Source code for gdsfactory.routing.add_fiber_array

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable
from functools import partial

import numpy as np

import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.component import Component
from gdsfactory.components.grating_coupler_elliptical_trenches import grating_coupler_te
from gdsfactory.components.straight import straight as straight_function
from gdsfactory.port import select_ports_optical
from gdsfactory.routing.get_input_labels import get_input_labels_dash
from gdsfactory.routing.route_fiber_array import route_fiber_array
from gdsfactory.routing.sort_ports import sort_ports_x
from gdsfactory.typings import (

[docs] @gf.cell_with_child def add_fiber_array( component: ComponentSpec = straight_function, grating_coupler: ComponentSpecOrList = grating_coupler_te, gc_port_name: str = "o1", gc_port_name_fiber: str = "o2", gc_port_labels: tuple[str, ...] | None = None, io_rotation: int | None = None, component_name: str | None = None, select_ports: Callable = select_ports_optical, cross_section: CrossSectionSpec = "xs_sc", get_input_labels_function: Callable | None = get_input_labels_dash, layer_label: LayerSpec | None = None, dev_id: str | None = None, text: ComponentSpec | None = None, id_placement: Literal[AnchorSubset] = "center", id_placement_offset: Floats = (0, 0), **kwargs, ) -> Component: """Returns component with south routes and grating_couplers. You can also use pads or other terminations instead of grating couplers. Args: component: component spec to connect to grating couplers. grating_coupler: spec for route terminations. gc_port_name: grating coupler input port name. gc_port_name_fiber: grating coupler output port name. gc_port_labels: grating coupler list of labels. io_rotation: fiber coupler rotation in degrees. Defaults to None. component_name: optional for the label. select_ports: function to select ports. cross_section: cross_section function. get_input_labels_function: function to get input labels. None skips labels. layer_label: optional layer for grating coupler label. dev_id: device if if we want to add a visible label for the device. text: optional componentSpec to generate the text for the dev_id id_placement: placement of the id. "c" = center (in between the center grating couplers) "r" = right of the right-most gc "l" = left of the left-most gc "s" = center and below the gc in y id_placement_offset: offset for the id placement. Keyword Args: bend: bend spec. straight: straight spec. taper: taper spec. get_input_label_text_loopback_function: function to get input label test. get_input_label_text_function: for labels. fanout_length: if None, automatic calculation of fanout length. max_y0_optical: in um. with_loopback: True, adds loopback structures. straight_separation: from edge to edge. list_port_labels: None, adds TM labels to port indices in this list. connected_port_list_ids: names of ports only for type 0 optical routing. nb_optical_ports_lines: number of grating coupler lines. force_manhattan: False excluded_ports: list of port names to exclude when adding gratings. grating_indices: list of grating coupler indices. routing_straight: function to route. routing_method: get_route. optical_routing_type: None: auto, 0: no extension, 1: standard, 2: check. input_port_indexes: to connect. fiber_spacing: in um. gc_rotation: fiber coupler rotation in degrees. Defaults to -90 for south IO. .. plot:: :include-source: import gdsfactory as gf c = gf.components.crossing() cc = gf.routing.add_fiber_array( component=c, optical_routing_type=2, grating_coupler=gf.components.grating_coupler_elliptical_te, with_loopback=False ) cc.plot() """ get_input_labels_function = None if gc_port_labels else get_input_labels_function component = gf.get_component(component) if isinstance(grating_coupler, list): gc = grating_coupler[0] else: gc = grating_coupler gc = gf.get_component(gc) if io_rotation is not None: gc = gf.functions.rotate(gc, angle=io_rotation) if gc_port_name not in gc.ports: gc_ports = list(gc.ports.keys()) raise ValueError(f"gc_port_name = {gc_port_name!r} not in {gc_ports}") orientation = gc.ports[gc_port_name].orientation grating_coupler = ( [gf.get_component(i) for i in grating_coupler] if isinstance(grating_coupler, list) else gf.get_component(grating_coupler) ) if io_rotation is not None: if isinstance(grating_coupler, list): grating_coupler = [ gf.functions.rotate(component=i, angle=io_rotation) for i in grating_coupler ] else: grating_coupler = gf.functions.rotate( component=grating_coupler, angle=io_rotation ) grating_coupler = gf.functions.move_port_to_zero( grating_coupler, port_name=gc_port_name ) if int(orientation) != 180: raise ValueError( "add_fiber_array requires a grating coupler port facing west " f"(orientation = 180). " f"Got orientation = {orientation} degrees for port {gc_port_name!r}" ) if gc_port_name not in gc.ports: raise ValueError(f"gc_port_name={gc_port_name!r} not in {gc.ports.keys()}") component_name = component_name or component_new = Component() component_new.component = component optical_ports = select_ports(component.ports) optical_ports_names = list(optical_ports.keys()) if not optical_ports: raise ValueError(f"No optical ports found in {!r}") ( elements, io_gratings_lines, ports_grating_input_waveguide, ports_loopback, ports_component, ) = route_fiber_array( component=component, grating_coupler=grating_coupler, gc_port_name=gc_port_name, gc_port_name_fiber=gc_port_name_fiber, component_name=component_name, cross_section=cross_section, select_ports=select_ports, get_input_labels_function=get_input_labels_function, layer_label=layer_label, **kwargs, ) if len(elements) == 0: return component for e in elements: component_new.add(e) for io_gratings in io_gratings_lines: component_new.add(io_gratings) component_new.add_ref(component) for port in component.ports.values(): if not in optical_ports_names: component_new.add_port(, port=port) ports = sort_ports_x(ports_grating_input_waveguide + ports_loopback) if gc_port_labels: for gc_port_label, port in zip(gc_port_labels, ports): if layer_label: component_new.add_label( text=gc_port_label, layer=layer_label, ) for port_component, port_grating in zip( ports_component, ports_grating_input_waveguide ): component_new.add_port(, port=port_grating, ) if ports_loopback: component_new.add_port("loopback1", port=ports_loopback[0]) component_new.add_port("loopback2", port=ports_loopback[1]) component_new.copy_child_info(component) # Add a visible label to the structure if indicated if text: if dev_id is None: # Check if there is info on the component if "dev_id" in dev_id =["dev_id"] if dev_id: if id_placement == "center": lab = component_new << text(text=dev_id, justify="center") xs = [r.x for r in io_gratings_lines[0]] ys = [r.y for r in io_gratings_lines[0]] = ( np.average(xs) + id_placement_offset[0], ys[0] + +id_placement_offset[1], ) elif id_placement == "r": lab = component_new << text(text=dev_id, justify="left") xmax = [r.xmax for r in io_gratings_lines[0]] # Include the loopback ports for xmax, xmin calculation if ports_loopback: xmax += [ r.xmax for r in io_gratings_lines[-1] + io_gratings_lines[-2] ] ys = [r.y for r in io_gratings_lines[0]] lab.xmin = np.max(xmax) + 20 + id_placement_offset[0] lab.y = ys[0] + id_placement_offset[1] elif id_placement == "l": lab = component_new << text(text=dev_id, justify="right") xmin = [r.xmin for r in io_gratings_lines[0]] # Include the loopback ports for xmax, xmin calculation if ports_loopback: xmin += [ r.xmin for r in io_gratings_lines[-1] + io_gratings_lines[-2] ] ys = [r.y for r in io_gratings_lines[0]] lab.xmax = np.min(xmin) - 20 + id_placement_offset[0] lab.y = ys[0] + id_placement_offset[1] elif id_placement == "s": lab = component_new << text(text=dev_id, justify="center") xs = [r.x for r in io_gratings_lines[0]] ymins = [r.ymin for r in io_gratings_lines[0]] = ( np.average(xs) + id_placement_offset[0], np.min(ymins) - 20 + id_placement_offset[1], ) return component_new
def demo_te_and_tm(): c = gf.Component() w = gf.components.straight() wte = add_fiber_array( component=w, grating_coupler=gf.components.grating_coupler_elliptical_te ) wtm = add_fiber_array( component=w, grating_coupler=gf.components.grating_coupler_elliptical_tm ) c.add_ref(wte) wtm_ref = c.add_ref(wtm) wtm_ref.movey(wte.size_info.height) return c if __name__ == "__main__": from gdsfactory.routing.get_input_labels import get_input_labels_dash # test_type0() gcte = gf.components.grating_coupler_te gctm = gf.components.grating_coupler_tm strip = partial( gf.cross_section.cross_section, width=1, layer=(2, 0), # bbox_layers=((61, 0), (62, 0)), # bbox_offsets=(3, 3) # cladding_layers=((61, 0), (62, 0)), # cladding_offsets=(3, 3) ) # from pprint import pprint # layer_label = (66, 0) # layer_label = (66, 5) # cc = demo_tapers() # cc = test_type1() # pprint(cc.get_json()) # c = gf.components.coupler(gap=0.2, length=5.6) # c = gf.components.straight() # c = gf.components.mmi2x2() # c = gf.components.ring_single() c = gf.components.straight(length=0.0015) # c = add_fiber_array(c) # c = gf.components.spiral(direction="NORTH") # c = gf.components.bend_euler(info=dict(doe="bends")) # cc = add_fiber_array( # c, layer_label=None, layer_label_loopback=None, with_loopback=True # ) # cc = add_fiber_array( # component=c, # # optical_routing_type=0, # # optical_routing_type=1, # # optical_routing_type=2, # # layer_label=layer_label, # # get_route_factory=route_fiber_single, # # get_route_factory=route_fiber_array, # grating_coupler=gctm, # # grating_coupler=[gcte, gctm, gcte, gctm], # # grating_coupler=gf.functions.rotate(gcte, angle=180), # auto_widen=True, # # layer=(2, 0), # # gc_port_labels=["loop_in", "in", "out", "loop_out"], # cross_section=strip, # info=dict(a=1), # ) # cc.pprint_ports() #