- gdsfactory.routing.route_quad(component: Component, port1: DPort, port2: DPort, width1: float | None = None, width2: float | None = None, layer: tuple[int, int] | str | int | LayerEnum = 'M1', manhattan_target_step: float | None = None) None [source]#
Routes a basic quadrilateral polygon directly between two ports.
- Parameters:
component – Component to add the route to.
port1 – Port to start route.
port2 – Port objects to end route.
width1 – Width of quadrilateral at ports. If None, uses port widths.
width2 – Width of quadrilateral at ports. If None, uses port widths.
layer – Layer to put the route on.
manhattan_target_step – if not none, min step to manhattanize the polygon
import gdsfactory as gf c = gf.Component() pad1 = c << gf.components.pad(size=(50, 50)) pad2 = c << gf.components.pad(size=(10, 10)) pad2.dmovex(100) pad2.dmovey(50) gf.routing.route_quad( c, pad1.ports["e2"], pad2.ports["e4"], width1=None, width2=None, ) c.plot()
Source code