"""This module contains the Tidy3DComponent class which is used to model 3D components in the Tidy3D simulation environment.
It extends the LayeredComponentBase class and adds additional properties and methods specific to the Tidy3D environment.
Tidy3DComponent: Represents a 3D component in the Tidy3D simulation environment.
polyslabs: Returns a dictionary of PolySlab instances for each layer in the component.
structures: Returns a list of Structure instances for each PolySlab in the component.
get_ports: Returns a list of Port instances for each optical port in the component.
get_simulation: Returns a Simulation instance for the component.
get_component_modeler: Returns a ComponentModeler instance for the component.
plot_slice: Plots a cross section of the component at a specified position.
import pathlib
import time
from collections.abc import Awaitable
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Literal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import tidy3d as td
from gdsfactory.component import Component
from gdsfactory.pdk import get_layer_stack
from gdsfactory.technology import LayerStack
from pydantic import NonNegativeFloat
from tidy3d.components.types import Symmetry
from tidy3d.plugins.smatrix import ComponentModeler, Port
from gplugins.common.base_models.component import LayeredComponentBase
from gplugins.tidy3d.get_results import _executor
from gplugins.tidy3d.types import (
from gplugins.tidy3d.util import get_mode_solvers, get_port_normal, sort_layers
PathType = pathlib.Path | str
material_name_to_medium = {
"si": td.Medium(name="Si", permittivity=3.47**2),
"sio2": td.Medium(name="SiO2", permittivity=1.47**2),
"sin": td.Medium(name="SiN", permittivity=2.0**2),
home = pathlib.Path.home()
dirpath_default = home / ".gdsfactory" / "sparameters"
class Tidy3DComponent(LayeredComponentBase):
"""Represents a 3D component in the Tidy3D simulation environment.
material_mapping (dict[str, Tidy3DMedium]): A mapping of material names to Tidy3DMedium instances.
extend_ports (NonNegativeFloat): The extension length for ports.
port_offset (float): The offset for ports.
pad_xy_inner (NonNegativeFloat): The inner padding in the xy-plane.
pad_xy_outer (NonNegativeFloat): The outer padding in the xy-plane.
pad_z_inner (float): The inner padding in the z-direction.
pad_z_outer (NonNegativeFloat): The outer padding in the z-direction.
dilation (float): Dilation of the polygon in the base by shifting each edge along its
normal outwards direction by a distance;
a negative value corresponds to erosion. Defaults to zero.
reference_plane (Literal["bottom", "middle", "top"]): the reference plane
used by tidy3d's PolySlab when applying sidewall_angle to a layer
material_mapping: dict[str, Tidy3DMedium] = material_name_to_medium
extend_ports: NonNegativeFloat = 0.5
port_offset: float = 0.2
pad_xy_inner: NonNegativeFloat = 2.0
pad_xy_outer: NonNegativeFloat = 2.0
pad_z_inner: float = 0.0
pad_z_outer: NonNegativeFloat = 0.0
dilation: float = 0.0
reference_plane: Literal["bottom", "middle", "top"] = "middle"
def polyslabs(self) -> dict[str, tuple[td.PolySlab, ...]]:
"""Returns a dictionary of PolySlab instances for each layer in the component.
dict[str, tuple[td.PolySlab, ...]]: A dictionary mapping layer names to tuples of PolySlab instances.
slabs = {}
layers = sort_layers(self.geometry_layers, sort_by="mesh_order", reverse=True)
for name, layer in layers.items():
bbox = self.get_layer_bbox(name)
slabs[name] = tuple(
slab_bounds=(bbox[0][2], bbox[1][2]),
for v in self.get_vertices(name)
return slabs
def structures(self) -> list[td.Structure]:
"""Returns a list of Structure instances for each PolySlab in the component.
list[td.Structure]: A list of Structure instances.
structures = []
for name, polys in self.polyslabs.items():
for idx, poly in enumerate(polys)
return structures
def get_ports(
mode_spec: td.ModeSpec,
size_mult: float | tuple[float, float] = (4.0, 2.0),
cz: float | None = None,
grid_eps: float | None = None,
) -> list[Port]:
"""Returns a list of Port instances for each optical port in the component.
mode_spec (td.ModeSpec): The mode specification for the ports.
size_mult (float | tuple[float, float], optional): The size multiplier for the ports. Defaults to (4.0, 2.0).
cz (float | None, optional): The z-coordinate for the ports. If None, the z-coordinate of the component is used. Defaults to None.
grid_eps (float | None, optional): Rounding tolerance for port coordinates. If None, the coordinates are not rounded. Defaults to None.
list[Port]: A list of Port instances.
ports = []
for port in self.ports:
if port.port_type != "optical":
center = self.get_port_center(port)
center = center if cz is None else (*center[:2], cz)
axis, direction = get_port_normal(port)
match size_mult:
case float():
size = np.full(3, size_mult * port.dwidth)
case tuple():
size = np.full(3, size_mult[0] * port.dwidth)
size[2] = size_mult[1] * port.dwidth
size[axis] = 0
if grid_eps is not None:
center = np.round(center, abs(int(np.log10(grid_eps))))
return ports
def get_simulation(
grid_spec: td.GridSpec,
center_z: float,
sim_size_z: int,
boundary_spec: td.BoundarySpec,
monitors: tuple[Any, ...] | None = None,
run_time: float = 10e-12,
shutoff: float = 1e-5,
symmetry: tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry] = (0, 0, 0),
) -> td.Simulation:
"""Returns a Simulation instance for the component.
grid_spec (td.GridSpec): The grid specification for the simulation.
center_z (float): The z-coordinate for the center of the simulation.
sim_size_z (int): The size of the simulation in the z-direction.
boundary_spec (td.BoundarySpec): The boundary specification for the simulation.
monitors (tuple[Any, ...] | None, optional): The monitors for the simulation. If None, no monitors are used. Defaults to None.
run_time (float, optional): The run time for the simulation. Defaults to 1e-12.
shutoff (float, optional): The shutoff value for the simulation. Defaults to 1e-5.
symmetry (tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry], optional): The symmetry for the simulation. Defaults to (0,0,0).
Keyword Args:
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the Simulation constructor.
td.Simulation: A Simulation instance.
sim_center = (*self.center[:2], center_z)
sim_size = (*self.size[:2], sim_size_z)
return td.Simulation(
monitors=[] if monitors is None else monitors,
def get_component_modeler(
wavelength: float = 1.55,
bandwidth: float = 0.2,
num_freqs: int = 6,
min_steps_per_wvl: int = 30,
center_z: float | str | None = None,
sim_size_z: float = 4.0,
port_size_mult: float | tuple[float, float] = (4.0, 3.0),
run_only: tuple[tuple[str, int], ...] | None = None,
element_mappings: Tidy3DElementMapping = (),
extra_monitors: tuple[Any, ...] | None = None,
mode_spec: td.ModeSpec = td.ModeSpec(num_modes=1, filter_pol="te"),
boundary_spec: td.BoundarySpec = td.BoundarySpec.all_sides(boundary=td.PML()),
run_time: float = 10e-12,
shutoff: float = 1e-5,
grid_eps: float = 1e-6,
folder_name: str = "default",
path_dir: str = ".",
verbose: bool = True,
symmetry: tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry] = (0, 0, 0),
) -> ComponentModeler:
"""Returns a ComponentModeler instance for the component.
wavelength: The wavelength for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 1.55.
bandwidth: The bandwidth for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 0.2.
num_freqs: The number of frequencies for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 21.
min_steps_per_wvl: The minimum number of steps per wavelength for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 30.
center_z: The z-coordinate for the center of the ComponentModeler. If None, the z-coordinate of the component is used. Defaults to None.
sim_size_z: simulation size um in the z-direction for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 4.
port_size_mult: The size multiplier for the ports in the ComponentModeler. Defaults to (4.0, 3.0).
run_only: The run only specification for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to None.
element_mappings: The element mappings for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to ().
extra_monitors: The extra monitors for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to None.
mode_spec: The mode specification for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to td.ModeSpec(num_modes=1, filter_pol="te").
boundary_spec: The boundary specification for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to td.BoundarySpec.all_sides(boundary=td.PML()).
run_time: The run time for the ComponentModeler.
shutoff: The shutoff value for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 1e-5.
grid_eps: Rounding tolerance for coordinates, e.g. port locations and layer centers (μm).
folder_name: The folder name for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to "default".
path_dir: The directory path for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to ".".
verbose: Whether to print verbose output for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to True.
symmetry (tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry], optional): The symmetry for the simulation. Defaults to (0,0,0).
kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the Simulation constructor.
ComponentModeler: A ComponentModeler instance.
match center_z:
case float():
cz = center_z
case str():
cz = self.get_layer_center(center_z)[2]
case None:
cz = np.mean(list({c[2] for c in self.port_centers}))
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid center_z: {center_z}")
cz = np.round(cz, abs(int(np.log10(grid_eps)))).item()
freqs = td.C_0 / np.linspace(
wavelength - bandwidth / 2, wavelength + bandwidth / 2, num_freqs
grid_spec = td.GridSpec.auto(
wavelength=wavelength, min_steps_per_wvl=min_steps_per_wvl
if sim_size_z == 0:
boundary_spec = boundary_spec.updated_copy(z=td.Boundary.periodic())
sim = self.get_simulation(
ports = self.get_ports(mode_spec, port_size_mult, grid_eps=grid_eps)
return ComponentModeler(
def plot_slice(
x: float | str | None = None,
y: float | str | None = None,
z: float | str | None = None,
offset: float = 0.0,
ax: plt.Axes | None = None,
legend: bool = False,
) -> plt.Axes:
"""Plots a cross section of the component at a specified position.
x (float | str | None, optional): The x-coordinate for the cross section. If None, the x-coordinate of the component is used. Defaults to None.
y (float | str | None, optional): The y-coordinate for the cross section. If None, the y-coordinate of the component is used. Defaults to None.
z (float | str | None, optional): The z-coordinate for the cross section. If None, the z-coordinate of the component is used. Defaults to None.
offset (float, optional): The offset for the cross section. Defaults to 0.0.
ax (plt.Axes | None, optional): The Axes instance to plot on. If None, a new Axes instance is created. Defaults to None.
legend (bool, optional): Whether to include a legend in the plot. Defaults to False.
plt.Axes: The Axes instance with the plot.
x, y, z = (
self.get_layer_center(c)[i] if isinstance(c, str) else c
for i, c in enumerate((x, y, z))
x, y, z = (c if c is None else c + offset for c in (x, y, z))
colors = dict(
np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.polyslabs))
layers = sort_layers(self.geometry_layers, sort_by="zmin", reverse=True)
meshorders = np.unique([v.mesh_order for v in layers.values()])
order_map = dict(zip(meshorders, range(0, -len(meshorders), -1)))
xmin, xmax = np.inf, -np.inf
ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf
for name, layer in layers.items():
if name not in self.polyslabs:
polys = self.polyslabs[name]
for idx, poly in enumerate(polys):
axis, position = poly.parse_xyz_kwargs(x=x, y=y, z=z)
xlim, ylim = poly._get_plot_limits(axis=axis, buffer=0)
xmin, xmax = min(xmin, xlim[0]), max(xmax, xlim[1])
ymin, ymax = min(ymin, ylim[0]), max(ymax, ylim[1])
for shape in poly.intersections_plane(x=x, y=y, z=z):
_shape = td.Geometry.evaluate_inf_shape(shape)
patch = td.components.viz.polygon_patch(
label=name if idx == 0 else None,
size = list(self.size)
cmin = list(self.bbox[0])
sim_roi = plt.Rectangle(
xlabel, ylabel = poly._get_plot_labels(axis=axis)
ax.set_title(f"cross section at {'xyz'[axis]}={position:.2f}")
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
if legend:
ax.legend(fancybox=True, framealpha=1.0)
return ax
def write_sparameters(
component: Component,
layer_stack: LayerStack | None = None,
material_mapping: dict[str, Tidy3DMedium] = material_name_to_medium,
extend_ports: NonNegativeFloat = 0.5,
port_offset: float = 0.2,
pad_xy_inner: NonNegativeFloat = 2.0,
pad_xy_outer: NonNegativeFloat = 2.0,
pad_z_inner: float = 0.0,
pad_z_outer: NonNegativeFloat = 0.0,
dilation: float = 0.0,
wavelength: float = 1.55,
bandwidth: float = 0.2,
num_freqs: int = 21,
min_steps_per_wvl: int = 30,
center_z: float | str | None = None,
sim_size_z: float = 4.0,
port_size_mult: float | tuple[float, float] = (4.0, 3.0),
run_only: tuple[tuple[str, int], ...] | None = None,
element_mappings: Tidy3DElementMapping = (),
extra_monitors: tuple[Any, ...] | None = None,
mode_spec: td.ModeSpec = td.ModeSpec(num_modes=1, filter_pol="te"),
boundary_spec: td.BoundarySpec = td.BoundarySpec.all_sides(boundary=td.PML()),
symmetry: tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry] = (0, 0, 0),
run_time: float = 1e-12,
shutoff: float = 1e-5,
folder_name: str = "default",
dirpath: PathType = dirpath_default,
verbose: bool = True,
plot_simulation_layer_name: str | None = None,
plot_simulation_port_index: int = 0,
plot_simulation_z: float | None = None,
plot_simulation_x: float | None = None,
plot_mode_index: int | None = 0,
plot_mode_port_name: str | None = None,
plot_epsilon: bool = False,
filepath: PathType | None = None,
overwrite: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Sparameters:
"""Writes the S-parameters for a component.
component: gdsfactory component to write the S-parameters for.
layer_stack: The layer stack for the component. If None, uses active pdk layer_stack.
material_mapping: A mapping of material names to Tidy3DMedium instances. Defaults to material_name_to_medium.
extend_ports: The extension length for ports.
port_offset: The offset for ports. Defaults to 0.2.
pad_xy_inner: The inner padding in the xy-plane. Defaults to 2.0.
pad_xy_outer: The outer padding in the xy-plane. Defaults to 2.0.
pad_z_inner: The inner padding in the z-direction. Defaults to 0.0.
pad_z_outer: The outer padding in the z-direction. Defaults to 0.0.
dilation: Dilation of the polygon in the base by shifting each edge along its normal outwards direction by a distance;
wavelength: The wavelength for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 1.55.
bandwidth: The bandwidth for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 0.2.
num_freqs: The number of frequencies for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 21.
min_steps_per_wvl: The minimum number of steps per wavelength for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 30.
center_z: The z-coordinate for the center of the ComponentModeler.
If None, the z-coordinate of the component is used. Defaults to None.
sim_size_z: simulation size um in the z-direction for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 4.
port_size_mult: The size multiplier for the ports in the ComponentModeler. Defaults to (4.0, 3.0).
run_only: The run only specification for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to None.
element_mappings: The element mappings for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to ().
extra_monitors: The extra monitors for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to None.
mode_spec: The mode specification for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to td.ModeSpec(num_modes=1, filter_pol="te").
boundary_spec: The boundary specification for the ComponentModeler.
Defaults to td.BoundarySpec.all_sides(boundary=td.PML()).
symmetry (tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry], optional): The symmetry for the simulation. Defaults to (0,0,0).
run_time: The run time for the ComponentModeler.
shutoff: The shutoff value for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 1e-5.
folder_name: The folder name for the ComponentModeler in flexcompute website. Defaults to "default".
dirpath: Optional directory path for writing the Sparameters. Defaults to "~/.gdsfactory/sparameters".
verbose: Whether to print verbose output for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to True.
plot_simulation_layer_name: Optional layer name to plot. Defaults to None.
plot_simulation_port_index: which port index to plot. Defaults to 0.
plot_simulation_z: which z coordinate to plot. Defaults to None.
plot_simulation_x: which x coordinate to plot. Defaults to None.
plot_mode_index: which mode index to plot. Defaults to 0.
plot_mode_port_name: which port name to plot. Defaults to None.
plot_epsilon: whether to plot epsilon. Defaults to False.
filepath: Optional file path for the S-parameters. If None, uses hash of simulation.
overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing S-parameters. Defaults to False.
kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the tidy3d Simulation constructor.
layer_stack = layer_stack or get_layer_stack()
c = Tidy3DComponent(
modeler = c.get_component_modeler(
path_dir = pathlib.Path(dirpath) / modeler._hash_self()
modeler = modeler.updated_copy(path_dir=str(path_dir))
sp = {}
if plot_simulation_layer_name or plot_simulation_z or plot_simulation_x:
if plot_simulation_layer_name is None and plot_simulation_z is None:
raise ValueError(
"You need to specify plot_simulation_z or plot_simulation_layer_name"
z = plot_simulation_z or c.get_layer_center(plot_simulation_layer_name)[2]
x = plot_simulation_x or c.ports[plot_simulation_port_index].dcenter[0]
modeler = c.get_component_modeler(
_, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
if plot_epsilon:
modeler.plot_sim_eps(z=z, ax=ax[0])
modeler.plot_sim_eps(x=x, ax=ax[1])
modeler.plot_sim(z=z, ax=ax[0])
modeler.plot_sim(x=x, ax=ax[1])
return sp
elif plot_mode_index is not None and plot_mode_port_name:
modes = get_mode_solvers(modeler, port_name=plot_mode_port_name)
mode_solver = modes[f"smatrix_{plot_mode_port_name}_{plot_mode_index}"]
mode_data = mode_solver.solve()
_, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, tight_layout=True, figsize=(10, 3))
abs(mode_data.Ex.isel(mode_index=plot_mode_index, f=0)).plot(
x="y", y="z", ax=ax[0], cmap="magma"
abs(mode_data.Ey.isel(mode_index=plot_mode_index, f=0)).plot(
x="y", y="z", ax=ax[1], cmap="magma"
abs(mode_data.Ez.isel(mode_index=plot_mode_index, f=0)).plot(
x="y", y="z", ax=ax[2], cmap="magma"
ax[0].set_title("|Ex(x, y)|")
ax[1].set_title("|Ey(x, y)|")
ax[2].set_title("|Ez(x, y)|")
plt.setp(ax, aspect="equal")
return sp
dirpath = pathlib.Path(dirpath)
dirpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
filepath = filepath or dirpath / f"{modeler._hash_self()}.npz"
filepath = pathlib.Path(filepath)
if filepath.suffix != ".npz":
filepath = filepath.with_suffix(".npz")
if filepath.exists() and not overwrite:
print(f"Simulation loaded from {filepath!r}")
return dict(np.load(filepath))
s = modeler.run()
for port_in in s.port_in.values:
for port_out in s.port_out.values:
for mode_index_in in s.mode_index_in.values:
for mode_index_out in s.mode_index_out.values:
sp[f"{port_in}@{mode_index_in},{port_out}@{mode_index_out}"] = (
frequency = s.f.values
sp["wavelengths"] = td.constants.C_0 / frequency
np.savez_compressed(filepath, **sp)
print(f"Simulation saved to {filepath!r}")
return sp
def write_sparameters_batch(
jobs: list[dict[str, Any]], **kwargs
) -> list[Awaitable[Sparameters]]:
"""Returns Sparameters for a list of write_sparameters.
Each job runs in separate thread and is non blocking.
You need to get the results using sp.result().
jobs: list of kwargs for write_sparameters_grating_coupler.
Keyword Args:
component: gdsfactory component to write the S-parameters for.
layer_stack: The layer stack for the component. If None, uses active pdk layer_stack.
material_mapping: A mapping of material names to Tidy3DMedium instances. Defaults to material_name_to_medium.
extend_ports: The extension length for ports.
port_offset: The offset for ports. Defaults to 0.2.
pad_xy_inner: The inner padding in the xy-plane. Defaults to 2.0.
pad_xy_outer: The outer padding in the xy-plane. Defaults to 2.0.
pad_z_inner: The inner padding in the z-direction. Defaults to 0.0.
pad_z_outer: The outer padding in the z-direction. Defaults to 0.0.
dilation: Dilation of the polygon in the base by shifting each edge along its normal outwards direction by a distance;
wavelength: The wavelength for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 1.55.
bandwidth: The bandwidth for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 0.2.
num_freqs: The number of frequencies for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 21.
min_steps_per_wvl: The minimum number of steps per wavelength for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 30.
center_z: The z-coordinate for the center of the ComponentModeler.
If None, the z-coordinate of the component is used. Defaults to None.
sim_size_z: simulation size um in the z-direction for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 4.
port_size_mult: The size multiplier for the ports in the ComponentModeler. Defaults to (4.0, 3.0).
run_only: The run only specification for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to None.
element_mappings: The element mappings for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to ().
extra_monitors: The extra monitors for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to None.
mode_spec: The mode specification for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to td.ModeSpec(num_modes=1, filter_pol="te").
boundary_spec: The boundary specification for the ComponentModeler.
Defaults to td.BoundarySpec.all_sides(boundary=td.PML()).
symmetry (tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry], optional): The symmetry for the simulation. Defaults to (0,0,0).
run_time: The run time for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 1e-12.
shutoff: The shutoff value for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to 1e-5.
folder_name: The folder name for the ComponentModeler in flexcompute website. Defaults to "default".
dirpath: Optional directory path for writing the Sparameters. Defaults to "~/.gdsfactory/sparameters".
verbose: Whether to print verbose output for the ComponentModeler. Defaults to True.
plot_simulation_layer_name: Optional layer name to plot. Defaults to None.
plot_simulation_port_index: which port index to plot. Defaults to 0.
plot_simulation_z: which z coordinate to plot. Defaults to None.
plot_simulation_x: which x coordinate to plot. Defaults to None.
plot_mode_index: which mode index to plot. Defaults to 0.
plot_mode_port_name: which port name to plot. Defaults to None.
filepath: Optional file path for the S-parameters. If None, uses hash of simulation.
overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing S-parameters. Defaults to False.
kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the tidy3d Simulation constructor.
return [_executor.submit(write_sparameters, **job, **kwargs) for job in jobs]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import gdsfactory as gf
# pdk = gf.get_active_pdk()
# layer_stack = pdk.get_layer_stack()
# layer_stack.layers.pop("substrate", None)
# width = 0.45
# cross_section = pdk.get_cross_section("strip", width=width)
# coupler_sc = partial(
# gf.components.coupler,
# dx=4,
# dy=2,
# cross_section=cross_section,
# ) # Coupler Strip C-Band
# sims = write_sparameters_batch(
# [
# dict(
# component=coupler_sc(length=i),
# # sim_size_z=0,
# # filepath=PATH.sparameters_repo / f"dc_{i}.npz",
# layer_stack=layer_stack,
# sim_size_z=0,
# overwrite=True,
# )
# for i in range(2)
# ]
# )
# s_params_list = [sim.result() for sim in sims]
c = gf.components.straight(length=1, cross_section="rib")
sp = write_sparameters(
# sim_size_z=4,
# plot_simulation_x=10,
# plot_simulation_layer_name="core",
# plot_epsilon=True,
# plot_mode_port_name="o1",
# plot_mode_index=1,
# mode_spec=mode_spec,
# gp.plot.plot_sparameters(sp)