

gdsfactory.routing.add_electrical_pads_top(component: ComponentSpec = functools.partial(<function straight>, cross_section='metal_routing', length=200.0), direction: str = 'top', spacing: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 100.0), pad_array: ComponentSpec = <function pad_array>, select_ports: = functools.partial(<function select_ports>, port_type='electrical'), port_names: tuple[str, ...] | None = None, layer: LayerSpec = 'MTOP', **kwargs) Component[source]#

Returns new component with electrical ports connected to top pad array.

  • component – to route.

  • direction – sets direction of the array (top or right).

  • spacing – component to pad spacing.

  • pad_array – function for pad_array.

  • select_ports – function to select electrical ports.

  • port_names – optional port names. Overrides select_ports.

  • layer – for the routes.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

Keyword Arguments:
  • ports – Dict[str, Port] a port dict {port name: port}.

  • prefix – select ports with port name prefix.

  • suffix – select ports with port name suffix.

  • orientation – select ports with orientation in degrees.

  • width – select ports with port width.

  • layers_excluded – List of layers to exclude.

  • port_type – select ports with port type (optical, electrical, vertical_te).

  • clockwise – if True, sort ports clockwise, False: counter-clockwise.

import gdsfactory as gf

c = gf.components.wire_straight(length=200.)
cc = gf.routing.add_electrical_pads_top(component=c, spacing=(-150, 30))

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
