- gplugins.femwell.mode_solver.compute_cross_section_modes(cross_section: CrossSection | str | dict[str, Any] | Callable[[...], CrossSection] | SymmetricalCrossSection | DCrossSection, layer_stack: LayerStack, wavelength: float = 1.55, num_modes: int = 4, order: int = 1, radius: float = inf, wafer_padding: float = 2.0, **kwargs: Any) Modes [source]#
Calculate effective index of a cross-section.
Defines a “straight” component of the cross_section, and calls compute_component_slice_modes.
- Parameters:
cross_section – gdsfactory cross_section.
layer_stack – gdsfactory layer_stack.
wavelength – in um.
num_modes – to compute.
order – order of the mesh elements. 1: linear, 2: quadratic.
radius – defaults to inf.
wafer_padding – in um.
kwargs – kwargs for compute_component_slice_modes
- Keyword Arguments:
solver – can be slepc or scipy.
resolutions (Dict) – Pairs {“layername”: {“resolution”: float, “distance”: “float}} to roughly control mesh refinement within and away from entity, respectively.
mesh_scaling_factor (float) – factor multiply mesh geometry by.
default_resolution_min (float) – gmsh minimal edge length.
default_resolution_max (float) – gmsh maximal edge length.
background_tag (str) – name of the background layer to add (default: no background added).
background_padding (Tuple) – [xleft, ydown, xright, yup] distances to add to the components and to fill with background_tag.
global_meshsize_array – np array [x,y,z,lc] to parametrize the mesh.
global_meshsize_interpolant_func – interpolating function for global_meshsize_array.
extra_shapes_dict – Optional[OrderedDict] of {key: geo} with key a label and geo a shapely (Multi)Polygon or (Multi)LineString of extra shapes to override component.
merge_by_material – boolean, if True will merge polygons from layers with the same layer.material. Physical keys will be material in this case.