Source code for gdsfactory.typings

"""In programming, a factory is a function that returns an object.

Functions are easy to understand because they have clear inputs and outputs.
Most gdsfactory functions take some inputs and return a Component object.
Some of these inputs parameters are also functions.

- Component: Object with.
    - name.
    - references: to other components (x, y, rotation).
    - polygons in different layers.
    - ports dict.
- Route: dataclass with 3 attributes.
    - references: list of references (straights, bends and tapers).
    - ports: dict(input=PortIn, output=PortOut).
    - length: how long is this route?


- ComponentFactory: function that returns a Component.
- RouteFactory: function that returns a Route.


- ComponentSpec: Component, function, string or dict
    (component=mzi, settings=dict(delta_length=20)).
- LayerSpec: (3, 0), 3 (assumes 0 as datatype) or string.


from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import pathlib
from import Callable
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union

import gdstk
import numpy as np
from pydantic import BaseModel

from gdsfactory.component import Component, ComponentReference
from gdsfactory.component_layout import Label
from gdsfactory.cross_section import CrossSection, Section, Transition, WidthTypes
from gdsfactory.port import Port
from import LayerLevel, LayerMap, LayerStack



[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class Step: """Manhattan Step. Parameters: x: absolute. y: absolute. dx: x-displacement. dy: y-displacement. """ x: float | None = None y: float | None = None dx: float | None = None dy: float | None = None
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class StepAllAngle: x: float | None = None y: float | None = None dx: float | None = None dy: float | None = None ds: float | None = None exit_angle: float | None = None cross_section: CrossSectionSpec | None = None connector: ComponentSpec | None = None separation: float | None = None """All angle Ste. Parameters: x: absolute. y: absolute. dx: x-displacement. dy: y-displacement. exit_angle: in degrees. cross_section: spec. connector: define transition. separation: in um. """ model_config = {"extra": "forbid", "frozen": True}
Anchor = Literal[ "ce", "cw", "nc", "ne", "nw", "sc", "se", "sw", "center", "cc", ] AnchorSubset = Literal[ "center", "l", "r", "s", ] Axis = Literal["x", "y"] NSEW = Literal["N", "S", "E", "W"] Float2 = tuple[float, float] Float3 = tuple[float, float, float] Floats = tuple[float, ...] Strs = tuple[str, ...] Int2 = tuple[int, int] Int3 = tuple[int, int, int] Ints = tuple[int, ...] Layer = tuple[int, int] # Tuple of integer (layer, datatype) Layers = tuple[Layer, ...] LayerSpec = Layer | str # tuple of integers (layer, datatype) or a string (layer_name) LayerSpecs = list[LayerSpec] | tuple[LayerSpec, ...] | set[LayerSpec] ComponentFactory = Callable[..., Component] ComponentFactoryDict = dict[str, ComponentFactory] PathType = str | pathlib.Path PathTypes = tuple[PathType, ...] MaterialSpec = str | float | tuple[float, float] | Callable ComponentOrPath = PathType | Component ComponentOrReference = Component | ComponentReference NameToFunctionDict = dict[str, ComponentFactory] Number = float | int Coordinate = tuple[float, float] Coordinates = tuple[Coordinate, ...] | list[Coordinate] ComponentOrPath = Component | PathType CrossSectionFactory = Callable[..., CrossSection] TransitionFactory = Callable[..., Transition] CrossSectionOrFactory = CrossSection | Callable[..., CrossSection] PortSymmetries = dict[str, list[str]] PortsDict = dict[str, Port] PortsList = dict[str, Port] Metadata = dict[str, int | float | str] Sparameters = dict[str, np.ndarray] ComponentSpec = ( str | ComponentFactory | Component | dict[str, Any] ) # PCell function, function name, dict or Component ComponentSpecs = list[ComponentSpec] | tuple[ComponentSpec, ...] ComponentSpecOrList = ComponentSpec | ComponentSpecs CellSpec = ( str | ComponentFactory | dict[str, Any] ) # PCell function, function name or dict ComponentSpecDict = dict[str, ComponentSpec] CrossSectionSpec = ( CrossSectionFactory | CrossSection | dict[str, Any] | str | Transition ) CrossSectionSpecs = tuple[CrossSectionSpec, ...] MultiCrossSectionAngleSpec = list[tuple[CrossSectionSpec, tuple[int, ...]]] LabelListFactory = Callable[..., list[Label]] ConductorConductorName = tuple[str, str] ConductorViaConductorName = tuple[str, str, str] | tuple[str, str] ConnectivitySpec = ConductorConductorName | ConductorViaConductorName
[docs] class Route(BaseModel): references: list[ComponentReference] labels: list[gdstk.Label] | None = None ports: tuple[Port, Port] length: float model_config = {"extra": "forbid", "arbitrary_types_allowed": True}
[docs] class Routes(BaseModel): references: list[ComponentReference] lengths: list[float] ports: list[Port] | None = None bend_radius: list[float] | None = None model_config = {"extra": "forbid"}
RouteFactory = Callable[..., Route] class TypedArray(np.ndarray): """based on""" @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls): yield cls.validate_type @classmethod def validate_type(cls, val, _info): return np.array(val, dtype=cls.inner_type) class ArrayMeta(type): def __getitem__(self, t): return type("Array", (TypedArray,), {"inner_type": t}) class Array(np.ndarray, metaclass=ArrayMeta): pass __all__ = ( "Any", "Callable", "Component", "ComponentFactory", "ComponentFactoryDict", "ComponentOrPath", "ComponentOrReference", "ComponentSpec", "Coordinate", "Coordinates", "CrossSection", "CrossSectionFactory", "CrossSectionOrFactory", "CrossSectionSpec", "Float2", "Float3", "Floats", "Int2", "Int3", "Ints", "Label", "Layer", "LayerMap", "LayerLevel", "LayerSpec", "LayerSpecs", "LayerStack", "Layers", "MultiCrossSectionAngleSpec", "NameToFunctionDict", "Number", "Optional", "PathType", "PathTypes", "Route", "RouteFactory", "Routes", "Section", "Strs", "WidthTypes", "Union", "List", "Tuple", "Dict", )