

gplugins.gmsh.get_u_bounds_polygons(polygons: MultiPolygon | list[Polygon], xsection_bounds: tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]], u_offset: float = 0.0)[source]#

Performs the bound extraction given a (Multi)Polygon or [Polygon] and cross-sectional line coordinates.

  • layer_polygons_dict – dict containing layernames: shapely polygons pairs

  • xsection_bounds – ( (x1,y1), (x2,y2) ), with x1,y1 beginning point of cross-sectional line and x2,y2 the end.

  • u_offset – amount to offset the returned polygons in the lateral dimension

Returns: list of bounding box coordinates (u1,u2)) in xsection line coordinates (distance from xsection_bounds[0]).