Geometry Construction#
Classes and functions for construction and manipulation of geometric objects.
Component definition
Canvas where you add polygons, instances and ports. |
alias of |
Reads a GDS file and returns a Component. |
Returns Component from YAML string or file. |
Returns Component from a np.ndarray. |
You can extrude a Path with a CrossSection to create a Component. |
Returns a straight path. |
Returns an euler bend that adiabatically transitions from straight to curved. |
Returns a radial arc. |
Returns an Archimedean spiral. |
Returns a smooth Path from a series of waypoints. |
cross_section functions
Waveguide information to extrude a path. |
Waveguide information to extrude a path between two CrossSection. |
CrossSection to extrude a path with a waveguide. |
Return CrossSection. |
Return Strip cross_section. |
Return Metal Strip cross_section. |
Rib PIN doped cross_section. |
Rib PN doped cross_section. |
Rib PN doped cross_section. |
Returns strip cross_section with top metal and undercut trenches on both. |
Returns strip cross_section with top heater metal. |
Returns strip cross_section with N++ doped heaters on both sides. |
Returns rib cross_section with N++ doped heaters on both sides. |
Returns rib cross_section with N++ doped heaters on both sides. |
alias of |
Represent a PEP 604 union type |
Returns a smoothly-transitioning between two CrossSections. |
Performs boolean operations between 2 Component or Instance objects. |
Decorator to convert a function into a Component. |
alias of |
Represent a PEP 604 union type |
Built-in immutable sequence. |
Represent a PEP 604 union type |
All the operations on a read-only sequence. |
Represent a PEP 604 union type |
Represent a PEP 604 union type |
Manhattan Step. |
All the operations on a read-only sequence. |
Generic design layer. |
Physical "derived layer", resulting from a combination of GDS design layers. |
Level for 3D LayerStack. |
You will need to create a new LayerMap with your specific foundry layers. |
For simulation and 3D rendering. |
KLayout layer properties. |
A container for layer properties for KLayout layer property (.lyp) files. |
GDS design layer. |
Returns python LayerMap script from a klayout layer properties file lyp. |
Pack a list of components into as few Components as possible. |
Returns Component with a 1D or 2D grid of components. |
Returns Component with 1D or 2D grid of components with text labels. |
From Component returns a dict with instances, connections and placements. |