Source code for gdsfactory.components.mzi_lattice

from __future__ import annotations

import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.cell import cell
from gdsfactory.component import Component
from gdsfactory.components.coupler import coupler as coupler_function
from gdsfactory.components.mmi2x2 import mmi2x2 as mmi_splitter_function
from gdsfactory.components.mzi import mzi2x2_2x2 as mmi_coupler_function
from gdsfactory.components.mzi import mzi_coupler
from gdsfactory.components.taper import taper as taper_function
from gdsfactory.typings import ComponentSpec

[docs] @cell def mzi_lattice( coupler_lengths: tuple[float, ...] = (10.0, 20.0), coupler_gaps: tuple[float, ...] = (0.2, 0.3), delta_lengths: tuple[float, ...] = (10.0,), mzi: ComponentSpec = mzi_coupler, splitter: ComponentSpec = coupler_function, **kwargs, ) -> Component: r"""Mzi lattice filter. Args: coupler_lengths: list of length for each coupler. coupler_gaps: list of coupler gaps. delta_lengths: list of length differences. mzi: function for the mzi. splitter: splitter function. keyword Args: length_y: vertical length for both and top arms. length_x: horizontal length. bend: 90 degrees bend library. straight: straight function. straight_y: straight for length_y and delta_length. straight_x_top: top straight for length_x. straight_x_bot: bottom straight for length_x. cross_section: for routing (sxtop/sxbot to combiner). .. code:: ______ ______ | | | | | | | | cp1==| |===cp2=====| |=== .... ===cp_last=== | | | | | | | | DL1 | DL2 | | | | | |______| | | |______| """ if len(coupler_lengths) != len(coupler_gaps): raise ValueError( f"Got {len(coupler_lengths)} coupler_lengths and " f"{len(coupler_gaps)} coupler_gaps" ) if len(coupler_lengths) != len(delta_lengths) + 1: raise ValueError( f"Got {len(coupler_lengths)} coupler_lengths and " f"{len(delta_lengths)} delta_lengths. " "You need one more coupler_length than delta_lengths " ) c = Component() splitter_settings = dict(gap=coupler_gaps[0], length=coupler_lengths[0]) combiner_settings = dict(gap=coupler_gaps[1], length=coupler_lengths[1]) cp1 = splitter1 = gf.get_component(splitter, **splitter_settings) combiner1 = gf.get_component(splitter, **combiner_settings) sprevious = c << gf.get_component( mzi, splitter=splitter1, combiner=combiner1, with_splitter=True, delta_length=delta_lengths[0], **kwargs, ) c.add_ports(sprevious.get_ports_list(port_type="electrical")) stages = [] for length, gap, delta_length in zip( coupler_lengths[2:], coupler_gaps[2:], delta_lengths[1:] ): splitter_settings = dict(gap=coupler_gaps[1], length=coupler_lengths[1]) combiner_settings = dict(length=length, gap=gap) splitter1 = gf.get_component(splitter, **splitter_settings) combiner1 = gf.get_component(splitter, **combiner_settings) stage = c << gf.get_component( mzi, splitter=splitter1, combiner=combiner1, with_splitter=False, delta_length=delta_length, **kwargs, ) splitter_settings = combiner_settings stages.append(stage) c.add_ports(stage.get_ports_list(port_type="electrical")) for stage in stages: stage.connect("o1", sprevious.ports["o4"]) # stage.connect('o2', sprevious.ports['o1']) sprevious = stage for port in cp1.get_ports_list(orientation=180, port_type="optical"): c.add_port(, port=port) for port in sprevious.get_ports_list(orientation=0, port_type="optical"): c.add_port(f"o_{}", port=port) c.auto_rename_ports() return c
[docs] @cell def mzi_lattice_mmi( coupler_widths=(None, None), coupler_widths_tapers: tuple[float, ...] = ( 1.0, 1.0, ), coupler_lengths_tapers: tuple[float, ...] = ( 10.0, 10.0, ), coupler_lengths_mmis: tuple[float, ...] = ( 5.5, 5.5, ), coupler_widths_mmis: tuple[float, ...] = ( 2.5, 2.5, ), coupler_gaps_mmis: tuple[float, ...] = ( 0.25, 0.25, ), taper_functions_mmis=( taper_function, taper_function, ), cross_sections_mmis=("xs_sc", "xs_sc"), delta_lengths: tuple[float, ...] = (10.0,), mzi=mmi_coupler_function, splitter=mmi_splitter_function, **kwargs, ) -> Component: r"""Mzi lattice filter, with MMI couplers. Args: coupler_widths: (for each MMI coupler, list of) input and output straight width. coupler_widths_tapers: (for each MMI coupler, list of) interface between input straights and mmi region. coupler_lengths_tapers: (for each MMI coupler, list of) into the mmi region. coupler_lengths_mmis: (for each MMI coupler, list of) in x direction. coupler_widths_mmis: (for each MMI coupler, list of) in y direction. coupler_gaps_mmis: (for each MMI coupler, list of) (width_taper + gap between tapered wg)/2. taper_functions_mmis: (for each MMI coupler, list of) taper function. cross_sections_mmis: (for each MMI coupler, list of) spec. delta_lengths: list of length differences. mzi: function for the mzi. splitter: splitter function. keyword Args: length_y: vertical length for both and top arms. length_x: horizontal length. bend: 90 degrees bend library. straight: straight function. straight_y: straight for length_y and delta_length. straight_x_top: top straight for length_x. straight_x_bot: bottom straight for length_x. cross_section: for routing (sxtop/sxbot to combiner). .. code:: ______ ______ | | | | | | | | cp1==| |===cp2=====| |=== .... ===cp_last=== | | | | | | | | DL1 | DL2 | | | | | |______| | | |______| """ length = len(coupler_widths) if all( len(lst) != length for lst in [ coupler_widths_tapers, coupler_lengths_tapers, coupler_lengths_mmis, coupler_widths_mmis, coupler_gaps_mmis, taper_functions_mmis, cross_sections_mmis, ] ): raise ValueError("All MMI-related argument lists must be the same length.") if len(coupler_widths) != len(delta_lengths) + 1: raise ValueError( f"Got {len(coupler_widths)} coupler_widths and " f"{len(delta_lengths)} delta_lengths. " "You need one more coupler_width than delta_lengths " ) c = Component() splitter_settings = dict( width=coupler_widths[0], width_taper=coupler_widths_tapers[0], length_taper=coupler_lengths_tapers[0], length_mmi=coupler_lengths_mmis[0], width_mmi=coupler_widths_mmis[0], gap_mmi=coupler_gaps_mmis[0], taper=taper_functions_mmis[0], cross_section=cross_sections_mmis[0], ) combiner_settings = dict( width=coupler_widths[1], width_taper=coupler_widths_tapers[1], length_taper=coupler_lengths_tapers[1], length_mmi=coupler_lengths_mmis[1], width_mmi=coupler_widths_mmis[1], gap_mmi=coupler_gaps_mmis[1], taper=taper_functions_mmis[1], cross_section=cross_sections_mmis[1], ) cp1 = splitter1 = gf.get_component(splitter, **splitter_settings) combiner1 = gf.get_component(splitter, **combiner_settings) sprevious = c << gf.get_component( mzi, splitter=splitter1, combiner=combiner1, with_splitter=True, delta_length=delta_lengths[0], **kwargs, ) c.add_ports(sprevious.get_ports_list(port_type="electrical")) stages = [] for ( coupler_width, coupler_width_taper, coupler_length_taper, coupler_length_mmi, coupler_width_mmi, coupler_gap_mmi, taper, cross_section, delta_length, ) in zip( coupler_widths[2:], coupler_widths_tapers[2:], coupler_lengths_tapers[2:], coupler_lengths_mmis[2:], coupler_widths_mmis[2:], coupler_gaps_mmis[2:], taper_functions_mmis[2:], cross_sections_mmis[2:], delta_lengths[1:], ): splitter_settings = dict( width=coupler_widths[1], width_taper=coupler_widths_tapers[1], length_taper=coupler_lengths_tapers[1], length_mmi=coupler_lengths_mmis[1], width_mmi=coupler_widths_mmis[1], gap_mmi=coupler_gaps_mmis[1], taper=taper_functions_mmis[1], cross_section=cross_sections_mmis[1], ) combiner_settings = dict( width=coupler_width, width_taper=coupler_width_taper, length_taper=coupler_length_taper, length_mmi=coupler_length_mmi, width_mmi=coupler_width_mmi, gap_mmi=coupler_gap_mmi, taper=taper, cross_section=cross_section, ) splitter1 = gf.get_component(splitter, **splitter_settings) combiner1 = gf.get_component(splitter, **combiner_settings) stage = c << gf.get_component( mzi, splitter=splitter1, combiner=combiner1, with_splitter=False, delta_length=delta_length, **kwargs, ) splitter_settings = combiner_settings stages.append(stage) c.add_ports(stage.get_ports_list(port_type="electrical")) for stage in stages: stage.connect("o1", sprevious.ports["o4"]) # stage.connect('o2', sprevious.ports['o1']) sprevious = stage for port in cp1.get_ports_list(orientation=180, port_type="optical"): c.add_port(, port=port) for port in sprevious.get_ports_list(orientation=0, port_type="optical"): c.add_port(f"o_{}", port=port) c.auto_rename_ports() return c
if __name__ == "__main__": cpl = [10, 20, 30] cpg = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] dl0 = [100, 200] # cpl = [10, 20, 30, 40] # cpg = [0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5] # dl0 = [0, 50, 100] # c = mzi_lattice( # coupler_lengths=cpl, coupler_gaps=cpg, delta_lengths=dl0, length_x=1 # ) # c = mzi_lattice(delta_lengths=(20,)) # c = mzi_lattice_mmi( coupler_widths=(None,) * 5, coupler_widths_tapers=(1.0,) * 5, coupler_lengths_tapers=(10.0,) * 5, coupler_lengths_mmis=(5.5,) * 5, coupler_widths_mmis=(2.5,) * 5, coupler_gaps_mmis=(0.25,) * 5, taper_functions_mmis=(taper_function,) * 5, cross_sections_mmis=("xs_sc",) * 5, delta_lengths=(10.0,) * 4, )