Source code for gdsfactory.components.text_freetype

from __future__ import annotations

import pathlib
import warnings

import numpy as np

import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.component import Component
from gdsfactory.config import PATH
from gdsfactory.constants import _glyph, _indent, _width
from gdsfactory.typings import LayerSpec, LayerSpecs, PathType

[docs] @gf.cell def text_freetype( text: str = "abcd", size: int = 10, justify: str = "left", font: PathType = PATH.font_ocr, layer: LayerSpec = "WG", layers: LayerSpecs | None = None, ) -> Component: """Returns text Component. Args: text: string. size: in um. position: x, y position. justify: left, right, center. font: Font face to use. Default DEPLOF does not require additional libraries, otherwise freetype load fonts. You can choose font by name (e.g. "Times New Roman"), or by file OTF or TTF filepath. layer: for the text. layers: optional list of layers for the text. """ t = Component() layers = layers or [layer] yoffset = 0 xoffset = 0 if font == "DEPLOF": scaling = size / 1000 for line in text.split("\n"): char = Component() for c in line: ascii_val = ord(c) if c == " ": xoffset += 500 * scaling elif (33 <= ascii_val <= 126) or (ascii_val == 181): for poly in _glyph[ascii_val]: xpts = np.array(poly)[:, 0] * scaling ypts = np.array(poly)[:, 1] * scaling for layer in layers: char.add_polygon( [xpts + xoffset, ypts + yoffset], layer=layer ) xoffset += (_width[ascii_val] + _indent[ascii_val]) * scaling else: valid_chars = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~µ" warnings.warn( f'text(): Warning, some characters ignored, no geometry for character "{chr(ascii_val)}" with ascii value {ascii_val}. Valid characters: {valid_chars}' ) ref = t.add_ref(char) t.absorb(ref) yoffset -= 1500 * scaling xoffset = 0 else: from gdsfactory.font import _get_font_by_file, _get_font_by_name, _get_glyph font_path = pathlib.Path(font) # Load the font. If we've passed a valid file, try to load that, otherwise search system fonts if font_path.is_file() and font_path.suffix in (".otf", ".ttf"): font = _get_font_by_file(str(font)) else: font = _get_font_by_name(font) if font is None: raise ValueError( f"Failed to find font: {font!r}. " "Try specifying the exact (full) path to the .ttf or .otf file. " ) # Render each character for line in text.split("\n"): char = Component() xoffset = 0 for letter in line: letter_dev = Component() letter_template, advance_x = _get_glyph(font, letter) for poly in letter_template.polygons: for layer in layers: letter_dev.add_polygon(poly, layer=layer) ref = char.add_ref(letter_dev) ref.move(destination=(xoffset, 0)) ref.magnification = size xoffset += size * advance_x ref = t.add_ref(char) ref.move(destination=(0, yoffset)) yoffset -= size t.absorb(ref) justify = justify.lower() for ref in t.references: if justify == "center": ref.move(, destination=(0, 0), axis="x") elif justify == "right": ref.xmax = 0 t.flatten() return t
if __name__ == "__main__": # c2 = text_freetype("hello", layers=[(1, 0), (2, 0)]) # c2 = text_freetype("hello", font="Times New Roman") # print( c2 = text_freetype()