

class gplugins.meow.MEOW(component: Component, layer_stack, wavelength: float = 1.55, temperature: float = 25.0, num_modes: int = 4, cell_length: float = 0.5, spacing_x: float = 2.0, center_x: float | None = None, resolution_x: int = 100, spacing_y: float = 2.0, center_y: float | None = None, resolution_y: int = 100, material_to_color: dict[str, tuple[float, float, float]] = {'si': (0.9, 0, 0, 0.9), 'sin': (0.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.9), 'sio2': (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9)}, dirpath: str | Path | None = PosixPath('/home/runner/.gdsfactory/sp'), filepath: str | Path | None = None, overwrite: bool = False)[source]#
__init__(component: Component, layer_stack, wavelength: float = 1.55, temperature: float = 25.0, num_modes: int = 4, cell_length: float = 0.5, spacing_x: float = 2.0, center_x: float | None = None, resolution_x: int = 100, spacing_y: float = 2.0, center_y: float | None = None, resolution_y: int = 100, material_to_color: dict[str, tuple[float, float, float]] = {'si': (0.9, 0, 0, 0.9), 'sin': (0.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.9), 'sio2': (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9)}, dirpath: str | Path | None = PosixPath('/home/runner/.gdsfactory/sp'), filepath: str | Path | None = None, overwrite: bool = False) None[source]#

Computes multimode 2-port S-parameters for a gdsfactory component.

assumes port 1 is at the left boundary and port 2 at the right boundary.

Note coordinate systems:

gdsfactory uses x,y in the plane to represent components, with the layer_stack existing in z meow uses x,y to represent a cross-section, with propagation in the z-direction hence we have [x,y,z] <–> [y,z,x] for gdsfactory <–> meow

  • component – gdsfactory component.

  • layer_stack – gdsfactory layer_stack.

  • wavelength – wavelength in microns (for FDE, and for material properties).

  • temperature – temperature in C (for material properties). Unused now.

  • num_modes – number of modes to compute for the eigenmode expansion.

  • cell_length – in un.

  • spacing_x – at beginning and end of the simulation region.

  • center_x – in um.

  • resolution_x – pixels in horizontal region.

  • spacing_y – at the beginning and end of simulation region.

  • center_y – in um.

  • resolution_y – pixels in vertical direction.

  • material_to_color – dict of materials colors for struct plot

  • dirpath – directory to store Sparameters.

  • filepath – to store pandas Dataframe with Sparameters in npz format. Defaults to dirpath/component_.npz.

  • overwrite – overwrites stored Sparameter npz results.


S-parameters in form o1@0,o2@0 at wavelength.

cross_section view:
  |                                |
  |                                |
  | spacing_x            spacing_x |  spacing_y
  |<--------->           <-------->|
  |          ___________   _ _ _   |
  |         |           |          |
  |         |           |_ _ _ _ _ |_ center_y
  |         |           |          |
  |         |___________|          |
  |               |                |
  |                                |
  |               |                |  spacing_y
  |                                |

top side view:
  |                                |
  |                                |
  |cell_length                     |
  |<-------->                      |
  |_____________________ __________|
  |         |           |          |
  |         |           |          |
  | cell0   |  cell1    |  cell2   |
  |                                |
  |                                |
  |                                |
  |                                |


__init__(component, layer_stack[, ...])

Computes multimode 2-port S-parameters for a gdsfactory component.

add_global_layers(component, layer_stack[, ...])

Adds bbox polygons for global layers.




Returns Sparameters using EME.


Get meow cells from extruded component.



Converts a gdsfactory material into a MEOW material.


Convert LayerStack to meow extrusions.


plot_mode(xs_num, mode_num)


