from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Literal
import kfactory as kf
import numpy as np
from kfactory.routing.generic import ManhattanRoute
import gdsfactory as gf
from gdsfactory.component import Component
from gdsfactory.port import Port, flipped
from gdsfactory.routing.route_single import route_single
def sort_key_west_to_east(port: Port) -> float:
return port.dx
def sort_key_east_to_west(port: Port) -> float:
return -port.dx
def sort_key_south_to_north(port: Port) -> float:
return port.dy
def sort_key_north_to_south(port: Port) -> float:
return -port.dy
def route_ports_to_side(
component: Component,
ports: list[kf.Port] | Component | list[gf.Port] | None = None,
side: Literal["north", "east", "south", "west"] = "north",
x: float | None = None,
y: float | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> tuple[list[ManhattanRoute], list[kf.Port]]:
"""Routes ports to a given side.
component: component to route.
ports: list/dict/Component/ComponentReference to route to a side.
side: 'north', 'south', 'east' or 'west'.
x: position to route ports for east/west. None, uses most east/west value.
y: position to route ports for south/north. None, uses most north/south value.
kwargs: additional arguments to pass to the routing function.
Keyword Args:
radius: in um.
separation: in um.
extend_bottom/extend_top for east/west routing.
extend_left, extend_right for south/north routing.
List of routes: with routing elements.
List of ports: of the new ports.
.. plot::
import gdsfactory as gf
c = gf.Component('sample_route_sides')
dummy = gf.components.nxn(north=2, south=2, west=2, east=2)
sides = ["north", "south", "east", "west"]
d = 100
positions = [(0, 0), (d, 0), (d, d), (0, d)]
for pos, side in zip(positions, sides):
dummy_ref = dummy.ref(position=pos)
routes, ports = gf.routing.route_ports_to_side(dummy_ref, side, layer=(1, 0))
for route in routes:
for i, p in enumerate(ports):
c.add_port(name=f"{side[0]}{i}", port=p)
if not ports:
return [], []
if side in {"north", "south"}:
func_route = route_ports_to_y
xy = y if y is not None else side
elif side in {"west", "east"}:
xy = x if x is not None else side
func_route = route_ports_to_x
raise ValueError(f"side = {side} not valid (north, south, west, east)")
ports = ports or component.ports
return func_route(component, ports, xy, side=side, **kwargs)
def route_ports_to_north(
list_ports: list[Port], **kwargs: Any
) -> tuple[list[ManhattanRoute], list[kf.Port]]:
return route_ports_to_side(list_ports, side="north", **kwargs)
def route_ports_to_south(
list_ports: list[Port], **kwargs: Any
) -> tuple[list[ManhattanRoute], list[kf.Port]]:
return route_ports_to_side(list_ports, side="south", **kwargs)
def route_ports_to_west(
list_ports: list[Port], **kwargs: Any
) -> tuple[list[ManhattanRoute], list[kf.Port]]:
return route_ports_to_side(list_ports, side="west", **kwargs)
def route_ports_to_east(
list_ports: list[Port], **kwargs: Any
) -> tuple[list[ManhattanRoute], list[kf.Port]]:
return route_ports_to_side(list_ports, side="east", **kwargs)
def route_ports_to_x(
component: Component,
list_ports: list[Port],
x: float | Literal["east", "west"] = "east",
separation: float = 10.0,
radius: float = 10.0,
extend_bottom: float = 0.0,
extend_top: float = 0.0,
extension_length: float = 0.0,
y0_bottom: float | None = None,
y0_top: float | None = None,
backward_port_side_split_index: int = 0,
start_straight_length: float = 0.01,
dx_start: float | None = None,
dy_start: float | None = None,
side: Literal["east", "west"] = "east",
**routing_func_args: Any,
) -> tuple[list[ManhattanRoute], list[kf.Port]]:
"""Returns route to x.
component: component to route.
list_ports: reasonably well behaved list of ports.
ports facing north ports are norther than any other ports
ports facing south ports are souther ...
ports facing west ports are the wester ...
ports facing east ports are the easter ...
x: float or string.
if float: x coordinate to which the ports will be routed
if string: "east" -> route to east
if string: "west" -> route to west
separation: in um.
radius: in um.
extend_bottom: in um.
extend_top: in um.
extension_length: in um.
y0_bottom: in um.
y0_top: in um.
backward_port_side_split_index: integer represents and index in the list of backwards ports (bottom to top)
all ports with an index strictly lower or equal are routed bottom
all ports with an index larger or equal are routed top.
start_straight_length: in um.
dx_start: override minimum starting x distance.
dy_start: override minimum starting y distance.
side: "east" or "west".
routing_func_args: additional arguments to pass to the routing function.
routes: list of routes
ports: list of the new optical ports
1. routes the bottom-half of the ports facing opposite side of x
2. routes the south ports
3. front ports
4. north ports
north_ports = [p for p in list_ports if p.orientation == 90]
south_ports = [p for p in list_ports if p.orientation == 270]
east_ports = [p for p in list_ports if p.orientation == 0]
west_ports = [p for p in list_ports if p.orientation == 180]
epsilon = 1.0
a = epsilon + max(radius, separation)
bx = epsilon + max(radius, dx_start) if dx_start else a
by = epsilon + max(radius, dy_start) if dy_start else a
xs = [p.dx for p in list_ports]
ys = [p.dy for p in list_ports]
if y0_bottom is None:
y0_bottom = min(ys) - by
y0_bottom -= extend_bottom
if y0_top is None:
y0_top = max(ys) + (max(radius, dy_start) if dy_start else a)
y0_top += extend_top
if x == "west" and extension_length > 0:
extension_length = -extension_length
if x == "east":
x = max(p.dx for p in list_ports) + bx
elif x == "west":
x = min(p.dx for p in list_ports) - bx
elif isinstance(x, float | int):
raise ValueError(f"x={x!r} should be a float or east or west")
if x < min(xs):
sort_key_north = sort_key_west_to_east
sort_key_south = sort_key_west_to_east
forward_ports = west_ports
backward_ports = east_ports
angle = 0
elif x > max(xs):
sort_key_south = sort_key_east_to_west
sort_key_north = sort_key_east_to_west
forward_ports = east_ports
backward_ports = west_ports
angle = 180
raise ValueError("x should be either to the east or to the west of all ports")
# forward_ports.sort()
backward_ports_thru_south = backward_ports[:backward_port_side_split_index]
backward_ports_thru_north = backward_ports[backward_port_side_split_index:]
routes = []
ports = []
def add_port(
port: Port,
y: float,
l_elements: list[ManhattanRoute],
l_ports: list[Port],
start_straight_length: float = start_straight_length,
) -> None:
if side == "west":
angle = 0
elif side == "east":
angle = 180
new_port = port.copy()
new_port.orientation = angle
new_port.dx = x + extension_length
new_port.dy = y
new_port2 = new_port.copy()
new_port2.trans *= gf.kdb.Trans.R180
l_elements += [
l_ports += [new_port2]
y_optical_bot = y0_bottom
for p in south_ports:
add_port(p, y_optical_bot, routes, ports)
y_optical_bot -= separation
for p in forward_ports:
add_port(p, p.dy, routes, ports)
y_optical_top = y0_top
for p in north_ports:
add_port(p, y_optical_top, routes, ports)
y_optical_top += separation
start_straight_length_section = start_straight_length
max_x = max(xs)
min_x = min(xs)
for p in backward_ports_thru_north:
# Extend ports if necessary
if angle == 0 and p.dx < max_x:
start_straight_length_section = max_x - p.dx
elif angle == 180 and p.dx > min_x:
start_straight_length_section = p.dx - min_x
start_straight_length_section = 0
start_straight_length=start_straight_length + start_straight_length_section,
y_optical_top += separation
start_straight_length += separation
start_straight_length_section = start_straight_length
for p in backward_ports_thru_south:
# Extend ports if necessary
if angle == 0 and p.dx < max_x:
start_straight_length_section = max_x - p.dx
elif angle == 180 and p.dx > min_x:
start_straight_length_section = p.dx - min_x
start_straight_length_section = 0
start_straight_length=start_straight_length + start_straight_length_section,
y_optical_bot -= separation
start_straight_length += separation
return routes, ports
def route_ports_to_y(
component: Component,
list_ports: list[Port],
y: float | Literal["north", "south"] = "north",
separation: float = 10.0,
radius: float = 10.0,
x0_left: float | None = None,
x0_right: float | None = None,
extension_length: float = 0.0,
extend_left: float = 0.0,
extend_right: float = 0.0,
backward_port_side_split_index: int = 0,
start_straight_length: float = 0.01,
dx_start: float | None = None,
dy_start: float | None = None,
side: Literal["north", "south"] = "north",
**routing_func_args: dict[Any, Any],
) -> tuple[list[ManhattanRoute], list[kf.Port]]:
"""Route ports to y.
component: component to route.
list_ports: reasonably well behaved list of ports.
ports facing north ports are norther than any other ports
ports facing south ports are souther ...
ports facing west ports are the wester ...
ports facing east ports are the easter ...
y: float or string.
if float: y coordinate to which the ports will be routed
if string: "north" -> route to north
if string: "south" -> route to south
separation: in um.
radius: in um.
x0_left: in um.
x0_right: in um.
extension_length: in um.
extend_left: in um.
extend_right: in um.
backward_port_side_split_index: integer
this integer represents and index in the list of backwards ports
(sorted from left to right)
all ports with an index strictly larger are routed right
all ports with an index lower or equal are routed left
start_straight_length: in um.
dx_start: override minimum starting x distance.
dy_start: override minimum starting y distance.
side: "north" or "south".
routing_func_args: additional arguments to pass to the routing function.
- a list of Routes
- a list of the new optical ports
First route the bottom-half of the back ports (back ports are the one facing opposite side of x)
Then route the south ports
then the front ports
then the north ports
if y == "south" and extension_length > 0:
extension_length = -extension_length
da = 45
north_ports = [
p for p in list_ports if p.orientation > 90 - da and p.orientation < 90 + da
south_ports = [
p for p in list_ports if p.orientation > 270 - da and p.orientation < 270 + da
east_ports = [
p for p in list_ports if p.orientation < da or p.orientation > 360 - da
west_ports = [
p for p in list_ports if p.orientation < 180 + da and p.orientation > 180 - da
epsilon = 1.0
a = radius + max(radius, separation)
bx = epsilon + max(radius, dx_start) if dx_start else a
by = epsilon + max(radius, dy_start) if dy_start else a
xs = [p.dx for p in list_ports]
ys = [p.dy for p in list_ports]
if x0_left is None:
x0_left = min(xs) - bx
x0_left -= extend_left
if x0_right is None:
x0_right = max(xs) + (max(radius, dx_start) if dx_start else a)
x0_right += extend_right
if y == "north":
y = (
p.dy + a * np.abs(np.cos(p.orientation * np.pi / 180))
for p in list_ports
+ by
elif y == "south":
y = (
p.dy - a * np.abs(np.cos(p.orientation * np.pi / 180))
for p in list_ports
- by
elif isinstance(y, float | int):
if y <= min(ys):
sort_key_east = sort_key_south_to_north
sort_key_west = sort_key_south_to_north
forward_ports = south_ports
backward_ports = north_ports
elif y >= max(ys):
sort_key_west = sort_key_north_to_south
sort_key_east = sort_key_north_to_south
forward_ports = north_ports
backward_ports = south_ports
raise ValueError("y should be either to the north or to the south of all ports")
backward_ports_thru_west = backward_ports[:backward_port_side_split_index]
backward_ports_thru_east = backward_ports[backward_port_side_split_index:]
routes: list[ManhattanRoute] = []
ports: list[Port] = []
def add_port(
port: Port,
x: float,
l_elements: list[ManhattanRoute],
l_ports: list[Port],
start_straight_length: float = start_straight_length,
) -> None:
if side == "south":
angle = 90
elif side == "north":
angle = 270
new_port = port.copy()
new_port.orientation = angle
new_port.dcenter = (x, y + extension_length)
if np.sum(np.abs((np.array( - ** 2)) < 1:
l_ports += [flipped(new_port)]
l_elements += [
l_ports += [flipped(new_port)]
except Exception as error:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not connect {!r} to {!r} {error}"
) from error
x_optical_left = x0_left
for p in west_ports:
add_port(p, x_optical_left, routes, ports)
x_optical_left -= separation
for p in forward_ports:
add_port(p, p.dx, routes, ports)
x_optical_right = x0_right
for p in east_ports:
add_port(p, x_optical_right, routes, ports)
x_optical_right += separation
start_straight_length_section = start_straight_length
for p in backward_ports_thru_east:
x_optical_right += separation
start_straight_length_section += separation
start_straight_length_section = start_straight_length
for p in backward_ports_thru_west:
x_optical_left -= separation
start_straight_length_section += separation
return routes, ports
if __name__ == "__main__":
c = Component("sample_route_sides")
cross_section = "strip"
dummy = gf.components.nxn(
north=2, south=2, west=2, east=2, cross_section=cross_section
dummy_ref = c << dummy
routes = route_ports_to_side(
# radius=5
# sides = ["north", "south", "east", "west"]
# d = 100
# positions = [(0, 0), (d, 0), (d, d), (0, d)]
# for pos, side in zip(positions, sides):
# dummy_ref = c << dummy
# dummy_ref.dcenter = pos
# routes = route_ports_to_side(c, dummy_ref.ports, side, layer=(1, 0))