"""based on phidl.routing."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory import typings
from gdsfactory.component import Component
from gdsfactory.cross_section import CrossSection, Section
from gdsfactory.path import Path, transition
from gdsfactory.routing.route_quad import _get_rotated_basis
from gdsfactory.typings import CrossSectionSpec, LayerSpec
def path_straight(port1: typings.Port, port2: typings.Port) -> Path:
"""Return waypoint path between port1 and port2 in a straight line.
Useful when ports point directly at each other.
port1: start port.
port2: end port.
delta_orientation = np.round(
np.abs(np.mod(port1.orientation - port2.orientation, 360)), 3
e1, e2 = _get_rotated_basis(port1.orientation)
displacement = np.array(port2.center) - np.array(port1.center)
xrel = np.round(
np.dot(displacement, e1), 3
) # relative position of port 2, forward/backward
yrel = np.round(
np.dot(displacement, e2), 3
) # relative position of port 2, left/right
if (delta_orientation not in (0, 180, 360)) or (yrel != 0) or (xrel <= 0):
raise ValueError("path_straight(): ports must point directly at each other.")
return Path(np.array([port1.center, port2.center]))
def path_L(port1: typings.Port, port2: typings.Port) -> Path:
"""Return waypoint path between port1 and port2 in an L shape.
Useful when orthogonal ports can be directly connected with one turn.
port1: start port.
port2: end port.
delta_orientation = np.round(
np.abs(np.mod(port1.orientation - port2.orientation, 360)), 3
if delta_orientation not in (90, 270):
raise ValueError("path_L(): ports must be orthogonal.")
e1, e2 = _get_rotated_basis(port1.orientation)
# assemble waypoints
pt1 = np.array(port1.center)
pt3 = port2.center
delta_vec = pt3 - pt1
pt2 = pt1 + np.dot(delta_vec, e1) * e1
return Path(np.array([pt1, pt2, pt3]))
def path_U(port1: typings.Port, port2: typings.Port, length1: float = 200) -> Path:
"""Return waypoint path between port1 and port2 in a U shape.
Useful when ports face the same direction or toward each other.
port1: start port.
port2: end port.
length1: Length of segment exiting port1. Should be larger than bend radius.
delta_orientation = np.round(
np.abs(np.mod(port1.orientation - port2.orientation, 360)), 3
if delta_orientation not in (0, 180, 360):
raise ValueError("path_U(): ports must be parallel.")
theta = np.radians(port1.orientation)
e1 = np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)])
e2 = np.array([-1 * np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)])
# assemble waypoints
pt1 = port1.center
pt4 = port2.center
pt2 = pt1 + length1 * e1 # outward by length1 distance
delta_vec = pt4 - pt2
pt3 = pt2 + np.dot(delta_vec, e2) * e2
return Path(np.array([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4]))
def path_J(
port1: typings.Port, port2: typings.Port, length1: float = 200, length2: float = 200
) -> Path:
"""Return waypoint path between port1 and port2 in a J shape.
Useful when orthogonal ports cannot be connected directly with an L shape.
port1: start port.
port2: end port.
length1: Length of segment exiting port1. Should be larger than bend radius.
length2: Length of segment exiting port2. Should be larger than bend radius.
delta_orientation = np.round(
np.abs(np.mod(port1.orientation - port2.orientation, 360)), 3
if delta_orientation not in (90, 270):
raise ValueError("path_J(): ports must be orthogonal.")
e1, _ = _get_rotated_basis(port1.orientation)
e2, _ = _get_rotated_basis(port2.orientation)
# assemble waypoints
pt1 = port1.center
pt2 = pt1 + length1 * e1 # outward from port1 by length1
pt5 = port2.center
pt4 = pt5 + length2 * e2 # outward from port2 by length2
delta_vec = pt4 - pt2
pt3 = pt2 + np.dot(delta_vec, e2) * e2 # move orthogonally in e2 direction
return Path(np.array([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5]))
def path_C(
port1: typings.Port,
port2: typings.Port,
length1: float = 100,
left1: float = 100,
length2: float = 100,
) -> Path:
"""Return waypoint path between port1 and port2 in a C shape. Useful when ports are parallel and face away from each other.
port1: start port.
port2: end port.
length1: Length of route segment coming out of port1. Should be larger than bend radius.
left1: Length of route segment that turns left (or right if negative) from port1. Should be larger than twice the bend radius.
length2: Length of route segment coming out of port2. Should be larger than bend radius.
delta_orientation = np.round(
np.abs(np.mod(port1.orientation - port2.orientation, 360)), 3
if delta_orientation not in (0, 180, 360):
raise ValueError("path_C(): ports must be parallel.")
e1, e_left = _get_rotated_basis(port1.orientation)
e2, _ = _get_rotated_basis(port2.orientation)
# assemble route points
pt1 = port1.center
pt2 = pt1 + length1 * e1 # outward from port1 by length1
pt3 = pt2 + left1 * e_left # leftward by left1
pt6 = port2.center
pt5 = pt6 + length2 * e2 # outward from port2 by length2
delta_vec = pt5 - pt3
pt4 = pt3 + np.dot(delta_vec, e1) * e1 # move orthogonally in e1 direction
return Path(np.array([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6]))
def path_manhattan(port1: typings.Port, port2: typings.Port, radius: float) -> Path:
"""Return waypoint path between port1 and port2 using manhattan routing.
Routing uses straight, L, U, J, or C waypoint path as needed.
Ports must face orthogonal or parallel directions.
port1: start port.
port2: end port.
radius: Bend radius for 90 degree bend.
radius += 0.1
e1, e2 = _get_rotated_basis(port1.orientation)
displacement = np.array(port2.center) - np.array(port1.center)
xrel = np.round(
np.dot(displacement, e1), 3
) # port2 position, forward(+)/backward(-) from port 1
yrel = np.round(
np.dot(displacement, e2), 3
) # port2 position, left(+)/right(-) from port1
orel = np.round(
np.abs(np.mod(port2.orientation - port1.orientation, 360)), 3
) # relative orientation
if orel not in (0, 90, 180, 270, 360):
raise ValueError(
"path_manhattan(): ports must face parallel or orthogonal directions."
if orel in (90, 270):
# Orthogonal case
if (
(orel == 90 and yrel < -1 * radius) or (orel == 270 and yrel > radius)
) and xrel > radius:
pts = path_L(port1, port2)
# Adjust length1 and length2 to ensure intermediate segments fit bend radius
direction = -1 if (orel == 270) else 1
length2 = (
2 * radius - direction * yrel
if (np.abs(radius + direction * yrel) < 2 * radius)
else radius
length1 = (
2 * radius + xrel if (np.abs(radius - xrel) < 2 * radius) else radius
pts = path_J(port1, port2, length1=length1, length2=length2)
elif orel == 180 and yrel == 0 and xrel > 0:
pts = path_straight(port1, port2)
elif (orel == 180 and xrel <= 2 * radius) or (np.abs(yrel) < 2 * radius):
# Adjust length1 and left1 to ensure intermediate segments fit bend radius
left1 = np.abs(yrel) + 2 * radius if (np.abs(yrel) < 4 * radius) else 2 * radius
y_direction = -1 if (yrel < 0) else 1
left1 = y_direction * left1
length2 = radius
x_direction = -1 if (orel == 180) else 1
segmentx_length = np.abs(xrel + x_direction * length2 - radius)
length1 = (
xrel + x_direction * length2 + 2 * radius
if segmentx_length < 2 * radius
else radius
pts = path_C(port1, port2, length1=length1, length2=length2, left1=left1)
# Adjust length1 to ensure segment comes out of port2
length1 = radius + xrel if (orel == 0 and xrel > 0) else radius
pts = path_U(port1, port2, length1=length1)
return pts
def path_Z(
port1: typings.Port, port2: typings.Port, length1: float = 100, length2: float = 100
) -> Path:
"""Return waypoint path between port1 and port2 in a Z shape.
Ports can have any relative orientation.
port1: start port.
port2: end port.
length1: Length of route segment coming out of port1.
length2: Length of route segment coming out of port2.
# get basis vectors in port directions
e1, _ = _get_rotated_basis(port1.orientation)
e2, _ = _get_rotated_basis(port2.orientation)
# assemble route points
pt1 = port1.center
pt2 = pt1 + length1 * e1 # outward from port1 by length1
pt4 = port2.center
pt3 = pt4 + length2 * e2 # outward from port2 by length2
return Path(np.array([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4]))
def path_V(port1: typings.Port, port2: typings.Port) -> Path:
"""Return waypoint path between port1 and port2 in a V shape.
Useful when ports point to a single connecting point.
port1: Start port.
port2: End port.
# Get basis vectors in port directions
e1, _ = _get_rotated_basis(port1.orientation)
e2, _ = _get_rotated_basis(port2.orientation)
# Assemble route points
pt1 = port1.center
pt3 = port2.center
# Solve for intersection
e = np.column_stack((e1, -1 * e2))
pt2 = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(e), np.array(pt3) - np.array(pt1))[0] * e1 + pt1
return Path(np.array([pt1, pt2, pt3]))
def route_sharp(
component: Component,
port1: typings.Port,
port2: typings.Port,
width: float | None = None,
path_type: str = "manhattan",
manual_path: Path | None = None,
layer: LayerSpec | None = None,
cross_section: CrossSectionSpec | None = None,
port_names: tuple[str, str] = ("o1", "o2"),
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
"""Returns Component route between ports.
component: Component to add the route to.
port1: start port.
port2: end port.
width: None, int, float, array-like[2], or CrossSection. \
If None, the route linearly tapers between the widths the ports \
If set to a single number (e.g. `width=1.7`): makes a fixed-width route \
If set to a 2-element array (e.g. `width=[1.8,2.5]`): makes a route \
whose width varies linearly from width[0] to width[1] \
If set to a CrossSection: uses the CrossSection parameters for the route.
path_type : {'manhattan', 'L', 'U', 'J', 'C', 'V', 'Z', 'straight', 'manual'}.
manual_path: array-like[N][2] or Path Waypoint for manual route.
layer: Layer to put route on.
cross_section: CrossSection to use for the route.
port_names: Tuple of port names for the start and end of the route.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the waypoint path function.
Method of waypoint path creation. Should be one of:
- manhattan: automatic manhattan routing (see path_manhattan() ).
- L: L-shaped path for orthogonal ports that can be directly connected.
- U: U-shaped path for parallel or facing ports.
- J: J-shaped path for orthogonal ports that cannot be directly connected.
- C: C-shaped path for ports that face away from each other.
- Z: Z-shaped path with three segments for ports at any angles.
- V: V-shaped path with two segments for ports at any angles.
- straight: straight path for ports that face each other.
- manual: use an explicit waypoint path provided in manual_path.
.. plot::
import gdsfactory as gf
c = gf.Component()
c1 = c << gf.components.pad(port_orientation=None)
c2 = c << gf.components.pad(port_orientation=None)
gf.routing.route_sharp(c, c1.ports["e4"], c2.ports["e1"], path_type="L")
if path_type == "C":
p = path_C(port1, port2, **kwargs)
elif path_type == "J":
p = path_J(port1, port2, **kwargs)
elif path_type == "L":
p = path_L(port1, port2)
elif path_type == "U":
p = path_U(port1, port2, **kwargs)
elif path_type == "V":
p = path_V(port1, port2)
elif path_type == "Z":
p = path_Z(port1, port2, **kwargs)
elif path_type == "manhattan":
radius = max(port1.width, port2.width)
p = path_manhattan(port1, port2, radius=radius)
elif path_type == "manual":
p = manual_path if isinstance(manual_path, Path) else Path(manual_path)
elif path_type == "straight":
p = path_straight(port1, port2)
raise ValueError(
f"route_sharp() received invalid path_type {path_type} not in "
"{'manhattan', 'L', 'U', 'J', 'C', 'V', 'Z', 'straight', 'manual'}"
if cross_section:
cross_section = gf.get_cross_section(cross_section)
d = p.extrude(cross_section=cross_section)
elif width is None:
layer = layer or port1.layer
s1 = Section(
s2 = Section(
x1 = CrossSection(sections=(s1,))
x2 = CrossSection(sections=(s2,))
trans = transition(cross_section1=x1, cross_section2=x2, width_type="linear")
d = p.extrude_transition(transition=trans)
if layer is None:
raise ValueError("layer is required for width")
d = p.extrude(width=width, layer=layer)
if not isinstance(width, CrossSection):
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
component << d
if __name__ == "__main__":
c = gf.Component(name="pads")
c1 = c << gf.components.pad()
c2 = c << gf.components.pad()
# c2.dmovex(400)
# c2.dmovey(-200)
route_sharp(c, c1.ports["e4"], c2.ports["e1"], path_type="L", layer=(1, 0))