.ports["e1"].width, width2=heater_width, length=heater_taper_length, cross_section=x, port_types=("electrical", "electrical"), ) taper1 = c << taper taper2 = c << taper taper1.connect("o1", via_stack_west.ports["e3"], allow_layer_mismatch=True) taper2.connect("o1", via_stack_east.ports["e1"], allow_layer_mismatch=True)["resistance"] = ( ohms_per_square * heater_width * length if ohms_per_square else 0 ) return c
[docs] @cell def straight_heater_metal_simple( length: float = 320.0, cross_section_heater: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_heater_metal", cross_section_waveguide_heater: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc_heater_metal", via_stack: ComponentSpec | None = "via_stack_heater_mtop", port_orientation1: int | None = None, port_orientation2: int | None = None, heater_taper_length: float | None = 5.0, ohms_per_square: float | None = None, straight: ComponentSpec = straight_function, ) -> Component: """Returns a thermal phase shifter that has properly fixed electrical connectivity to extract a suitable electrical netlist and models. dimensions from Args: length: of the waveguide. cross_section_heater: for heated sections. heater metal only. cross_section_waveguide_heater: for heated sections. via_stack: via stack. port_orientation1: left via stack port orientation. port_orientation2: right via stack port orientation. heater_taper_length: minimizes current concentrations from heater to via_stack. ohms_per_square: to calculate resistance. straight: straight component. """ c = Component() straight_heater_section = gf.get_component( straight, cross_section=cross_section_waveguide_heater, length=length, ) c.add_ref(straight_heater_section) c.add_ports(straight_heater_section.ports) x = gf.get_cross_section(cross_section_heater) heater_width = x.width if via_stack: via = via_stackw = via_stacke = gf.get_component(via_stack) via_stack_west_center = via_stack_east_center = straight_heater_section.size_info.ce dx = via_stackw.get_ports_xsize() / 2 + heater_taper_length or 0 via_stack_west = c << via_stackw via_stack_east = c << via_stacke via_stack_west.move(via_stack_west_center - (dx, 0)) via_stack_east.move(via_stack_east_center + (dx, 0)) valid_orientations = {p.orientation for p in via.ports.values()} p1 = via_stack_west.get_ports_list(orientation=port_orientation1) p2 = via_stack_east.get_ports_list(orientation=port_orientation2) if not p1: raise ValueError( f"No ports for port_orientation1 {port_orientation1} in {valid_orientations}" ) if not p2: raise ValueError( f"No ports for port_orientation2 {port_orientation2} in {valid_orientations}" ) # c.add_ports(p1, prefix="l_") # c.add_ports(p2, prefix="r_") if heater_taper_length: taper = gf.components.taper( width1=via_stackw.ports["e1"].width, width2=heater_width, length=heater_taper_length, cross_section=x, port_names=("e1", "e2"), port_types=("electrical", "electrical"), ) taper1 = c << taper taper2 = c << taper taper1.connect("e1", via_stack_west.ports["e3"], allow_layer_mismatch=True) taper2.connect("e1", via_stack_east.ports["e1"], allow_layer_mismatch=True)["resistance"] = ( ohms_per_square * heater_width * length if ohms_per_square else 0 ) return c
straight_heater_metal = partial( straight_heater_metal_undercut, with_undercut=False, length_straight_input=0.1, length_undercut=5, length_undercut_spacing=0, ) straight_heater_metal_90_90 = partial( straight_heater_metal, with_undercut=False, port_orientation1=90, port_orientation2=90, ) straight_heater_metal_undercut_90_90 = partial( straight_heater_metal_undercut, port_orientation1=90, port_orientation2=90, ) def test_ports() -> None: c = straight_heater_metal(length=30.0) assert c.ports["o2"].center[0] == 30.0, c.ports["o2"].center[0] if __name__ == "__main__": # test_ports() # c = straight_heater_metal_undercut() # print(c.ports['o2'].center[0]) # c.pprint_ports() # c = straight_heater_metal(heater_width=5, length=50.0) # c = straight_heater_metal_undercut(length=200, straight="straight") # n = c.get_netlist() c = straight_heater_metal(length=30) # print(c.get_netlist(allow_multiple=True)) # c = straight_heater_metal_simple(length=20) # scene = c.to_3d() #