"""Write DRC rule decks in KLayout.
More DRC examples:
- https://www.klayout.de/doc-qt5/about/drc_ref.html
- http://klayout.de/doc/manual/drc_basic.html
- https://github.com/usnistgov/SOEN-PDK/tree/master/tech/OLMAC
- https://github.com/google/globalfoundries-pdk-libs-gf180mcu_fd_pr/tree/main/rules/klayout
from __future__ import annotations
import pathlib
from dataclasses import asdict, is_dataclass
import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.install import get_klayout_path
from gdsfactory.typings import CrossSectionSpec, Layer, PathType
layer_name_to_min_width: dict[str, float]
valid_operations = {
"|": "|",
"&": "&",
"-": "-",
"^": "^",
"or": "|",
"and": "&",
"not": "-",
"xor": "^",
def get_drc_script_start(name, shortcut) -> str:
return f"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<description>{name} DRC</description>
<text># {name} DRC
# Read about Klayout DRC scripts in the User Manual under "Design Rule Check (DRC)"
# Based on https://gdsfactory.github.io/gdsfactory/notebooks/_2_klayout.html#Klayout-DRC
# and https://gdsfactory.github.io/gdsfactory/api.html#klayout-drc
report("{name} DRC")
time_start = Time.now
drc_script_end = r"""
time_end = Time.now
print "run time #{(time_end-time_start).round(3)} seconds \n"
def new_layers(**kwargs) -> str:
"""Returns a string with the new layers."""
return "\n".join([f"{name} = input{layer}" for name, layer in kwargs.items()])
def derived_layer_sized(layer_new: str, layer_old: str, size: int | float) -> str:
"""Returns a derived layer operation of a layer by value."""
return f"{layer_new} = {layer_old}.size({size})"
def derived_layer_boolean(
layer_new: str, layer1: str, operation: str, layer2: str
) -> str:
"""Returns a derived layer operation of a layer by value."""
if operation not in valid_operations:
raise ValueError(
f"operation {operation} not in {list(valid_operations.keys())}"
operation = valid_operations[operation]
return f"{layer_new} = {layer1} {operation} {layer2}"
def size(layer: str, value: int | float, layer_out: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Returns a string with the sizing operation of a layer by value."""
layer_out = layer_out or layer
return f"{layer_out} = {layer}.size({value})"
def layer_or(layer_out: str, layer1: str, layer2: str) -> str:
"""Returns a string with the OR operation."""
return f"{layer_out} = {layer1} | {layer2}"
def layer_not(layer_out: str, layer1: str, layer2: str) -> str:
"""Returns a string with the NOT operation."""
return f"{layer_out} = {layer1} - {layer2}"
def layer_and(layer_out: str, layer1: str, layer2: str) -> str:
"""Returns a string with the AND operation."""
return f"{layer_out} = {layer1} & {layer2}"
def check_not_inside(
layer: str, not_inside: str, size: int | float | None = None
) -> str:
"""Checks for that a layer is not inside another layer.
layer: layer name.
not_inside: layer name.
size: optional layer size in um if float, dbu if int (nm).
if size is None:
error = f"{layer} not inside {not_inside}"
return f"{layer}.not_inside({not_inside}).output({error!r}, {error!r})"
error = f"{layer} sized by {size} not inside {not_inside}"
script = f"{layer}_sized = {layer}.size({size})\n "
script += f"{layer}.not_inside({not_inside}).output({error!r}, {error!r})"
return script
def output_layer(layer: str, output: tuple[int, int]) -> str:
return f"{layer}.output({output[0]},{output[1]})"
def check_width(value: float | int, layer: str, angle_limit: float = 90.0) -> str:
"""Min feature size.
value: width in um if float, dbu if int (nm).
layer: layer name.
angle_limit: angle limit in degrees.
category = "width"
error = f"{layer} {category} {value}um"
return (
f"{layer}.{category}({value}, angle_limit({angle_limit}))"
f".output({error!r}, {error!r})"
def check_space(value: float | int, layer: str, angle_limit: float = 90.0) -> str:
"""Min Space between shapes of layer.
value: width in um if float, dbu if int (nm).
layer: layer name.
angle_limit: angle limit in degrees.
category = "space"
error = f"{layer} {category} {value}um"
return (
f"{layer}.{category}({value}, angle_limit({angle_limit}))"
f".output({error!r}, {error!r})"
def check_separation(value: float | int, layer1: str, layer2: str) -> str:
"""Min space between different layers.
value: width in um if float, dbu if int (nm).
layer1: layer name.
layer2: layer name.
error = f"min {layer1} {layer2} separation {value}um"
return f"{layer1}.separation({layer2}, {value}).output({error!r}, {error!r})"
def check_enclosing(
value: float | int, layer1: str, layer2: str, angle_limit: float = 90.0
) -> str:
"""Checks if layer1 encloses (is bigger than) layer2 by value.
value: width in um if float, dbu if int (nm).
layer1: layer name.
layer2: layer name.
angle_limit: angle limit in degrees.
error = f"{layer1} enclosing {layer2} by {value}um"
return (
f"{layer1}.enclosing({layer2}, angle_limit({angle_limit}), {value})"
f".output({error!r}, {error!r})"
def check_area(layer: str, min_area_um2: float | int = 2.0) -> str:
"""Return script for min area checking.
layer: layer name.
min_area_um2: min area in um2. int if dbu, float if um.
return f"""
min_{layer}_a = {min_area_um2}.um2
r_{layer}_a = {layer}.with_area(0, min_{layer}_a)
r_{layer}_a.output("{layer.upper()}_A: {layer} area < min_{layer}_a um2")
def check_density(
layer: str = "metal1",
layer_floorplan: str = "FLOORPLAN",
min_density: float = 0.2,
max_density: float = 0.8,
) -> str:
"""Return script to ensure density of layer is within min and max.
based on https://github.com/klayoutmatthias/si4all
return f"""
min_density = {min_density}
max_density = {max_density}
area = {layer}.area
border_area = {layer_floorplan}.area
if border_area >= 1.dbu * 1.dbu
r_min_dens = polygon_layer
r_max_dens = polygon_layer
dens = area / border_area
if dens < min_density
# copy border as min density marker
r_min_dens = {layer_floorplan}
if dens > max_density
# copy border as max density marker
r_max_dens = {layer_floorplan}
r_min_dens.output("{layer}_Xa: {layer} density below threshold of {min_density}")
r_max_dens.output("{layer}: {layer} density above threshold of {max_density}")
def connectivity_checks(
WG_cross_sections: list[CrossSectionSpec], pin_widths: list[float] | float
) -> str:
"""Return script for photonic port connectivity check. Assumes the photonic port pins are inside the Component.
WG_cross_sections: list of waveguide layers to run check for.
pin_widths: list of port pin widths or a single port pin width/
connectivity_check = ""
for i, layer_name in enumerate(WG_cross_sections):
layer = gf.pdk.get_cross_section(layer_name).width
layer_name = gf.pdk.get_cross_section(layer_name).layer
connectivity_check = connectivity_check.join(
f"""{layer_name}_PIN2 = {layer_name}_PIN.sized(0.0).merged\n
{layer_name}_PIN2 = {layer_name}_PIN2.rectangles.without_area({layer} * {pin_widths if isinstance(pin_widths, float) else pin_widths[i]}) - {layer_name}_PIN2.rectangles.with_area({layer} * 2 * {pin_widths if isinstance(pin_widths, float) else pin_widths[i]})\n
{layer_name}_PIN2.output(\"port alignment error\")\n
{layer_name}_PIN2 = {layer_name}_PIN.sized(0.0).merged\n
{layer_name}_PIN2.non_rectangles.output(\"port width check\")\n\n"""
return connectivity_check
def write_layer_definition(layers: dict[str, Layer]) -> list[str]:
"""Returns layers definition script for KLayout.
layers: layer definitions can be dict, dataclass or pydantic BaseModel.
layers = asdict(layers) if is_dataclass(layers) else layers
out = []
for layer in layers:
layer_name = str(layer)
layer_tuple = tuple(layer)
out += [f"{layer_name} = input({layer_tuple[0]}, {layer_tuple[1]})"]
return out
def get_drc_script(
rules: list[str],
layers: dict[str, Layer] | None = None,
mode: str = "tiled",
threads: int = 4,
tile_size: int = 500,
tile_borders: int | None = None,
) -> str:
"""Returns drc_check_deck for KLayout.
based on https://github.com/klayoutmatthias/si4all
rules: list of rules.
layers: layer definitions can be dict, dataclass or pydantic BaseModel.
mode: tiled, default or deep (hierarchical).
threads: number of threads.
tile_size: in um for tile mode.
tile_borders: sides for each. Defaults None to automatic.
- default
- flat polygon handling
- single threaded
- no overhead
- use for small layouts
- no side effects
- tiled
- need to optimize tile size (maybe 500x500um). Works of each tile individually.
- finite lookup range
- output is flat
- multithreading enable
- scales with number of CPUs
- scales with layout area
- predictable runtime and and memory footprint
- deep
- hierarchical mode
- preserves hierarchy in many cases
- does not predictably scale with number of CPUs
- experimental (either very fast of very slow)
- mainly used for LVS layer preparation
Klayout supports to switch modes and tile parameters during execution.
However this function does support switching modes yet.
script = ""
if mode == "tiled":
script += f"""
if tile_borders:
script += f"""
elif mode == "deep":
script += """
script += "\n"
if layers:
script += "\n".join(write_layer_definition(layers=layers))
script += "\n\n"
script += "\n".join(rules)
return script
modes = ["tiled", "default", "deep"]
def write_drc_deck_macro(
rules: list[str],
layers: dict[str, Layer] | None = None,
name: str = "generic",
filepath: PathType | None = None,
shortcut: str = "Ctrl+Shift+D",
mode: str = "tiled",
threads: int = 4,
tile_size: int = 500,
tile_borders: int | None = None,
) -> str:
"""Write KLayout DRC macro.
You can customize the shortcut to run the DRC macro from the Klayout GUI.
rules: list of rules.
layers: layer definitions can be dict or dataclass.
name: drc rule deck name.
filepath: Optional macro path (defaults to .klayout/drc/name.lydrc).
shortcut: to run macro from KLayout GUI.
mode: tiled, default or deep (hierarchical).
threads: number of threads.
tile_size: in um for tile mode.
tile_borders: sides for each. Defaults None to automatic.
.. code::
import gdsfactory as gf
from gplugins.klayout.drc.write_drc import (
from gdsfactory.generic_tech import LAYER
rules = [
check_width(layer="WG", value=0.2),
check_space(layer="WG", value=0.2),
check_separation(layer1="HEATER", layer2="M1", value=1.0),
check_enclosing(layer1="VIAC", layer2="M1", value=0.2),
check_area(layer="WG", min_area_um2=0.05),
layer="WG", layer_floorplan="FLOORPLAN", min_density=0.5, max_density=0.6
check_not_inside(layer="VIAC", not_inside="NPP"),
drc_check_deck = write_drc_deck_macro(rules=rules, layers=LAYER, mode="tiled")
if mode not in modes:
raise ValueError(f"{mode!r} not in {modes}")
script = get_drc_script_start(name=name, shortcut=shortcut)
script += get_drc_script(
script += drc_script_end
filepath = filepath or get_klayout_path() / "drc" / f"{name}.lydrc"
filepath = pathlib.Path(filepath)
dirpath = filepath.parent
dirpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
filepath = pathlib.Path(filepath)
filepath.write_text(script, encoding="UTF-8")
print(f"Wrote DRC deck to {str(filepath)!r} with shortcut {shortcut!r}")
return script
if __name__ == "__main__":
from gdsfactory.generic_tech import LAYER
rules = [
derived_layer_boolean("TRENCH", "SLAB90", "-", "WG"),
check_width(layer="WG", value=0.2),
check_space(layer="WG", value=0.2),
check_width(layer="M1", value=0.2),
check_space(layer="M1", value=0.2),
check_width(layer="M2", value=1.0),
check_space(layer="M2", value=1.0),
check_width(layer="M3", value=1.0),
check_space(layer="M3", value=1.0),
check_separation(layer1="HEATER", layer2="M1", value=1.0),
check_enclosing(layer1="VIAC", layer2="M1", value=0.2),
check_area(layer="WG", min_area_um2=0.05),
check_not_inside(layer="VIAC", not_inside="NPP"),
new_layers(TRENCHES=(2, 33)),
size(layer="WG", value=1000),
output_layer("TRENCH", (2, 33)),
layers = LAYER
drc_check_deck = write_drc_deck_macro(rules=rules, layers=layers, mode="tiled")
script = get_drc_script(rules=rules, layers=layers, mode="tiled")