Source code for gdsfactory.routing.route_quad

"""Route for electrical based on phidl.routing.route_quad."""

from __future__ import annotations

import gdstk
import numpy as np

import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.geometry.manhattanize import manhattanize_polygon
from gdsfactory.port import Port

def _get_rotated_basis(theta):
    """Returns basis vectors rotated CCW by theta (in degrees)."""
    theta = np.radians(theta)
    e1 = np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)])
    e2 = np.array([-1 * np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)])
    return e1, e2

[docs] @gf.cell def route_quad( port1: Port, port2: Port, width1: float | None = None, width2: float | None = None, layer: gf.typings.LayerSpec = "M1", manhattan_target_step: float | None = None, ) -> gf.Component: """Routes a basic quadrilateral polygon directly between two ports. Args: port1: Port to start route. port2 : Port objects to end route. width1: Width of quadrilateral at ports. If None, uses port widths. width2: Width of quadrilateral at ports. If None, uses port widths. layer: Layer to put the route on. manhattan: if not none, min step to manhattanize the polygon .. plot:: :include-source: import gdsfactory as gf c = gf.Component() pad1 = c << gf.components.pad(size=(50, 50)) pad2 = c << gf.components.pad(size=(10, 10)) pad2.movex(100) pad2.movey(50) route_gnd = c << gf.routing.route_quad( pad1.ports["e2"], pad2.ports["e4"], width1=None, width2=None, ) c.plot() """ def get_port_edges(port, width): _, e1 = _get_rotated_basis(port.orientation) pt1 = + e1 * width / 2 pt2 = - e1 * width / 2 return pt1, pt2 if width1 is None: width1 = port1.width if width2 is None: width2 = port2.width vertices = np.array(get_port_edges(port1, width1) + get_port_edges(port2, width2)) center = np.mean(vertices, axis=0) displacements = vertices - center # sort vertices by angle from center of quadrilateral to make convex polygon angles = np.array([np.arctan2(disp[0], disp[1]) for disp in displacements]) vertices = [vert for _, vert in sorted(zip(angles, vertices), key=lambda x: x[0])] component = gf.Component() if manhattan_target_step: poly = gdstk.Polygon(vertices) component.add_polygon( points=manhattanize_polygon(poly, target_step=manhattan_target_step), layer=layer, ) else: component.add_polygon(points=vertices, layer=layer) component.add_port( name="e1",, orientation=port1.orientation + 180, width=width1, layer=layer, ) component.add_port( name="e2",, orientation=port2.orientation + 180, width=width2, layer=layer, ) return component
def test_manhattan_route_quad() -> None: c = gf.Component("route") pad1 = c << gf.components.pad(size=(50, 50)) pad2 = c << gf.components.pad(size=(10, 10)) pad2.movex(100) pad2.movey(50) route_gnd = c << route_quad( pad1.ports["e2"], pad2.ports["e4"], width1=None, width2=None, manhattan_target_step=0.1, ) assert np.shape(route_gnd.get_polygons()) == (1, 1210, 2) if __name__ == "__main__": # c = gf.Component() # mzi = c << gf.components.mzi_phase_shifter() # pads = c << gf.components.array(component=gf.components.pad, columns=3) # pads.ymin = mzi.ymax + 30 # pads.movex([0]) # mzi.movex([0]) # route_gnd = c << route_quad( # mzi.ports["e1"], # pads.ports["e4_1_1"], # width1=None, # width2=None, # ) # # c = gf.Component("route") # pad1 = c << gf.components.pad(size=(50, 50)) # pad2 = c << gf.components.pad(size=(10, 10)) # pad2.movex(100) # pad2.movey(50) # route_gnd = c << route_quad( # pad1.ports["e2"], # pad2.ports["e4"], # width1=None, # width2=None, # manhattan_min_step=0.1, # ) # test_manhattan_route_quad()