"""pack a list of components into as few components as possible.
Adapted from PHIDL https://github.com/amccaugh/phidl/ by Adam McCaughan
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from collections import Counter
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
from pydantic import validate_call
import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.component import Component, valid_anchors
from gdsfactory.name import get_name_short
from gdsfactory.snap import snap_to_grid
from gdsfactory.typings import Anchor, ComponentSpec, Float2, Number
name_counters = Counter()
def _pack_single_bin(
rect_dict: dict[int, tuple[Number, Number]],
aspect_ratio: tuple[Number, Number],
max_size: tuple[float, float],
sort_by_area: bool,
density: float,
) -> tuple[dict[int, tuple[Number, Number, Number, Number]], dict[Any, Any]]:
"""Packs a dict of rectangles {id:(w,h)} and tries to.
Pack it into a bin as small as possible with aspect ratio `aspect_ratio`
Will iteratively grow the bin size until everything fits or the bin size
reaches `max_size`.
rect_dict: dict of rectangles {id: (w, h)} to pack.
aspect_ratio: x, y.
max_size: tuple of max X, Y size.
sort_by_area: sorts components by area.
density: of packing, closer to 1 packs tighter (more compute heavy).
packed rectangles dict {id:(x,y,w,h)}. dict of remaining unpacked rectangles.
import rectpack
# Compute total area and use it for an initial estimate of the bin size
total_area = sum(r[0] * r[1] for r in rect_dict.values())
aspect_ratio = np.asarray(aspect_ratio) / np.linalg.norm(aspect_ratio) # Normalize
# Setup variables
box_size = np.asarray(aspect_ratio * np.sqrt(total_area), dtype=np.float64)
box_size = np.clip(box_size, None, max_size)
rp_sort = rectpack.SORT_AREA if sort_by_area else rectpack.SORT_NONE
# Repeatedly run the rectangle-packing algorithm with increasingly larger
# areas until everything fits or we've reached the maximum size
while True:
# Create the pack object
rect_packer = rectpack.newPacker(
# Add each rectangle to the pack, create a single bin, and pack
for rid, r in rect_dict.items():
rect_packer.add_rect(width=r[0], height=r[1], rid=rid)
rect_packer.add_bin(width=box_size[0], height=box_size[1])
# Adjust the box size for next time
box_size *= density # Increase area to try to fit
box_size = np.clip(box_size, None, max_size)
# Quit the loop if we've packed all the rectangles or reached the max size
if len(rect_packer.rect_list()) == len(rect_dict):
if all(box_size >= max_size):
# Separate packed from unpacked rectangles, make dicts of form {id:(x,y,w,h)}
packed_rect_dict = {r[-1]: r[:-1] for r in rect_packer[0].rect_list()}
unpacked_rect_dict = {
k: v for k, v in rect_dict.items() if k not in packed_rect_dict
return packed_rect_dict, unpacked_rect_dict
def pack(
component_list: list[ComponentSpec],
spacing: float = 10.0,
aspect_ratio: Float2 = (1.0, 1.0),
max_size: tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None),
sort_by_area: bool = True,
density: float = 1.1,
precision: float = 1e-2,
text: ComponentSpec | None = None,
text_prefix: str = "",
text_mirror: bool = False,
text_rotation: int = 0,
text_offsets: tuple[Float2, ...] = ((0, 0),),
text_anchors: tuple[Anchor, ...] = ("cc",),
name_prefix: str | None = None,
rotation: int = 0,
h_mirror: bool = False,
v_mirror: bool = False,
add_ports_prefix: bool = True,
name_ports_with_component_name: bool = True,
) -> list[Component]:
"""Pack a list of components into as few Components as possible.
component_list: list or tuple.
spacing: Minimum distance between adjacent shapes.
aspect_ratio: (width, height) ratio of the rectangular bin.
max_size: Limits the size into which the shapes will be packed.
sort_by_area: Pre-sorts the shapes by area.
density: Values closer to 1 pack tighter but require more computation.
precision: Desired precision for rounding vertex coordinates.
text: Optional function to add text labels.
text_prefix: for labels. For example. 'A' will produce 'A1', 'A2', ...
text_mirror: if True mirrors text.
text_rotation: Optional text rotation.
text_offsets: relative to component size info anchor. Defaults to center.
text_anchors: relative to component (ce cw nc ne nw sc se sw center cc).
name_prefix: for each packed component (avoids the Unnamed cells warning). \
Note that the suffix contains a uuid so the name will not be deterministic.
rotation: optional component rotation in degrees.
h_mirror: horizontal mirror in y axis (x, 1) (1, 0). This is the most common.
v_mirror: vertical mirror using x axis (1, y) (0, y).
add_ports_prefix: adds prefix to port names. False adds suffix.
name_ports_with_component_name: if True uses component.name as unique id. False uses index.
.. plot::
import gdsfactory as gf
from functools import partial
components = [gf.components.triangle(x=i) for i in range(1, 10)]
c = gf.pack(
max_size=(100, 100),
text=partial(gf.components.text, justify="center"),
text_offsets=[(-10, 0)],
if density < 1.01:
raise ValueError(
"pack() `density` argument is too small. "
"The density argument must be >= 1.01"
# Sanitize max_size variable
max_size = [np.inf if v is None else v for v in max_size]
max_size = np.asarray(max_size, dtype=np.float64) # In case it's integers
max_size = max_size / precision
component_list = [gf.get_component(component) for component in component_list]
# Convert Components to rectangles
rect_dict = {}
for n, D in enumerate(component_list):
if not isinstance(D, Component):
raise ValueError(f"pack() failed because {D} is not a Component")
w, h = (D.size + spacing) / precision
w, h = int(w), int(h)
if (w > max_size[0]) or (h > max_size[1]):
raise ValueError(
f"pack() failed because Component {D.name!r} has x or y "
"dimension larger than `max_size` and cannot be packed.\n"
f"size = {w*precision, h*precision}, max_size = {max_size*precision}"
rect_dict[n] = (w, h)
packed_list = []
while rect_dict:
(packed_rect_dict, rect_dict) = _pack_single_bin(
components_packed_list = []
name_counter = Counter()
index = 0
for i, rect_dict in enumerate(packed_list):
name = get_name_short(f"{name_prefix or 'pack'}_{i}")
packed = Component(name)
for n, rect in rect_dict.items():
x, y, w, h = rect
xcenter = x + w / 2 + spacing / 2
ycenter = y + h / 2 + spacing / 2
component = component_list[n]
d = component.ref(rotation=rotation, h_mirror=h_mirror, v_mirror=v_mirror)
d.center = snap_to_grid((xcenter * precision, ycenter * precision))
component_id = component.name if name_ports_with_component_name else index
name_counter[component_id] += 1
if name_counter[component_id] > 1:
component_id = f"{component_id}${name_counter[component_id]}"
info = component.info
info["parent"] = component.name
if add_ports_prefix:
packed.add_ports(d.ports, prefix=f"{component_id}-", info=info)
packed.add_ports(d.ports, suffix=f"-{component_id}", info=info)
index += 1
if text:
for text_offset, text_anchor in zip(text_offsets, text_anchors):
if text_anchor not in valid_anchors:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid anchor {text_anchor} not in {valid_anchors}"
label = packed << text(f"{text_prefix}{index}")
if text_mirror:
if text_rotation:
np.array(text_offset) + getattr(d.size_info, text_anchor)
if len(components_packed_list) > 1:
groups = len(components_packed_list)
warnings.warn(f"unable to pack in one component, creating {groups} components")
return components_packed_list
def test_pack() -> None:
"""Test packing function."""
component_list = [
gf.components.ellipse(radii=tuple(np.random.rand(2) * n + 2)) for n in range(2)
component_list += [
gf.components.rectangle(size=tuple(np.random.rand(2) * n + 2)) for n in range(2)
components_packed_list = pack(
component_list, # Must be a list or tuple of Components
spacing=1.25, # Minimum distance between adjacent shapes
aspect_ratio=(2, 1), # (width, height) ratio of the rectangular bin
max_size=(None, None), # Limits the size into which the shapes will be packed
density=1.05, # Values closer to 1 pack tighter but require more computation
sort_by_area=True, # Pre-sorts the shapes by area
c = components_packed_list[0] # Only one bin was created, so we plot that
assert len(c.get_dependencies()) == 4
assert c
def test_pack_with_settings() -> None:
"""Test packing function with custom settings."""
component_list = [
gf.components.rectangle(size=(i, i), port_type=None) for i in range(1, 10)
component_list += [
gf.components.rectangle(size=(i, i), port_type=None) for i in range(1, 10)
components_packed_list = pack(
component_list, # Must be a list or tuple of Components
spacing=1.25, # Minimum distance between adjacent shapes
aspect_ratio=(2, 1), # (width, height) ratio of the rectangular bin
# max_size=(None, None), # Limits the size into which the shapes will be packed
max_size=(100, 100), # Limits the size into which the shapes will be packed
density=1.05, # Values closer to 1 pack tighter but require more computation
sort_by_area=True, # Pre-sorts the shapes by area
assert components_packed_list[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# # test_pack()
component_list = [
gf.components.ellipse(radii=tuple(np.random.rand(2) * n + 2)) for n in range(2)
component_list += [
gf.components.rectangle(size=tuple(np.random.rand(2) * n + 2), name=f"r{n}")
for n in range(2)
# component_list = [gf.c.straight, gf.c.straight]
# components_packed_list = pack(
# component_list, # Must be a list or tuple of Components
# spacing=1.25, # Minimum distance between adjacent shapes
# aspect_ratio=(2, 1), # (width, height) ratio of the rectangular bin
# max_size=(None, None), # Limits the size into which the shapes will be packed
# density=1.05, # Values closer to 1 pack tighter but require more computation
# sort_by_area=True, # Pre-sorts the shapes by area
# )
# c = components_packed_list[0] # Only one bin was created, so we plot that
from functools import partial
p = pack(
[gf.components.straight(length=i) for i in [1, 1]],
max_size=(100, 100),
text=partial(gf.components.text, justify="center"),
text_offsets=[(-10, 0)],
# c = p[0]
c = pack(p)[0]