API Design#
Maps layers to unique LayerStack z coordinates. |
Returns layers present at a given z-position. |
List all unique LayerStack z coordinates. |
Map unique LayerStack z coordinates to various layers. |
Orders layer_stack according to mesh_order. |
Given a layer_polygons_dict and two coordinates (x1,y1), (x2,y2). |
Performs the bound extraction given a (Multi)Polygon or [Polygon] and cross-sectional line coordinates. |
Given a component and layer stack, computes the bounding box(es). |
Mesh uz cross-section of component along line u = [[x1,y1] , [x2,y2]]. |
Mesh xy cross-section of component at height z. |
Mode solvers#
Mode solver tidy3d
Waveguide Model. |
Waveguide coupler Model. |
Return the effective index for a range of waveguide geometries. |
Return the group index for a range of waveguide geometries. |
Overlap integral squared for the bend mode mismatch loss. |
Calculate coupling length for a series of gap sizes. |
Mode solver Femwell
Calculate effective index of a cross-section. |
EME (Eigen Mode Expansion)
FDTD Simulation#
Sparameter utils
Plots Sparameters from a dict of np.ndarrays. |
Plots imbalance in dB for coupler. |
Plots loss dB for coupler. |
common FDTD functions
Returns the effective refractive indices for a 1D mode. |
Converts a pandas CSV sparameters from complex128 format to 2x float64 format. |
Converts a pandas CSV sparameters into a numpy array. |
Convert CSV files into numpy. |
Convert CSV files from directory dirpath into numpy. |
FDTD tidy3d
Writes the S-parameters for a component. |
Get sparameter matrix from a gdsfactory grating coupler. |
Returns Sparameters for a list of write_sparameters. |
FDTD lumerical
Returns and writes component Sparameters using Lumerical FDTD. |
Circuit solver#
Returns a SAX Sparameters Model from a CSV file. |
Returns SAX model from lumerical FDTD simulations. |
Plot Model Sparameters Magnitude. |
Lumerical interconnect
Add an element to the Interconnect session. |
Send netlist components to Interconnect and connect them according to netlist. |
Run a wavelength sweep on a component in Interconnect. |
Run electrostatic finite element method simulations using `Elmer`_. |
Run electrostatic finite element method simulations using `Palace`_. |
Full-wave RF#
Run full-wave finite element method simulations using Palace. |